An Awkward Conversation

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"Chiisai," Kakashi said, voice concerned, "it's been two days. You need to sleep."

Chiisai shook her head and stared down at her bowl of miso soup. Her eyes were red rimmed, her face pale, and Kakashi's heart sank when she replied, "I can't."

He sat in his usual chair. She had finally woken up from her withdrawal stupor, but now, she looked even more pale. Her body was too thin, and there were dark circles under her eyes, impossible to miss.

"Would you care to elaborate for me?"

She looked down at the bowl and hesitated. Finally, she said, "Last time I was there...I didn't see Mizuki's dreams. Is she...?"

Kakashi leaned back in the chair, and slowly, he nodded. "I'm sorry."

Her body staid still, and she didn't betray any emotion. "And Tori too?"

"He died in the tunnel." Pause. "Stab wound."

Chiisai took a deep inhale and nodded. "I thought so."

Kakashi laid his hand on her knee. "Mizuki knew the sacrifice she was making. She made that decision herself, and she certainly wouldn't want you punishing yourself for it."

Chiisai replied, "I'm not trying to punish myself, it's just...I'm worried that if I go to the dream world, I won't want to come back. My body is broken, and I feel trapped and helpless. And I'm scared I'll cling to whatever little control I have there." She looked up at him and said, "Does that make sense?"

He nodded, and glanced around the room. "I'm sure this reality isn't a fun one currently, is it."

"I'm stuck in a place that's worse than a hospital, and I'm too weak to escape."

"We're not going to have to strap you down, are we?" He asked lightly.

She held up arm, which was skin and bones. "I think I'll slip out of it, but I probably won't make it down the hall."

Then he paused and asked, "Would you like some fresh air?"

Her eyes lit up. "Is that allowed?"

"It is while I'm around." He stood and set her bowl of soup on the nightstand. He extended his hand, and Chiisai took it. She was far too thin, and Kakashi's grip was gentle, as if he feared he'd break her.

She gasped as he picked her up. Her arms wound around his neck, and he smiled down at her.

Five minutes later, Kakashi landed outside the outskirts of the village, surrounded by woods.

He dropped down to flat ground, towards the river. The sun was low on the horizon, casting the clouds in bright oranges, pinks, and lavenders. Chiisai smiled faintly as fresh air brushed against her, and Kakashi thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He sat her down, and she did something Kakashi did not expect.

Tears started to run down her cheeks, and she collapsed to her knees, her body wracked with sobs. She was broken, body and soul, and Kakashi wanted nothing more than to take those burdens away.

He crouched down, placing his arm around her.

Mizuki, Tori- they were dead because of her, and she couldn't fix it, couldn't take it back. Kakashi knew her thoughts without her needing to say them.

Rin, Obito, Minato-sensi. They were cherished people he could never get back.

So Kakashi pulled her close and rested his chin on top of her head. He placed his hand on her back, providing a gentle pressure. And slowly, after eight minutes, her breathing slowed, and the tears stopped, and as Kakashi stroked the back of her head, he looked down to see that she had fallen asleep.

The Dream Devourer (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now