Every day life

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"Darling" mom called.
"Yes mom , do you need something ? " i replayed.
"Come downstairs serena , your father and i want to talk to you "
"Okay ,coming "
"Hurry up babe" dad's strong voice says . Mom and Dad are sometimes extremly bossy . I love them , they have always been here like they will always be . I appreciate that i still have a little  bit of privacy over here and lately i feel like i am going to miss them, eventhough i am  so glad school won't pull me away from them. Most of you these days just want to run away from home .
"Serenaaaaaa" oscar cried loudly . 
"I am just putting my shoes on , you don't need to shout little boy "
"Caught up in your thoughts again ? " Mom said in a funny voice .
"And here you are reading me like an open book " .

 I am now downstairs ready to hear the same lecture from yesterday and the day before about SCHOOL and all the DO's and DON'Ts .I am enjoying no matter what . My rebel days are about to start.

" It smells like heaven , Dad are you cooking?"
" The tastiest past for the prettiest Serena " , his funny spanish accent made us all laugh .
"I love you Papa " i said in a crazy way , and i laid a kiss on his cheek . Mom was watching us jealously .
" Rosana Miles do you want a kiss too , because i can clearly see the way you envy Mr Jason for his . "
"I will be glad babe " She said laughing . I am always so happy in moments like these , nothing pleases me more than the little talks between family members .
"Mouah mom, I LOVE YOU  " i shout the last words , sending her a kiss in the air .
"Baby girl  , our neighbours will go crazy someday" mom freaked out like always . I love her trying to give me the lady maners and fails miserably .
I was playing with oscar's hair , he is my dearest little brother and i appreciate him coming to life 10 years ago when i was 8, it was a joyfull day , when dad  starts clearing his throat ,"So serena are you ready for tomorrow? "
" Oh dad i will barely sleep , i am so exited " I replayed with the same words that i've been using the last two months .
" Your mother and i are very proud of you "
"I wouldn't be here without you two , you know i love you guys. " i said using my poppy face .
" We want you to focus on your management studies ,you are already halfway , i know that you are a bright young woman and that you will succeed to enjoy your life and keep it organised too".

" I am glad you trust me , and now what about eating ?? "
" Aren't you done with curve Se "
"No , and i will never be  "
"You are very beautiful my dear , and i am just kidding " .
" I want chocolate mom " oscar said. 
" Can you eat normal for one day oscar"mom said sadly. 
" He's not normal " i said .
Oscar kept making funny faces to all of us , i guess this is his special skill .
"Serena eat then put some clothes on Mia and I are taking you shopping for tomorrow "
"you mean that you two want to stop my dream at the very beginning by killing me at the mall. " i can't believe these two ladies  , It will be so tiring .

"Don't complain SE , everybody loves shopping. "Mom said laughing .

"Not with you two . I still have a bright future ahead of me ." I said with a sarcastic tone .

The last time i went shopping with Mia and mom , i broke my ankle . I just hope they won't kill me this time , plus fitting is so annoying . I won't deny anyway i really love to buy clothes , but can clothes just possibly fly to my house and settle on my bed . Or at least i can go shopping with my father . Because Mom and Mia act like crazy , lost chicken when they are at the mall .

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