Coffee Solves Everything

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"I heard that he went camotose," Kakashi said.

She nodded. "I went inside his head one night," she replied with a sigh. "I killed his spirit, I guess you could say, so his body became a shell. It wasn't my...original intention, but it happened anyway."

He raised his eyebrows and replied, "And that's something you can do?"

"Use to do," she corrected. Chiisai squeezed her eyes shut and touched her head. Her body became still, as if she was fighting off a wave of nausea.

An image flashed in the back of his mind, of Chiisai slumped against a muddy alleyway, vomiting and bleeding. It had already felt like an eternity ago.

Kakashi placed his hands on the table and said, "Perhaps you've done enough thinking for tonight. I may have pushed you beyond your limit."

She exhaled sharply and opened her eyes. "You almost sounded sincere."

He tilted his head to the side. "You don't think I am?"

"I know you're only here to get information," she said. "Well, you've got it. Congratulations and good bye."

He folded his arms. "Do you think I'm going to leave just like that?" He looked her up and down, adding, "You're in desperate need of help."

She frowned and added, "I can take care of myself."

He snorted, replying, "And how has that been going for you so far?"

Her eyebrows furrowed, and she winced. "You're annoying, you know that?"

The nerve of this woman.

"I saved you from an assault and this is the thanks I get?"

"I gave you cake." She pointed with her fork. "Believe me, I rarely share chocolate."

Not that she would even have someone to share it with in the first place, he thought.

"I'm not particularly fond of sweets," he admitted.

"The coffee cuts the sweetness of the chocolate," she replied. "Unless it's the mask that's keeping you from eating. I've seen your face, you know, though it's been awhile." She touched the corner below her mouth and added, "beauty mark."

Right- she'd seen his dreams. Kakashi rubbed his jaw before asking, "Is there anything you don't know about me?"

She massaged the side of her head and winced. "I don't know why you're here with me at my home instead of throwing me in the deepest dungeons of the village. I've just confessed to a lot of things, and I keep insulting you."

He shrugged and said, "I find those methods have less than satisfactory results. And if anything, it sounds like you executed a traitor to stop leaked information. It's not very condemnable."

"That's lucky for me, I guess." Chiisai took the last bite of her cake and swallowed. She then cursed under her breath and squeezed her eyes shut. She leaned over and massaged above her temple. "Damn, this headache won't go away."

Kakashi stood and walked towards her. When she didn't react, he laid his hand on her arm and said, "You've over exerted yourself."

She didn't flinch from his touch, but only nodded. He was surprised she didn't blame him for it.

Chiisai opened her eyes and looked up at him. From this angle, he could make out all of the bright red marks on her face as well as the bruising. It would likely take over a week to heal.

"You're kind of in the way," she said.

"Apologies," Kakashi said. He coughed and stepped back, allowing her to move.

The Dream Devourer (Kakashi X OC)Where stories live. Discover now