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(third person)

Samara Verity had been reborn a total of two times, not including the rebirth she had just went through. The first time she was reborn, was many, many, many centuries ago and she can't even remember why she had to be reborn. All she remembers is being the daughter of two very important muggles. But, the second time she was reborn she remembers everything, from the dragons to the Targaryens trying to kill each other. The most traumatic experience of each rebirth though, was getting her diaper changed as a baby. But, neither of those two experiences could add up to the trauma she was suffering from by being changed by elves.

She had been reborn as Karma for almost two years now and not once has a human changed her. It was always the house elves. By now she should have grown use to it, but she hadn't. Soon she would be potty trained and she wouldn't need to be changed, thank god.

Nothing exciting has happened in the two years she's been here. After, she was born and declared healthy she and her mother had been sent home. Not once did her "father" come and see her after she was born. Which was odd, because from what she read Georgia and Keoni Lestrange were truly in love. Guess that was wrong.

After, Georgia and Karma were released a group of four house elves came and got there stuff and apparated them to the Lestrange Manor. The Manor was beautiful, it was quite large, at first Karma (Samara) was scared she would get lost when she grew old enough to wander. But, soon she found out that the left wing of the house was closed off, due to a fiendfyre incident. To say, she was curious about what happened would be downplaying her curiosity, because she really wanted to know what happened. She had been very close to peaking into Georgias mind, but had ultimately decided against it, not knowing how good her occlumency skills were. And if Georgia was, in fact, good at occlumency, then she might feel someone peaking into her mind.

It had been, two weeks after she had been brought home, when her father finally visited her. He was a tall man, with dark skin and hair, his face always seemed to be stern: lips straight with furrowed eyebrows. When he first walked into her nursery, he held that facial expression, but when he looked at her his eyes seemed to soften and his lips turned slightly up at the corners. But, that wasn't the first thing that Karma noticed when her father leaned over her crib, no the first thing she noticed was the deathly hallows symbol dangling from his neck. Karma knew that the deathly hallows were a symbol of Grindalwald, plus she read in their file that the Lestranges were followers of the dark wizard before his demise.

Throughout the past two years Karma and her father had become attached, she assumed he was so taken with her because she was his only daughter. That being said, Karma had two older brothers, Graham and Killian. Graham, was fourteen when she was born, he was a lot like their father, stern and calculating, he never paid much attention to her, always focused on quidditch and Grindalwalds cause. Their mother was never to fond of how involved her oldest son was in the dark wizards business, but never stated her opinion on his obsession. On the other hand, her other brother— Killian—was the exact opposite of Graham, he was soft, kind, extremely emotional, and absolutely adored her. When she was born Killian was only seven, but even at such a young age he—like his brother—had a strong obsession with quidditch. Unlike, his father and brother, Killian never seemed to be interested in Grindalwald, which ultimately, pleased their mother.

At the moment, Killian was reading to her in French, or should she say struggling to read her French. Georgia Lestrange, was raised in France and made it her mission to educate her children on her heritage, she started by teaching them the language. Karma, or Samara in this case, knew french and many others languages due to being around since the beginning of time. And hearing Killian absolutely butcher every word he spoke in French, made Karma want to smack the book out of his hands. But, she couldn't due that because she was only a baby, so she resorted to crying. At her first cry, Killian quickly shut the book and rushed over to pick her up. He slowly began rocking her back and forth, like he'd seen his father do, but it didn't work and she continued to cry. After, seeing the frantic look on Killian's face due to her continuous crying Karma decided to calm down. She truly liked her older brother, when he wasn't reading French.

After she had "fallen" asleep, Killian re-laid her down, kissing her forehead before he left. Of course, she wasn't really sleeping, but she wanted to be left alone. The room, Karmas was placed in was extremely large, the walls were a light gold, that almost shimmered when the sheer curtains were opened. Her crib, had been placed directly in the center of the room, sitting on top of a large white rug. She spent most of her days staring at the tall coffered ceilings, thinking about different ways she could mess with Tom Riddles life, once she was old enough.

Nothing exciting happened, the only remotely interesting thing was Karma catching a glimpse of Grindalwald, when he visited their home a few months ago. The wizard had sent her a small smile and wave, when he past by the library where one of the house elves was playing with her, in return she giggled at him.

She, knew that he had recently taken residence in Germany, but in a few years time he would move to France, in hopes of furthering his cause in the country.

Looking out one of her windows, which pointed towards the backyard and garden. Karma noticed her brothers playing quidditch and began watching them. After, many minutes of watching the quaffle being passed back and forth Karma slowly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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