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In the swag
Chapa's POV
We're all in swag listening to ray teach......well three of us. Mika and I are writing notes, and miles said he confided in the universe and so it shall provide. So mika is writing his notes too. And Bose keeps playing with his spinny chair
Ray: so as I was saying -
Bose: weeeeee
Ray: that is importa-
Bose: weeeeeeee
Ray: for super heroes to-
Bose: weeeee-
Bose: *falls off chair* sorry sir, I'll stop now sir

Bose spins one more time whispering his "weeeee" and his chair stops in front of mine. He stares at me and I try to ignore it but for some reason it made me nervous, WHICH I HATE BECAUSE I'M NEVER NERVOUS! So I had to speak to him
Chapa: Bose, why are you looking at me?
Bose: oh I'm sorry
Chapa: you look like you wanna tell me something. Is there something I should know?
Bose: umm...
*in his head*
Song scene: I can't write one song that's not about you, can't drink without thinking about you. Is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can't have you.
*in real life*
Bose: it's nothing
Chapa: You sure? I mean you know you can tell me anything right?
Bose: mmhm....
*in his head*
Song scene: my emotions, overflowing ocean, takes me to the point I can't control myself. If I knew how to find the words I'd tell you, I admit that sometimes I could use your help
*in real life*
Bose: nop, not important
Chapa: so there's nothing you wanna ask me or tell me?
Bose: well....
*in his head*
Song scene: I really really really really really really like you and I want you, do you want me? Do you want me too?
*in real life*
Bose: nothing u need to worry about
Chapa: you positive?
Bose: very
Chapa: okay

I continue to write the notes that ray had on the screen. But I could still sense Bose staring, which was still freaking me out!
Chapa: Bose!
Bose: oh I'm sorry *turns around*
Ray: I hope everyone's done *switches off the screen*
Chapa and mika: yeah
Bose: *looking at his book knowing he has only written "superheroes must" and flips the page* yeah
Ray: Class dismissed! *walks out*

In the mans nest
Bose's POV
Me and chapa are sitted on the couch and we r having a conversation that was interrupted by Miles on the fone with the fudge girls we sent to jail long ago
Miles: That's right my babies, I miss you too *rubs his hands*
Chapa: Miles and his fudge girls *rolls her eyes*
Bose: correction, AWOL and hisfuge girls. Miles has a fudge girl
Bose: So Miles has a crush on someone...
Chapa:...Mika has a crush on a guy she doesn't want to tell me about
Bose: and you have...?
Chapa: no one I'm intending to like. You?
Bose: I may or may not have a crush on someone who may or may not like me back

I blush a little thinking about my complicated so called "crush" on Chapa

Mika's POV
I'm looking at Chapa and Bose talk on the couch. Aww Bose just brushed his hair back...and smerked-- is he flirting with Chapa? And Chapa smiled back-- okay there's something totally off here. *gasp* could they be secretly dating? Are they in like-like with each other?

Miles' POV
My call with the fudge girls ended and I was walking over to Bose till I saw Mika staring at Chapa and Bose
Miles: you okay sis?
Mika: yeah yeah um have you seen how Chapa and Bose are acting?
Miles: yeah, like friends
Mika: no! Look, they're flirting with each other
Miles: oh I see
Mika: thank you!
Miles: your jealous that Bose is spending more time with Chapa than with you!
Mika: thank you- wait what?!I'm not jealous!

Bose and Chapa are walking up to the tube and Mika starts asking questions
Mika: where are you two going?
Bose: we are going out for lunch
Mika: you're going out?
Chapa: yes Mika, going out of the man's  nest for lunch
Miles: bye
Mika: where?
Bose: oh we're going to-
Chapa: down the tube!
Mika: you see that! She didn't even want to tell us as though they're on a secret date!
Miles: all I see is jealousy written all over your face
Mika: ugh!!

Im asking for feedback  from yall cause I dont know if its good or not so yeah......

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