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My heart was pounding against my chest at a rapid pace. Oh gosh...

He closed his eyes resting his forehead on mine while his hands still held onto my cheeks. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, seeing him take deep breaths that I could feel.. On my lips! I was so nervous, was he gonna kiss me or did he just need a place to rest his forehead?

As if he read my mind, he breathed out "I wanna kiss you."

I licked my lips, staying silent and waiting in anticipation. He shook his head slowly. "But I can't.. I can't do that to you." He whispered, pulling away from me and taking a step back. I tried covering up my disappointment but did a terrible job. He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "I can't do that to you, Iris. It would be wrong."

I felt a lump in my throat.

Was I the problem? Is that why it would be wrong? Because I'm not the right girl? Why does that thought hurt me so much?

I let out a long sigh before looking down at my lap. "Can you take me home please?"

I heard him take a couple of steps closer to me before I felt him place two fingers under my chin, tilting my head up. He frowned, "Why do you wanna go home?"

I shrugged "don't really see myself enjoying the rest of the evening."

He bit his lip, running his thumb over my cheek. "I don't want tonight to end just yet."

I stared at him, feeling myself begin to get annoyed with his mind games. What the heck? He doesn't wanna kiss me but he wants to spend time with me? He says he likes me but it would be 'wrong' if he kisses me? What kind of game is this he's playing? I pulled my cheek away from his touch and narrowed my eyes at him. "I said I wanna go home, Jason."

He frowned, "Princess, what's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes, jumping off of his hood. "Don't call me that anymore."

He grabbed my arm. "Hey, hey, hey. What's the matter?"

I looked at him and scoffed, "Why don't you tell me, Jason? You tell me you like me, you bring me here on a date then you make me think that you're gonna kiss me but you don't!" I licked my lips, my eyes stinging with tears. "Is it because I'm not pretty enough?"

He seems to be taken back by my words a little bit and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What? No, no of course not. Iris, I told you, you're beautiful." He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him. He licked his lips, staring down at me. "You don't understand, Iris. There's so much you need to know about me. I assumed that if I kissed you tonight, it would have been your first kiss?"

I bit my lip, nodding my head and he sighed. "I don't want you to regret your first kiss. There's a lot about me that I haven't told you, a lot of bad things Iris." His eyes gloss over and they quickly become dark. A chill runs down my spine as the emotion around us becomes tense and his eyes turn cold. "You should know what you're getting yourself into..."

"What is it then? Tell me."

He shook his head "No, I can't... Maybe I should just take you home." He let go of my hand and motioned to the car "Come on."

I rolled my eyes, frustrated at his secrecy before I got into the car.


I stepped out of the car, slamming the door behind me without saying goodbye to him. I walked around the car and saw him get out. As I walked up the front path, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him, my back against his chest as he leaned against the car.

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now