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I let out a shaky breath, tucking my tie into my jacket before buttoning it up. I grabbed my phone, shoving it into my pocket before I made my way out of my room and downstairs. I heard Alex whistle through his teeth as I walked into the kitchen. "Well, don't you look shabby."

I sighed, not feeling up for a sassy remark to give him. I walked over to the sink, pouring myself a glass of water before chugging it down. God dammit, I'm nervous. I turned to Alex, raising my eyebrows slightly, my heart racing in my chest.

"What do I do? I don't know these people, what do I say to them to have them approve of me?"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, probably because I'm asking him for advice, which was strange and very rare - frankly, I'm surprised myself. He cleared his throat, adjusting his position in his seat before looking at me with a small smile.

"Just show them how much you love their daughter, be respectful, compliment them on everything you possibly can: their house, the food, her dad's collection of bibles."

I let out a chuckle and he did too "..Just let them know you care about her and that she's all that matters to you."

"She is all that matters to me." I said, my face completely serious.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important to me than her.

"Prove that to them and you won't go wrong."

I sighed, nodding my head. "Thanks." Before grabbing my car keys and heading out.

Holding a bunch of flowers in one hand with a single rose in the other, I awkwardly knocked on the front door of their house. Little droplets of sweat forming on my forehead, my hands clammy. The doorknob turned and I swear I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Luckily, after it swung open, Iris was the one standing on the other end. Her smile gave me a sense of comfort and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


"Hi." She whispered, kissing my cheek before stepping to the side. "Come on in."

I stepped inside, just in time for a woman to walk up behind her, her mother. Her smile was spread out across her face.

"Hello, you must be Jason."

"Hi, um.. Yes I am." I nodded, managing to give her a small smile while holding out the bunch of flowers to her. "These are for you."

She gasped lightly, taking them out of my hand. "Oh, thank you, Jason. They're lovely."

I smiled, biting my lip while holding my hands behind my back "You're most welcome, ma'am."

She shook her head, waving her free hand slightly. "Oh no, not ma'am, call me Diane."

I smiled, nodding my head and correcting myself "Diane."

Iris raised her eyebrow, a small smirk on her face "How come my mom gets flowers and I don't?"

I chuckled, "I knew you'd say that." I pulled out my hand that held the rose, handing it over to her. "Here you go, beautiful."

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now