headcanons, weird ideas, etc.

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(just to clarify: this is not true and probably won't apply to my stories.)

This is really just randomness in its purest form-
I love having these weird thoughts that make no sense so I'm keeping them here.

(These are all individual ideas)


Boosfer can rotate his head. He can hypnotize people that way. But he has it upside down most of the time to scare and confuse other people.


Kier and Dev can merch themselves together to look like their channel icon to get a crazy superpower: they become so unbelievably crack-headed that they can paralyze their enemies via confusion.


Yello is naturally human but a shapeshifter meaning he can turn himself into different animals. He only does it to annoy or jump-scare his friends though.


Boosfer secretly lives in Yello's basement and refuses to make food for them. He instead makes Yello cook all the time. When they're talking to Kier and Dev he always tells them that the food is bad and british.


What if Boosfer is not a real human but just lives inside Minecraft and always waits for his friends to come online so he can finally talk to them. And he actually can feel, smell, taste, etc in Minecraft... Think of all the sus things they've done ingame-


Imagine this: Kier and Dev as 70 year olds. They're besties who don't feel like dating anyone because they're happy having eachother as the most important person in their lives. (Or they're dating idc.) They still fight over stupid things a lot and whenever they're mad at eachother they settle their argument while playing geometry dash together. And everyone on e.g. the train just sees two 70 year old men first fighting and then playing phone games together intensely.


A manhunt au where they all eventually died. They think their friends respawned but in reality their dead bodies where just taking over by crazy stalker demons (definitely not some weird fans) who know everything about them and know how to act like them.


Dev and Kier: *argue about who spilled Fanta on the carpet*
Bubbo: *calls Yello* "These idiots pissed on the carpet."
Yello: "HUh? They pissed ON the carpet!? Who?"
Kier and Dev: *point at eachother* "He did!"
Boosfer: *walks in on Yello* "Who's got a piss kink?"


Boosfer: "Yes, daddy~"
Jack: "Rude of you to assume I'm not your mum."


Boosfer vs Jack building competition.
Boosfer: *builds a beautiful diamond pyramid*
Jack: *builds a beautiful lapis pyramid*
Boosfer: "What is that?"
Jack: "What do you mean? That's litterally your new skin."
Boosfer: *facepalms*
(I love how Jack has a matching pyramid to the one on Boosfer's skin but it's really not the colour of diamonds.)


Twitch chat: "Face reveal this, face reveal that..."
Kier: *switches on camera*
Chat: *gasp*
Kier and Dev: *look exactly like in Minecraft*


Kier and Dev promised to show Bosfer and Yello Canada. Yello and Boosfer said they want to meet an elk/moose.
Yello: "Hello, Elk"
Elk: *doesn't react*
Boosfer: *throws small sticks at the elk*
Elk: *starts walking in their direction*
Kier, Dev, Yello & Boosfer: *run away screaming*
Five minutes later:
Kier: "I hate zoos."


Kier: *steals Dev's coffee*
Dev: "hey, give that back!"
Kier: "Nah, it's mine now."
Dev: "nO!"
Kier: *takes a sip*
Dev: "What the hell?"
Kier: *spits out coffee* "Ew! How can you drink that??"


Boosfer: *bows the dragon to death*
Kier: "Bruhhh"
Yello: "Bruhhh"
Dev: "Bruhhh"
Bubbo: "Bruhhh"
Jack: "Bruhhh"
Dragon: "Fucking rude."


If you don't think I'm cringe after this, the Flying Spaghetti Monster shall bless you!

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