Beast Mode

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Volt: I just wanna go back and sleep alright? Anybody got a problem with that? *sparks*

Author's POV
Bose walked to chapa and turned her away from the others (just like he did in street fightin' when crank took a "threatening step" towards her)
Brainstorm: Chapa, listen
Volt: What?
Brainstorm: I know you dont like this and u wanna go home...
Volt: Thanks for stating the facts bose
Brainstorm: But, that doesn't mean u have to make it, un-fun, for everyone else
Volt: What r u talking about? All I did was speed up the fight
Brainstorm: That wasnt even a fight! U just zapped 'em all and they fell unconscious
Volt: *smirks* it's not my fault they're weak--
Brainstorm: Chapa!
Volt: *sigh* okay fine, sorry. I will...not fight all the guys next time I geuss
Brainstorm: That's my chappy *smiles*

She rolled her eyes and looked away. Bose stayed put and stared at her, she looked back at him and cudnt resist. The smile came out without her consent and Bose's smile grew even wider at that. They walked back to the others who where examining the machine Bill was using. It was strange. Nothing the teens had seen before. It was like a door. But yet, not a door. This door was connected to another machine at its right, with all sorts of buttons and levers
Brainstorm: Kinda like the time jerker's time machine
ShoutOut: Yeah, almost
Cap: Alright, let's exam this thing. All hands on deck

Everyone went to the door and started touching stuff. Everyone EXCEPT miles
Cap: I said all hands on deck AWOL
AWOL: Yeah for sure, for sure but ah, I'm not going near that thing man. It freaks me out!
Volt: How can a door, freak you out?
AWOL: Bill said it was an INTERDIMENTIONAL. PORTAL. What if the door opens?
Volt: *fake shocked* oh my god!-- *serious* then the door has opened
AWOL: We dont know wat cud come out of that thing
Volt: Just come over here and help us

Cap: We need to get this to Schworz

They shook their heads in agreement and moved about trying to lift the thing
ShoutOut: Quick question tho, how do get this to Schworz?
Cap:....I didn't think of that
All: *groan*
Brainstorm: Doesn't Schworz have a teleporter or something?
ShoutOut: Come to think of it, we have a teleporter. right. here

They all dramatically turn towards miles and he stands there lost until he finally understands what's going on

AWOL: *tied up to the door* I hate you people
Brainstorm: We love you too *smiles*
AWOL: I did not concent to this teleport! *forcefully teleports*
Volt: Can we finally go back now?
ShoutOut: Yeah I'm kinda tired, can we?
Cap: Yeah sure-- wait! Bose, what's that?
Brainstorm: *gulps* Okay fine! I got two cookies okay?
Girls: *confused* What?
Brainstorm: Alright, I got four maybe sixteen that I stuffed in my pocket but I cant help it! They're so good
Volt: What cookies?
Brainstorm: You know, at the reception of the building. The cookie jar right at that table
Cap: No not that
Brainstorm: So I confessed for nothing?
Cap: What's that behind ur ear?
Brainstorm: Oo~ is it a coin?--
Cap: Bose!

Mika had seen wat he was talking about and reached for it
Brainstorm: Ow! Ur pulling my ear. Ur pulling my ear
ShoutOut: *pulls it out*
Volt: The hell?
Cap: Wat is that?
ShoutOut: Looks like some kind of...bug?
Volt: Oo~ let me see *gets it*
ShoutOut: Wait chapa it cud be--
Volt: OW! It bit me
ShoutOut: What did u do?
Volt: Nothing!
Brainstorm: U were mean to it
Volt: I just got it then it bit me and jumped away
Brainstorm: I bet u were mean to it--
Volt: I was not mean to it!
ShoutOut: Does it hurt?
Volt: Ofc not. Well seconds ago it did but no
ShoutOut: Great, no headache? No nausea? No stomach pains? No--
Volt: No nothing! I swear, I'm totally fi--

She remaind still and didnt blink. Without finishing her sentence, she had froze
ShoutOut: Chapa?
Brainstorm: Chapa! Chapa speak to me!
Cap: Chapa r u alright?!
Volt: *bursts into laughter* I'm just kidding
All: *groan* really chapa?
Volt: Oh loosen up. But u gotta admit it was kinda funny tho
Brainstorm: Guys? *scared*
All: Wassup?
Brainstorm: I think I found the bug
Cap: Where?
Brainstorm: It's in my suuuiiiittt!

He shook his arm were he felt the bug and run all around the room as the others tried to calm him down. He then started to bang his arm on a door frame to kill it
Volt: Bose dont do that!
Cap: Ur gonna break ur arm kid

Volt zapped the bug and it fell out of Bose's suit and into the floor. Bill then woke up and saw wat they had done and got mad
Bill: Why did u do that? That was an experimental subject!
All: A bug?!
Bill: It wasnt just any bug. It was a bug that we filled with different types of substances. For experiment

The two danger force kids and captain man had slowly turned towards volt who was looking away, pouting her lips and swinging her arms
ShoutOut: Are these substances, bad?
Bill: We have absolutely no idea

Volt stops and stares at him with alarm. She was slowly becoming angry at the irresponsibility of that man
Volt: U filled a bug. With different substances. Not knowing whether poisonous or not. And all, for experiments?
Bill: Yes that is correct
Volt: *sparks and takes a deep breath* that is...
Brainstorm: There there, we dont wanna get angry about it
Bill: Why does it matter?
Volt: *sparks* Why does it matter? WHY does it MATTER?!
Brainstorm: Oh no
Volt: That bug chewed brainstorm's ear. That bug, bit me. That bug, almost made, brainstorm BREAK HIS ARM! AND UR ASKING ME WHY IT MATTERS?! *excessively sparks*
Brainstorm: Volt!

It was too late, the rage had already taken over her and her eyes went full red. Her hair flew again, this time with it almost fully covered with a glow of red. She was going straight for Bill
Brainstorm: Go! Go! Go! *pushing him out*

Volt zapped the door as a warning to them. She kicked mika who had tried to calm her down and pushed captain man and brainstorm off Bill to get a proper hit on him. She slowly moved closer to Bill and then brainstorm whispered, "ah man. Chapa, please stop." She heard him and suddenly froze. She turned to the others who were all on the floor and her eyes went back to normal
Volt: *covers mouth* I am so sorry

Bill tried to run away, obviously, I mean who wouldnt? But when he did, ths noise triggered volt's beast mode to come back on. Lucky for Bill, captain man had hit her with a tranquilizer gun and she dropped to the floor

*in the mans nest*
Chapa was still in her volt costumed tied up to miles' brand new improved restraining board that Schworz had amplified. The rest of the gang except ray were.present in that room. Schworz lifted a scanner up and down volts body and then put it back on the table
Mika: So, what's up?
Schworz: She's....stuck
Bose: Well ofc she is. U tied her to a board
Schworz: No bose I mean stuck, in beast mode
All: *gasps*
Miles: What do y mean shes stuck? Shes out cold, how can u tell?
Schworz: With science! She may look asleep, but her brain is super active. Being controlled by the rage
Mika: Rage? Over a bug?
Schworz: Not entirely. U see, that bug had just added to the problem to make it worse
Miles: And what's the problem?
Schworz:.....its bose
Bose: Me?! How am I the problem?!
Schworz: Her feelings for u are so strong now that watever bad thing happens to u, makes her hurt. Meaning she has to destroy the person and or thing that caused that bad thing to happen to u
Bose: Oh *looks down then springs back up* now I don't know whether to be sad or happy
Miles: U cud be both
Bose: Great idea
Mika: Guys!
Boys: Sorry
Mika: How do u fix the problem schworz?
Bose: Cant we wake her up first?
Schworz: Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. U dont want that
Bose: I dont?
Schworz: If u wake her up, she'll still be in beast form. With no way out of it this time. Her anger levels have gone to a full 100% rage

He shows them a tablet showing the scales of anger and what level chapa's is on. Mika goes in deep thought for a while
Schworz: The only way we can solve this is if we make chapas feelings for bose disappear
Bose: I'm sorry wat?
Miles: *scoffs* That's not possible. U cant just make feelings disappear. These are matters of the heart, which are not to be tempered with
Schworz: Exactly! So the only way possible is to, erase her memory
Mika: So that she cant go back into beast mode because she...wont have feelings for bose anymore
Miles: I hope u dont see this as an opportunity to get bose
Mika: Opportunity?! Shes my best friend! I have never seen chapa happier than she was when she was with bose *sobs* and her happiness is all going away

Teats drip from her eyes and bose stared at the floor with an arm over mika's shoulder to comfort her. Miles looked at Schworz then down at chapa who looked like if she were to wake up, she wud strangle the first person she sees. Bose's eyes filled with tears. He had to choose between keeping chapa in suffering but as his girlfriend or bring her peace back by forgetting she ever loved him....if that's even possible
Bose: I think...

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