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"You're leaving?" I whispered, pulling out of his grip, my voice wavering, barely audible but he heard me. His eyes looked guilty and sad but he said nothing, just stared at me. "You're leaving me alone... Here.."

My breathing became heavier as I stood up from the bed, my heart beating rapidly against my chest, my eyes flooding with tears. "After all this trouble, after all the trouble I've been in just to be with you. You're gonna leave me?" I looked at him, tears running down my cheeks. "How can you do this to me, Jason?"

"Baby, I-" He started, getting up from the bed before walking over to me but I took a step back, cutting him off.

"I thought you loved me! You lied! You lied to me!" I yelled, sobs escaping my lips one after the other.

"No! No, I didn't lie." He said quickly, walking up to me and holding me in his arms. "Baby girl, I'm sorry, I didn't plan for this."

"Y-you c-can't leave me p- please." I sobbed, my fingers clutching his t-shirt as I cried.

"Baby." He whispered, his head in my hair, his voice trembling. "Please, please, please don't cry, princess."

I shook my head, crying more, "No, I w-want you t-to stay."

I heard him sigh before he sat down on the bed, pulling me into his lap. His hand caressed my head while his free arm held onto my waist. Don't cry, baby It's okay." He cooed, leaving kisses in my hair.

"W-why do you have to L-leave?" I choked out, looking up at him after a few moments. He wiped away my tears, cupping my cheek with his hand.

"There was an incident. One of my gang members was sent on a mission and someone witnessed the crime he committed, now he's wanted."

I frowned, wiping my nose with the back of my hand . "T-then why do you have to leave?"

He sighed, licking his lips. "I can't let him do this on his own, Iris, he's in my gang, he's
a part of my family. We never leave a man behind, that's our rule - I called that rule - that's how it's always been. We need to have each other's backs at all times. I got him into this mess, I need to get him out of it."

My heart sank and I got up from his lap, walking over to my dresser. I laid my arms on the hard wood and buried my head in them, sobbing quietly. He's choosing his gang over me.

"No, I'm not!" He said, walking up behind me. I said that out loud?

"Iris..." He called, lifting me up from the dresser and making me look at him. "You mean more to me than anything else in this world, you know that. Nothing is more important to me than you."

I stared at him in exasperation, shaking my head,"But y-you're leaving me to be with t-them."

"I don't want to leave you." He whispered, his eyes boring into mine. "I want you to come with me."

My eyes widened and I stepped back from him "What?"

"I know this is a lot to ask." He said, gulping slightly "But think about it, baby, we could. We could be on our own, together." He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him "Just you and me, out in public. We could get married .. Have a family. You could become the artist that you've always wanted to be."

He cupped my cheeks, his hands warm and clammy, his eyes pleading with me. "We can go anywhere you want to, just say yes, say yes to coming with me."

He kissed my lips for a moment, his eyes glossy as he looked at me, his nose touching mine. "Say you'll come with me, baby girl."


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- Sam 💞

His Good Girl -Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now