even more lol

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I actually stole the concept for these from The_Guestinator . They write cool Hermitcraft stories in case you're a fan...

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Kier picked up Boosfer from the airport and they are now in Dev's apartment for their first ever meetup:
Boosfer: "Let's celebrate this!" *pulls out two bottles of vodka*
Kier: "I'm not allowed to drink yet, Boosfer..."
Dev: "Oh, yeah, forgot to tell you, me and Kier aren't actually twins. He's a few months younger..."
Boosfer: "I know. Yello snitched. That's why I only bought two bottles."


Credit for this one goes to DaviiLikesYou . Give them some love because they are really supportive and nice :)
They also write Colorcrew (heavy smut and angst warning though)...

Yello and Boosfer sitting on a bed:
Yello: "When you said you were magical in bed... this wasn't what I expected..."
Boosfer: "This is your card, right?" *shows Yello's card*
Yello: *gasps* "Holy shit! How did you do that?"

Did I mention they're really funny aswell?


Kier: "Where is Boobfer?"
Boosfer: *kicks him*
Yello: *starts laughing*
Kier: *rages*


Bubbo: *installs hack client for a manhunt twist*
Jack: "So you've chosen... death." *also downloads hack client and absolutely destroys him*

That actually happened-


Me: *watches the Eurovision song contest*
Also me: *doesn't even listen because writing these is much more fun anyway*


Normal parents when their children don't behave: *ground them*
Notch when Kier misbehaves: *uninstalls geometry dash so his son can only play Minecraft*


Boosfer: *does the twist in front of Kier so he can see everything* "See? It's super simple! You're just dumb for not figuring it out!"
Kier: *looks up from his google search about the invention of the toilet brush* "What? What do you meaaan? You litterally gave me like zero hint!"


YelloWool has made the advancement [Stone Age]
Dev: "That's it! You're doing op loot again! I'm leaving!"
Its_Dev_ has left the game.


Boosfer: "Yello, Yello, did you hear, Kier and Dev broke up yesterday. ON MY RECORDING!"
Dev: "We weren't even dating!"
Yello: "One of you is lying, probably Dev."
Kier: "Yeah, I agree. Dev's an idiot. What are we talking about?"


Boosfer: "Hey, Jack, what is the rarest block in Minecraft?"
Jack: "Depends on the version you're playing on."
Boosfer: "Dang, ok. How do you craft a netherite hoe?"
Jack: ...
Boosfer: "See, Yello! He's not THAT smart!"


Dev: "So, I, Kier and Boosfer were hanging out yesterday on the server and we found a diamond pyra- wait, Kier, why did you leave?"


Boosfer: "Where is Yello?"
Dev: "He's a werewolf. What do you think he's doing at full moon?"
Boosfer: "Oh yeah, right... wait a second... DOES THAT MEAN I'M DATING A FUCKING DOG RIGHT NOW??"


Yello: "Jack, look, I got something cool."
Jack: *turns around*
Yello: "It's called a netherite axe!"
Jack: *combat loggs*
Yello: *starts crying*
Boosfer: 'L'
Yello: *bans Boosfer*


Jack: "I think I'm gonna start a YouTube channel to upload my own manhunts."
Yello: *falls of his dirt pillar and forgets to clutch* "whAt??"
Jack: *collects Yello's items and keeps them* "You'll be able apply for hunter in the comments of my first post or something."


I don't even know...

Minecraft Manhunt but:
• the seed changes every 2 minutes
• every mob explodes (like creepers)
• all food teleports you (like chorus fruit but with saturation)
• killing birds gives you fly (for like 10 seconds)
• you burn in daylight (like zombies L)
• shifting gives everyone slowness
• if you complain you die
• you can only use wooden tools and leather armour
• the hunters can /kill eachother (imagine Kier and Dev as the hunters-)
• the game trolls you
• you're a wizard (harry potter spells yk?)
• it's that weird shopping card mod
• all blocks have the same texture
• it's a deathswap
• you need to drink
• if a hunter says something rude they get banned for 20 seconds
• the world slowly disappears behind you
• grass drops random loot
• fans can spawn in mobs
• if you laugh you get banned
• but you swap postions every minute (location and role)
• if the hunters stand still, they die
• the world is pre-trapped
• ... You except me to come up with more? It's your turn now. I don't care if you're creative or not.


I'm out of ideas and out of time. So until soon. Thank you for reading :)

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