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Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to all of you who are celebrating!

I hope you guys are enjoying the holidays.

I know it can be hard sitting at a table with a bunch of aunts and cousins who don't know you're gay or keep calling you by your necronym.
And I know some of you probably feel very lonely right now.
But you are not alone.
So feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments or send me a private message!

There are people here who might understand you and I am here for you as well <3 <3 <3

Now on to today's one-shot:

So this is extremely cliché and sappy and it was written at 5 am. I'm taking zero and no responsibility for possible occurrences of brain damage.

I was originally too embarrassed to upload this. But rereading this a few months later now, I really like some of the new writing techniques I tried out.

Hope you enjoy!


"Yello has a girlfriend, Dev."
I have barely reached our table when Boosfer hits me with the news.
"He's taking her to fucking prom."

I raise an eyebrow at him setting down my food tray in front of me before I decide to speak.
"And you're pretty pissed by the looks of it."

Boosfer doesn't reply but instead keeps stabbing the potatoes on his plate without actually eating anything.

That bad, huh.
"Why are you mad about it?"

He opens his mouth but I'm already going on. "Is she someone annoying? Or do you like her, too?"

Putting down his fork Boosfer glares a hole into the table - or at least tries to.
"He promised that- Yello said we would go together. And now he's suddenly going with some random girl."
His tone is laced with frustration and a mixture of hurt and confusion.

I gulp down a mouthful of pork and stare back at him thinking for a second.
"Maybe he forgot? I mean getting a girlfriend is probably exciting and all. And it would be kinda weird to not go together if they're dating, right? You guys could always hang out some other time like ussually... without the slow dancing and all." I grin a little at the thought "and the picking him up from his parents', kissing at midnight..."

Boosfer is not grinning back but instead shoots me a withering look.

I hold up my hands defensively.
"Hey now, I didn't mean to make fun of you. If you're really that upset about it just tell him. You know Yello can be an idiot sometimes. He probably hasn't even realised that you're mad yet."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

"Well, I don't really see what's the big deal either. And Yello's just started dating someone. So obviously he's a little distracted from what his friends are doing." I try to reason.

He scoffs.
"Because that's all I am to him. Some stupid friend he doesn't need anymore, now that he's got a girlfriend."

Someone's clearly overreacting here.
"That's bullshit. You know you're really important to him."

A hint of pain flashes across his face before he quickly replaces it with a stone cold facade. Instead of saying anything more he pushes back his chair and leaves quickly dumping his barely touched lunch into the trash.

Maybe he didn't sleep well or something.

- - -

During English class I toss a little piece of paper to the table next to me. Yello looks up at me curiously before opening the note.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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