table the turns (and don't breathe waffles)

436 13 12

Guess who's back :D

NoelsJourney requested some fluff

So uhhhh lots of giggling and blushing and all that good stuff...

Warnings: mentions of homophobia, making out

Enjoy :)

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"We should tell them we're dating." Dev says with that stupid grin in his voice.

"Why?" Kier raises an eyebrow although the other can't see it.

"Because it'd be funny, of course."

"Like when you thought it would be funny to switch out the sugar and salt right before my dad made my birthday cake?"

"Excactly! You're actually smarter than I thought, Kier."

He groans but still focuses on his phone screen.

"Why dating though?"

"Because Yello is a shipper and he will buy it and then we can make fun of him for the rest of his life." Dev struggles with the upside down part of the level as he's distracted by their conversation.

"Boosfer will make fun of us for the rest of our lives if we date."


"He won't know that." Kier's hold on his phone shifts slightly and his little cube crashes into a spike. "Fuck!" The level was almost done.

"We'll tell them at some point obviously. I take back what I said about you being smart. I won?" Dev looks up from his finished level of geometry dash.

Kier grumbles a yes.

"You owe me a favour now."

"That's not fair."

"We agreed on anything. You have to, looser."

Kier lightly punches his shoulder in response to the insult but doesn't argue further.

"Fine, but they can't take pictures of us acting gay."

"We are gay." Dev snorts.

"Not for eachother though!"

"Ok, ok, I got it. No letting them take pictures while we're making out."

"DEV!" Kier shouts punching Dev's shoulder for real this time.


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"Boo!" Yello yells impatiently.

"One second! Jeez!"

"You can pack later. This is more important."

"Our meetup isn't important?" Boosfer fake-sniffles loudly enough for his mic to pick up the sound all the way across the room.

"You're an idiot."

"And you still like me."

"Stop flirting and get your ass over here."

He rolls his eyes, lays the hoodie he was about to fold down and makes himself comfortable in his gaming chair.

"Your camera isn't even on. That's scam, Yello."

He hears a childish giggle from the other side and a second later Yello's face appears on his monitor.


"Much better. Now what is so important I can't keep packing for our trip." Boosfer's big smile makes Yello pause for a moment and Boosfer loves how easily flustered the other gets as soon as they are face to face.

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