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It was in fact not a couple days, but a couple weeks later that Samara was being sent back. To say she was dreading it, would be an understatement.

Time, Death, Lady Magic, and Samara were all standing in Deaths office, preparing to go back in time.

"Okay, so the plan is, Time will take all of us back to 1933 where Georgia Lestrange is giving birth. And once we get there she should have already had a stillborn, so Lady Magic will erase all their memories, and replace them with new memories, where the baby never died and is healthy. Then, Samara will shapeshift into a baby and I will take the dead baby back to the in between with us. Right?" Death question everyone.

"Yes! We have been over this multiple times." Tay said, "Now, all of us lock hands and close your eyes. This will probably make your stomach hurt a little, but please do not vomit." Time pleaded.

The four of them locked hands and closed their eyes, there was a sudden gust of wind, then Tay dropped her hands. When, Samara felt Tay let go of her hand she assumed, she could open her eyes. When, she did she noticed they were in a dark hallway, looking around she concluded they were in some sort of wizard hospital. But, no one was around, the only noise coming from the raging storm outside, that was causing a branch to wack against the window.

"Well, how do we know what room she's in?" Death question as he looked around at all the doors in the hallway.

The group was suddenly, startled by a scream echoing down the hall, it was then followed by the sounds of loud wails.

"Sounds like a mother who just lost her child." Samara muttered, before heading towards the cries. Everyone else realizing what she hinted at, followed behind her. Reaching the door— that was slightly ajar— the four of them peaked in, seeing the women who was crying laying in a hospital bed that was stained with blood. Doctors and nurses alike were rushing around the room, either trying to clean up the blood, or trying to calm down the wailing women. Samara looking around noticing the unmoving baby laying in a bassinet, with a doctor looming over her, casting spells. Tapping, Time on the shoulder, Samara pointed in the direction of the baby. Tay slightly nodded, and waved her hand, freezing time.

The four of them made there way into the room, the metallic sent of blood, invading their senses. The room looked awful, which led them to believe that the birth must have been painful and difficult. Lady magic first approached, the now frozen, crying women. Placing her hands on the women's head May closed her eyes focusing on erasing the bad memories of the birth, and replacing them with happy and healthy memories. Lady Magic went around and did this to everyone in the room. While, she was doing that, Death and Samara went over to the bassinet. Samara looked at Death and slightly smiled.

"Well I guess this is it." She said.

"Yeah, do you want me to turn around or something while you undress?" Death asked. Samara had to undress before she shapeshift so she wasn't drowning in a pile of clothes after she shifted into a baby.

"No it's fine, I'll just go in the bathroom." Samara headed toward a door which she assumed was the bathroom, because what else would it be. She was wrong it wasn't the bathroom but a linen closet, but she still decided to change in there. After slipping of her boots and peeling of the dress she was wearing, Samara wrapped a towel around herself, after picking up her clothes, she left the closet and walked back over to Death. He was now surrounded by May and Time, so she assumed May was done fixing everyone's memories.

"Are you ready?" Time question Samara.

"I guess." Samara rolled her eyes before taking a peak at the baby, she had caramel skin and a tuff of black curly hair. Feeling uncomfortable looking at a dead baby, Samara quickly looked away after taking in the babies features.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you guys in a few years." Samara said with a small laugh.

"Remember Tom needs to die before 1979." Time said sternly.

"I know. It's not like you haven't told me 100 times." Samara grumbled.

Dropping her towel, shocking Time at the lack of modesty, Samara closed her eyes and focused on becoming a baby. The other three watched as Samaras face and body began transforming into something smaller. Not even a minute later, sat a small baby where Samara once stood.

Death reached over grabbing a small blanket and picked the baby Samara up. Holding her out, Dee grinned, "Well aren't you cute." He said before handing her over to Lady Magic. He then went over to the bassinet, wrapping the real baby up the blanket she was laying on, and brought her to his chest. He, felt strange holding a dead baby, like it was alive, but he quickly shook those thought from his head and made his way toward Time. May then went over to the bassinet and laid baby Samara in it. After laying her down, May slightly waved goodbye to Samara and reproached Dee and Tay who were fusing over the deceased baby. Rolling her eyes, May said, "Come on we need to leave the room before unfreezing everyone."

The three of them left the room, pulling the door slightly shut again, before Time waved her hand, unfreezing time.

Samara was laying in the bassinet, staring at the ceiling when she heard everyone be unfroze. She could here her 'mother' still sobbing even after her memories were altered. The doctor above Samara was no longer, casting diagnosis spells, but cleaning charms instead. Soon, a nurse— or healer as they were called in the wizarding world— approached the bassinet and began wrapping her in a warm blanket. After, the blanket was secure the healer picked her up and started walking towards, the now, clam women. The healer, lightly placed the baby into Georgia Lestrange's arms.

Samara looked up at the women, who she would now call mother, and noticed she was very beautiful. She had pale skin— unlike her own— with green eyes, and light brown hair. Georgia looked down at her daughter, who was already a spitting images of her father, and couldn't help but smile.

For the last nine months, healers after healers had been telling Georgia and her husband— Keoni— that their baby wasn't going to make it. But, look at her now. She had just given birth to beautiful and healthy girl. Lightly touching the baby's nose, Georgia said,

"Hello, my beautiful Karma."

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