more weird stuff

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You asked for this. Here it is.

Again this is obviously not applying to the real people.

Enjoy :)


Dream: *speedruns*
Boosfer: "Look at this man... Thinks he's so cool. You know I can do all of that upside down... Right, chat?"


Sooo this is just how I pictured Kier and Dev's relationship in "A Guy From Sweden". You can skip it if you want:

Kier and Dev have been best friends for a long time and have feelings for eachother that they can't compare to what they're feeling towards anyone else. They know that they're something more than friends and love eachother deeply. They trust eachother with everything. They've struggled a lot with their relationship because they're both guys and because of Kier's fear of touch. That's also why Dev gets really protective when someone doesn't respect Kier's personal space (the bedroom discussion in the oneshot). They know that they never will be a dating couple in the way society defines one and it took a lot for them to realize and tell eachother that they don't have to be one. They see eachother as best friends and way more but decided not to label their relationship anymore. They don't touch or kiss, they just are there for eachother in a way no one else can be. They don't date other people since they just don't need it.

I know this seems kind of random but I really don't like how there always has to be a label to what you are feeling and what your relationships are.
Everyone has different feelings and every relationship is different, no matter if you're friends, family, lovers or just yourselves.


Dev: fake cries => Kier: rages => Boosfer: laughs => Yello: yells => Jack: complains
Bubbo: beats the game in the meantime


Yello: *covers Boosfer's entire base in yellow wool blocks to annoy him* "He deserves this for being such a scumbag."
Boosfer: *loggs on* "What is this?Minecraft but I'm inside Yellowool? Oh yeah, daddy~"


Dev: "Kier, Kier, Kier, Kier, Kia, Kia, Kija, Kiha, Kira, Kria, Kriya, Kyi-"
Kier: "WHAT???"
Dev: "You've got a weird name."


Yello: "Get your feet off my table, Kier."
Kier: "Nah, it's comfy."
Boosfer: *rests his feet on the table too* "I agree."
Yello: "What the frick?"
Dev: *also put his feet on the table* "Mhm."
Yello: "I hate you guys!" *joins them with his feet on the table*


In a discord call:
Boosfer: "Oh, by the way, Dev."
Dev: "Yeah?"
Boosfer: "Has my packet arrived yet?"
Dev: "No. Stop asking that or tell me what's in it."
Boosfer: "Just some special European snacks."
At the frontier customs post:  . . .


Yello: *barks at a baby kitten*
Kier: *makes chicken noises*


Boosfer and Dev: *make out in the middle of the kitchen*
Kier and Jack: *ignore them and quickly eat all the pizza alone*
Yello: *records the scene and tweets it*
"just boys eating their favourite food"


Kier: *sits in Dev's lap while they're flirting*
Boosfer: "Hey, guys"
Dev: "Yeah?"
Boosfer: "How do you know wether you're gay?"
Kier: "We don't?"
Dev: "Yeah." *starts making out with Kier*
Boosfer: "But you're like..."
Kier: *looks up* "Kissing the homies... Wanna try?"
Yello: *walks in* "Hi, guys- wait, are you hanging out without me again?"
Boosfer: "Nah, come here, gotta try something."


Boosfer: *builds a diamond pyramid on the SMP*
Kier: *kidnaps MumboJumbo and makes him build the ultimate tnt canon to destroy it*


Kier: "I don't wanna pay for a fucking haircut."
Dev: "I'll do it."
Kier: "Promise you'll watch a tutorial beforehand?"
Dev: "Yeah, I'm not dumb."
14 minutes later:
Kier: *looks like he's been shaved by a lawn mower*


Bubbo's new twist:
He mixes his friends' DNA to creat new colours.
Imagine a purple child with an upside down pouty face and sunglasses that has the combined annoyance of Kier and Dev within them running after you-


Kier: *smiles friendly*
Dev: "Stop that, it's creepy."


I'm tired so that's all for today. Hope you liked it.

Comment, vote, leave some feedback <3

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