A Guy From Sweden

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Characters: Boosfer, Yellowool, Kier, Dev

POV: 3rd person, limited to the 4 above

Ships: Boosfer X Yello (Dev X Kier? to me it's just platonic but go ahead and use your imagination)

Warnings: strong language

This turned out way different than I planned but I kind of like it.

Started: 2022/04/27

Finished: 2022/05/02

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"Did you know that Norwegians are ten times smarter than Canadians?"



Yello pushes up his sunglasses and grins at Kier and Dev. "See?" He holds up his phone "it's in this article".

"Didjou know that Bwitish people ah about 69 times shohter and moah annoying than Canadians?" Kier mimics in a terrible Scottish accent.

"Oh yeah? Try and get my phone then" He holds it up above his head grinning down at Kier. Dev snatches the phone from his hand. "What kinda website is that? You really believe this? What were you even looking for?"

"Give me my phone back!"

"Why did you search for-

"Give it bAck!"

Yello tries to grab the phone but Dev quickly walks away.

Kier watches them chase eachother around the parked cars and lamp posts before eventually pulling out his own phone to scroll through some recent YouTube comments.

"I said give it back, you scumback!"

They are standing on opposite sides of a red FlyingMachine (a famous Norwegian car brand who make cars so fast it feels like you are flying in them)
waiting for the other to make the smallest move.

"Sooo, Yellowool why did you look up ways to hide a-"

"Shut the frick up and don't yellowool me, Its_Dev!"

Dev starts laughing hysterically almost falling over. Yello jumps at the chance running around the car grabbing the phone. However Dev notices just in time and yanks his hand up.

They pull the phone into opposite directions making them both loose hold of the device. It lands on the firm pavement with a loud crack.

"Did you just destroy my new phone?" Yello asks disbelievingly.

"I- haha- I am so- haha- sorry." Dev struggles to speak.

"Fuck you, Dev!"

He takes a few deep breathes holding back yet another wave of laughter and promises to buy a new one.

"I'm still mad at you."

"I can get you an ice cream if you want."

"Let's gooo."

After a five minute walk and a desperate shop owner trying to explain to them that they can't pay with cash Yello is holding a cone with three huge scoops of pistachio ice cream.

"Yo, didn't know you had this many balls." Kier greets them back at their huge pile of luggage.

"They're Boosfer balls."

Yello almost spits out the green sweet and glares at his friends.

"Speaking of balls" Dev continues ignoring him "did you know that Yello has a crush?"

"That's not true! And what does that have to do with balls?"

"On who?"

"I don't know yet but his browser history was full of dumb questions like how to-"

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