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Many years had passed since Samara had been reborn. Six years, to be exact. A year ago—she was five— was when things started to pick up pace.

It all start when her father suggested she be sent to her Aunts house in France, her mother, of course, said no without hesitation. She didn't want to send her only daughter away. But, not even two weeks later the house elves were packing Karmas belongings, and sending them to Marseille, France.

Why her father wanted to send her away was a question Karma didn't have an answer to. But, she didn't care she was bored, and moving to Marseille sounded fun. Later, she would come to realize her father sent her to France because her mother was sick. Even though Samara was a grim, she hadn't realized her mother was slowly dying. Probably because she rarely saw her for the past year, always away on 'business' her father would tell her. But, she was actually away at St. Mungos being treated for a strange mental deterioration disease. Samara would love to say she cared, but she didn't. Georgia wasn't necessarily important to her. Maybe, if she was her real mother she'd care more about her, but she wasn't, in actuality Samara didn't even have a mother, she was created not born.

So, when Samara (Karma) found out her mother was dying, two week after she arrived in France she had a lack of reaction. Which worried her aunt Opal greatly, because the Lestrange family was known for being slightly psychotic and emotionally absent. Opal, prayed to Merlin that her darling niece hadn't inherited the Lestrange's mental problems.



A year had past, since Karma had been sent to live with her aunt Opal. And she was enjoying France greatly. First, it was always hot in Marseille and Karma loved the heat. Two, her aunt always had intelligent people over teaching Karma many different things, some of them would teach her exotic languages and espionage and others would teach her dark magic. It was a wide variety and Karma loved it. Of course, she knew almost everything she was being taught already due to be thousands of years old, but the educators and her aunt didn't know that so she decided to enjoy their company and intelligence.

A week ago, she was informed her mother had died. Opal came into her mirror room, disturbing her ballet practice and sat her down. Her aunt was distraught that was obvious, her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was dripping snot, that she was continually wiping away with a cloth. Karma already knew her mother had died. Death had been giving her updates on Georgia's condition for the past year. And when she passed, several hours ago, Karma received a small piece of parchment informing her of her mothers demise.

After- they were sitting down on a small cushioned bench -Opal took Karmas hands into her lap giving them a slightly squeeze.

"I'm afraid I have some dreadful news." Opal stated her French accent heavy due to all the crying she'd been doing.

"What is it aunty?" Karma questioned, she too, had a slight accent due to being around predominately French people.

"It's your mother darling..." Opal let out a soft sob, bring the cloth up to her nose obnoxiously blowing into it.

"She's okay right?" Karma was looking up at Opal with big innocent eyes making Opal want to sob even more. Grabbing Karmas shoulders the older woman pulled the girl into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, but your mother has passed away." Opal sobbed into the young girls shoulder. Karma rolled her eyes, the crying lady was getting snot and tears all over her brand new leotard. Of course, Karma knew she had to react in some way so she began to slightly cry, mumbling no over and over again. Karma wanted to laugh, she knew her crying sounded fake, but Opal was to distracted by her own misery she didn't even notice.

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