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Characters: Kier, Yello, Dev, Jack, Boosfer (I wanted to add more but these are already out of character...)

POV: 3rd person

Ships: none

Warnings: strong language; very slightly sexual content

This is only partly my idea.

In case someone doesn't know:
'Telephone' is a game where everyone sits in a circle, someone picks a random word (or sentence etc) and whispers it to the person next to them. They then whisper the word to the next person and so on until the message makes it all the way around. The goal is that the message stays the same.

Started: 2022/05/14

Finished: 2022/05/14

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"I officially hate Scottland." Kier complains looking outside at the pouring rain.

"Sorry, I wasn't born in fricking Italy." Yello replies sarcastically.

It has been like this for the past few days and even though they are all used to spending a lot of time inside it has become quite boring. Especially since there is a only one gaming pc.

They planned so many things for their big meetup and now all they do is stay in the house, watch movies and eat pizza.

"Can we please do something, anything other than watching this stupid show?" Kier beggs.

"Want me to put on something else?" Dev offers.

"No! We've been watching TV nonstop."

"Yeah, it's so boring." Jack agrees.

"We can play telephone." Boosfer suggests.

"That's a children's game." Yello looks at him weirdly.

"So is Minecraft."

"I'm in. Anything but TV." Kier smiles.

"We're only five people though." Dev mentions.

"Let's just try." Jack decides and no one disagrees.

They all sit down in a circle.

"I'll go first." Kier announces. He leans over to Boosfer and whispers something.

"What the- I'm not gonna say that!"

"You have to."

"Fuck you!" Boosfer almost shouts but still cups Yello's ear and speaks quietly into it.

Yello sports a wide grin and whispers to Jack who in return just rolls his eyes.

When Dev receives the words from him he chuckles.

"Sooo I gotta say it now?"

"You have to tell Kier now but you don't need to whisper."

"Boosfer's got a cum pack."

Kier bursts out laughing and shakes his head. "Boosfer is a scumbag."

"How did you...??" Yello looks back and forth between Jack and Dev.

"You have a terrible accent!" Jack defends himself.

"It's my turn now." Boosfer grabs Yello's arm pulling him close enough to cup his ear and tell him the new message.

He takes some time and Yello seems to turn redder with every word.

He leans over to Jack and puts his hands around his hear. He takes his time passing the message on.

"Ok, ok, jeez, I got it."

For some reason Boosfer cracks up at that and Yello moves away also giggling a little.

"So, uh lean over, Dev"

"Don't you mean bend over?" He smirks.

"I hate you and I hate this game."

"You are so mean. You've hurt my feelings."

"I don't really care."


"Whatever come here."

Dev leans to the right slightly so Jack can whisper to him behind his hand

Dev's eyes widen and he turns to look at Boosfer with an expression somewhere in between amusement and admiration.

"You're gonna like this, Kier." He smiles widely.

"Something tells me I really won't..."

"Oh come on, babe... You aren't scared are y-"

"Stop calling me that!"

"Don't you love me anymore?"

"We're not even dating?"

"But I thought you loved me? I thought we had a future? Kier hates me!"

"Oh my goood! Stop acting sad when you're not! You're so annoying."

"I'm not pretending. I'm actually deeply hurt!"

"Broooooo, whatever! Just tell me the message!"


Boosfer leans over to Yello chucking "I always thought it was fan service when they argued like that..."


"Oh yeah, Kier? Tell me then, what is the message?" Boosfer is way too proud of himself.

"I'm not gonna..."

"YoU hAvE tO." Boosfer mocks and looks at him expectantly.

"Ugh, you're litterally the worst."

"I thought I owned that title?" Dev asks him fake-pouting.

Kier doesn't respond and just pulls Boosfer towards him and bringing his mouth close to his ear.

Boosfer's smile switches between nervous and amused until he tenses up when Kier finally delivers the message.

Kier nibbles on Boosfer's earlobe for a few seconds and then leans away quickly.

"That was a pretty good round. The smooch got lost somewhere though." Boosfer comments. Then he lies down putting his head in Yello's lap and his feet over Kier's.

"We should play this more often." Dev says.

"Oh, hell nah!" Jack groans and switches on the TV again.

"Let's play spin the bottle next."

• E N D •

You can kinda feel my writer's block kicking in...

Maybe I'll edit this one day but right now this is what I got the motivation for so I really hope it was okay.

Thank you for reading and if you enjoyed, please vote and comment.

Comments litterally motivate me so much. Whenever someone comments a single laughing emoji it makes me want to write another chapter just to make them smile again-

If you have any ideas (like little conversations, plots, headcanons, AUs) please let me know :)

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