c h a p t e r 15

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"Yes, Jason... I like you." I whispered, my cheeks flushing. He stared at me, licking his lips before they tilted up into a smile.

"I like you too, Iris."

My cheeks burned and I looked down at my feet, fiddling with my fingers. He likes me..

OH MY GOSH, he likes me!

I heard him take a couple steps forward and place his fingers underneath my chin, tilting my head up. He cupped my cheek, stroking his thumb over my skin and bit his lip. "There's this party tomorrow at my friend's beach house, there'll be fireworks and everything. You wanna come with me?"

I bit my lip, contemplating whether or not I should go. My dad would never let me but he won't be home because he's got a symposium in Chicago. I smiled, nodding my head "Okay."

He smiled, kissing my cheek "I'Il pick you up at seven."

I nodded and he took a step back from me, holding out his hand "How about I take you home?"

I furrowed my eyebrows "School's not done yet."

He shrugged, "We could go for ice cream first, come on. If we go back in there, I'm gonna do something to Holly that you'll get angry at me for."

I nodded and took his hand, allowing him to lead me to his car. He started up the car and began driving away from the school. He chuckled, "Holly's not gonna be too happy about this, now is she?"

I sighed, shrugging my shoulders. "I honestly don't care how she feels about this anymore."

He smiled, biting his lip. "Good. You shouldn't."

I smiled slightly before biting my lip, "You know what hurt the most about what she said?" He raised his eyebrows and I sighed. "When she said I'm just an average looking geek and that you deserve someone like her, someone you can be proud to call yours... What hurt is that she's right, Jason. She's way more prettier and skinnier and she's perfect for you."

He shook his head "No, no she's not." He looked at me, licking his lips. "I don't ever wanna hear you say you're not beautiful and that she's more prettier than you. Because she's not, she will never be as beautiful and as perfect as you are. Any man would be proud to have a beautiful, smart, kind person like you as their girlfriend. I know I would be." He mumbled the last part but I heard it and bit my lip, my cheeks flushing.

"Thank you, Jason."

He smiled at me "You're welcome, princess."


"So he asked you out?" Gaby whispered as we walked downstairs.

I nodded, biting my lip "Yeah."

She grinned "I knew it! I saw the way he looked at you and when he hugged you this afternoon, you two are the cutest!" She squealed. My eyes widened and I placed my hand over her mouth.

"Shh, you know mom and dad can't know about this."

She nodded "Sorry."

We walked into the dining room and took our seats at the dinner table. Adam sat next to me and Gaby sat opposite him with Holly opposite of me and next to Gaby. My dad sat at the head of the table and my mom sat opposite him, next to me.

"The food smells good, mom." Adam said, smiling at her. She smiled.

"Thank you, honey."

He was about to reach forward before my father spoke up, "Adam, we say grace first."

Adam nodded and we all held hands while my father said a prayer. Once he was done, we all began dishing up our food. "Adam, when I go to Chicago this weekend I want you to take care of my duties at the church, okay?" My father said, looking at Adam. Adam bit the inside of his cheek, looking agitated and I patted his leg, knowing it would calm him down.

He sighed and nodded "Yes, dad."

My father nodded and took a bite of his food. Holly looked at me and smirked before clearing her throat. "Um.. Daddy?"

Everyone looked at her and my heart pounded in my chest for whatever it was she was about to say. He raised his eyebrows "Yes, Holly?"

She smirked, "Um.. How many months will you be grounded if you got a B on a test?"

My mom choked on her food and began coughing hysterically. She took a sip of her water and looked at Holly with wide eyes "You got a B?"

My father's reaction mirrored hers "Sweetheart, if you got a B then you get a reward not grounded."

"Nope, not me.. Iris." She smirked, looking directly into my eyes. I glared at her, how could she tell on me like that? Everyone looked at me and my father raised his eyebrows.

"Iris? Why? What happened?"

I gulped but then I realized something. If Holly wants to play dirty, I can too. I cleared my throat, smirking at Holly before looking a my dad innocently. "Well, daddy. I studied really really hard but the day that I took the test, I was really tired. The night before, Holly called me at 1 am and asked me to come pick her up from a club. I only did it because she was way too drunk to drive herself. Adam even gave me his car to go and get her, right Adam?"

Adam looks up and looks at me, his eyes slightly widen before he nods his head in agreement. "Y-yes, it's true."

My mom coughed again, taking several sips on her water. Holly stared at me with her jaw dropped, not expecting me to actually tell on her like she did on me.

"Holly." My father said, his face red with anger "How could you be so irresponsible? You caused Iris to fail a test! I can't believe you would do something like this... You're grounded for a month, I want your phone and laptop given to me. Tonight."

She gasped "But daddy-"

"No buts, you won't go anywhere else but to school and church, do you understand me?"

She frowned, nodding her head in defeat. "Yes, daddy."

She sat back in her seat and we all continued eating. I looked towards Gaby and she smiled, nodding at me and mouthing 'Good job.' I sighed, I hope Holly will stop being so mean to me now.

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Thank you for reading this chapter!

C O M M E N T Y O U R 5 M O S T R E C E N T E M O J I S !

- Sam 💞

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now