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Koshuu turned as Kakashi peaked his head into the room. He stepped inside, smiled, and said, "You must be Chiisai's coworkers."

Mizuki smiled back and replied, "We can't tell you how grateful we are that you rescued our Chiisai."

"It's no problem," he said. He shoved his hands in his pockets. "I was just doing my job."

Chiisai studied him as he spoke. He looked relaxed, easy-going like, but something was off.

"What's going to happen to her attacker?" Koshuu asked.

Kakashi replied, "He's in custody, awaiting questioning. I stopped by to see if Chiisai was awake and ready to tell me what happened." His gaze shifted to Chiisai, who glared back in response.

Koshuu said, "Good luck with that. She didn't even know she was attacked."

Chiisai shot back, "I can speak for myself, idiot."

Mizuki stood and laid her hand on Koshuu's arm. "We should leave. I'm sure we've tired you enough, Chiisai."

Chiisai was quick to say, "Are you sure you can't stay? I can watch you eat my cake." She did not want to be alone with Farm Boy or his nightmares.

Koshuu turned his head towards her and frowned. "Now you're being weird."

Kakashi asked, "Is it your birthday?"

"Unfortunately," she said. Gods, this man was annoying. His laidback facade had the others fooled, but not her. He wasn't with the police force, so his presence wasn't necessary.

One thing she knew, and it was that Kakashi Hatake was a snooper.

"Oh, hush," Mizuki said. "I won't have that kind of talk. You deserve to be celebrated like anyone else."

"Bye, Chiisai. Get better," Koshuu said. "And the present's from the both of us."

"I'll bring a meal by later this week," Mizuki offered. "Maybe I can finally see your cat!"

"Alright," Chiisai said. Her voice was weak as she watched them walk past Kakashi. "Thanks for the gifts, and the cake, even though I will not encourage this. Um, Koshuu, can you come here for a second?"

He  hung back as Mizuki left. Koshuu leaned forward, and Chiisai grabbed on to the hem of his wet pullover.

"Do not leave me with this guy," she whispered. "He's bad news. Very bad."

"I know you don't like ninjas, but he practically saved your life, Chiisai." Koshuu leaned closer and whispered back, "And he probably heard what you just said."

Her eyes darted to Kakashi, who only smiled.

"Please," she said, "don't leave."

He hesitated for a moment, searching her eyes. A drop of water from his hair splashed onto her forehead and slid down her cheek. But then Koshuu pulled back and shook his head. "You have to get over this phobia of yours."

"No no no-"

Koshuu stepped away and made for the door. "Thanks again for saving her," he said to Kakashi. "She's very grateful for it." He shot her a look and mouthed, Be nice.

He left and closed the door behind him, leaving the two of them staring at each other.

"They're nice," Kakashi noted dryly.

"You went into my home," she said. Her voice was flat, and she squeezed her eyes shut. She no longer had to pretend, and her body sank into the bed with relief.

Kakashi dragged the chair around and sat down. "Not beating around the bush, I see."

She kept her eyes closed to block out the light. Luckily, she didn't need to pretend around him, and her voice came out clipped. "What do you want?"

The Dream Devourer (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now