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Characters: Kier, Dev

POV: 3rd person

Ships: Kier and Dev

Warnings: sleeplessness, strong language

This is absolutely freestyled so don't expect too much...
I recommend reading this before going to sleep for the ~vibes~

Started: 2022/05/02

Finished: 2022/05/07

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Quite clicking echoes through the otherwise undisturbed silence of the room. It is almost completely dark except for the slightly flashing light of Dev's screen and the dim shine of his mouse.

Him playing Minecraft on his own has always been a rather rare occurrence but lately it has almost become a habit.

His sleep schedule is supposed to consider his european friends.
However these last few weeks - or has it been months? - he's found himself gaming away into the early hours of morning more and more often, trapped in the endless loops of his thoughts.

The man lets out a yawn trying not to make any sound so he won't accidentally wake up Kier.

No. Don't think about Kier. Stop thinking about him.

Does he think off me as much?

Shut up, brain.

He fights off a bunch of phantoms falling down from his dirt scaffolding in the process. Good thing he's got an elytra.

No, don't be stupid.

He's just being Kier. An oblivious idiot living under a rock.

Dev flies around the structure he has been working on all this time. Surrounded by snow covered mountains there stands a tall, dark castle on a floating island with grand icicles hanging down from it. He's even textured the area below it where it casts a huge shadow.

His friends have mentioned how much he improved his building skills and actually complimented the building.

I should join Hermitcraft.

A weak smile crawls its way around the corner of his mouth at the thought.

Dev is aware that the compliments are encouraging his bad sleeping habits but he keeps telling himself that he wouldn't be able to really rest anyway.

He keeps adding small bits to the great entrance of his fortress to make it look more dangerous, more mysterious, more like his thoughts.

Soon the square sun slowly sinks below the icy peaks of the mountains and the menacing screams of phantoms sound through his headphones once again.

He knows that he should go to bed. That his sleep schedule is already messed up enough. That he will be so so tired tomorrow when Kier wakes up. That he won't be able to be the friend that Kier knows him as. That he will be exhausted and dazed if he doesn't get some rest soon.

Kier will be worried if he sees the dark circles under Dev's eyes.

Or will he? Does he actually care about me that much or do I just wish he did?

Shut up, brain.

A cold breeze drifts through the tiny gap under his window making him shiver slightly. He adjusts the soft blanket that is lying over his shoulders to keep him warm as his body lacks the energy to do so.

Then he starts killing the phantoms missing most of his hits as his mind is fogged with sleepiness.

If I go to sleep now and Kier sleeps in I might actually be just fine tomorrow.

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