Stools, Jewells And Microchips

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*next day*
Mika's POV
I am so late! I'm still not at school and miles wont pick his phone. Ugh! My mom decides to give me a ride after intensive care for my dad. When I arrive, chapa's sitting on Bose's table, Bose's sitting on his chair, miles' reading at his table and ray is chatting with them. They all go silent when I enter the room
Ray: Must u always be late mika?
Mika: I'm not. Always. LATE! *breathing heavily* it's not my fault that my brother with teleporting powers left me and I had to deal with the fact that he reminded our dad that he lost the horse race competition in Seattle weeks ago!

They all look at miles, unstressing. Reading his book, peacefully
Miles: What?
Chapa; Why'd u leave your sister, miles?
Miles: Because, she insulted me this morning

As he talks he licks his finger a little to flip the next page. They all turn to look back at me, out of breath. Placing my body down on my chair, stressing
Chapa: Why'd u insult ur brother, mika?
Mika: Okay calling someone a-
*emergency hotline*
Ray: Emergency call!
Miles Yeah ray, we're all here
Bose: We've all heard it
Mika: *answers it* you've reached the danger force hotline, how may me force ur danger away?
Caller: Hi, uh we're being robbed! At stools and jewells. Please come quick!
Mika: *cuts line* u heard him, danger force let's go!
Chapa: Why cant they just call the cops or something?
Miles and Bose: Yeah
Schworz: Because!
Everyone: GAAAHHH!
Ray: We GOTTA get u a bell Schworz
Schworz: The diamond being stolen, contains some kind of microchip
Bose: Micro chip? I love micro chip. It's my favourite flavour!
Chapa: No bosey, ur thinking about chocolate chip
Bose: Potato potato. They're still ice cream flavours arent they?
Chapa: *chuckles* buddy
Mika: Wats so special about that microchip?
Miles: And y is it in a diamond?
Schworz: It contains highly classified information about the city of Swellview that even I don't know. If landed in the wrong hands, Swellview will be no more! Former mayor, like maybe 10 years ago when Ray was 28...
Ray: No! I was 28, 8 years ago!
Everyone: No u weren't
Schworz: He decided to keep that information in the first microchip ever created
Chapa: Well that was dumb
Schworz: Very! Everyone was out to get it. So he hid it where no one could possibly think of....a diamond. So hurry and stop those thieves

We got our gums and transformed. But chapa had something else in mind
Chapa: Cud I get a milkshake first?
Ray: Oh my god
Bose: Yeah, from uhh the micro moory. They have the BEST milkshakes!
Ray: Cud u please focus guys? *blows bubble*
Chapa:.How dare u stop me from getting my milkshake? Ur gonna get this smoke son!
Cap: It's not me, it's the bad guys trying to rob the store. So cud we leave now?
Chapa: I got a tall glass of danger shake, it's so delicious its, shoking *sparks*
Bose: Ohhh that's good
Miles: Nice. Dont forget our milky-mergency is more important than a micro-mergency, Ray
Mika: Guys! We  gotta kick some micro-stealing butt so let's mooove

I tried to make a pan like the others by exaggerating the moo in move. But they all went quiet......ouch
Mika: *talks all innocently* Did you get it?....That's the sound a cow makes

Ray pulls me to the corner and makes me feel pathetic
Ray: Did u see how they're excitement disappeared when u said that?
Mika: Yeah
Ray: Exactly. So I think u shud leave the hyping to the professionals
Mika: *sighs* okay
Ray: Chapa, ur line
Chapa: *uses an energetic voice and movements* We gotta kick some micro-stealing butt so lets mooOOve!
Bose and miles: Yeah!
Mika: But that's exactly wat I said
Chapa: Is it though?
Chapa: Oh, well-
Bose: Chapa said it better
Mika: Oh be quiet bose
Chapa: Say that again, and I end u *sparks*
Mika: Down the tube!

*stools and jewells*
Miles' POV
Volt: *barges in* where's the thief?!

Some guy underneath a stool on the floor answered her
Guy: They're o-over t-there
Everyone: They?

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