Back Together

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Author's POV
Bose left to go to his thinking spot and started talking to the moon. Miles had no where to be so he followed mika who follow chapa
Mika: Hey girl, do u wanna--

Chapa: Why is he being mean to me?! I mean, that's my thing! And hes stealing MY thing! Why does it even bother me?!
Mika: Maybe it's because ur hurt
Chapa: I dont. Get. HURT! *sparks* but for some reason, I'm shaken by this...I cant shrug it off-- why cant I shrug it off?!
Miles: Could it be because bose is too important to u and so its hur-- I mean its sunk deep, in, ur heart?
Chapa: Bose cant be that important that I get bothered by wat he does to me
Mika: Cant he tho?
Miles: Try talking to him, confront him
Chapa: Ur right. I'll shout at him, make him cry! *sparks*
Twins: What?
Chapa: Thanks guys *walks out*
Twins: What?!

Chapa knew exactly where bose wud be at that time. She walked through the bushes and just as she suspected, bose was there sitted and still talking. She crept from behind him, without bose knowing a thing, he was facing the other directing, swinging his legs as he sat on the rock long enough to accommodate 3 elephants. She slowly moved closer and closer until she sat down beside him. She faced the sky, swallowed her pride, humbled herself and asked...
Chapa: Why have u been so mean to me of late?
Bose: Mean to u? I havent been mean to anyone. Most especially u
Chapa: Uve been acting mean since...yesterday. And most ESPECIALLY to me
Bose: Ok fine. Maybe I have been a tad bit mean but it's only cause...

He struggled to think of lie. What could he say now?
Bose: Cause u remind me so much of, the girl I love and...I felt like I was...replacing her?
Chapa: Great! *stands up*
Bose: Wats wrong?
Chapa: I just knew it
Bose: Knew wat?
Chapa: Uve just proved everything I thot was right!
Bose: Like wat?
Chapa: That I'm worth nothing and of no ones time
Bose: I didnt say that! *stands*
Chapa: Well u implied it!
Bose: Chapa, listen
Chapa: No! YOU listen! You've never told me who this "girl u love" is. Yet you've never hesitated to NOT say how amazing she is. And I knew she was special. That she was worth ur time and I was just left to watch
Bose: Oh for crying out loud chapa, UR THE GIRL I LOVE!
Bose: Its YOU I've been talking about. Its YOU I've been thinking about. Its YOU that I want back!
Chap:...back? Wat do u mean "back"?
Bose: *sigh* I loved u, and always will...u...finally loved me back, after a course of long persuasion, I got u to be my girlfriend. MY girlfriend. I hit the jackpot. I felt so lucky. Then our powers decided to add themselves into our relationship...they controlled u, and ur brain and u, caused alot until one day u got stuck in a superpower coma. The only way to help you was to erase ur memory, which we did. And I got scared that if u ever loved me again, u wud get even hurt
Chapa:...if I actually loved u and u loved me too, why wud u do that to me? Why erase my memory?! DON'T U WANT ME TO BE HAPPY?!
Bose: OFCOURSE I DO! WHICH IS WHY I MADE SURE SCHWORZ DID THAT! I watched u in pain! I watch u suffer!-- I WATCHED U CRY FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! It hurt much as it hurt u...I cudnt bare see u in so much pain chapa
Chapa: is true?...I did love u? I was ur girlfriend?
Bose:...To be fair, we never broke up. U just forgot about our relationship
Chapa:...Can we start over?
Bose: Wat?
Chapa: Our relationship...I wanna, continue, being ur girlfriend
Bose: Yes please

They embraced each other in a warm hug. None wished to let go. Chapa felt a warm sensation in her chest. Like an empty space was filled up. A void was covered. They pulled back with they're hands still around the other, they stared into each others eyes
Bose: U know wat u told me once?
Chapa: What?
Bose: That you've always loved this...

Bose leans in and his lips meet chapa's. Chapa reciprocated the kiss and held him tightly. Bose deepened the kiss by introducing his tongue and explored her mouth. She did the same. Bose's hands swept from chapa's waist, to her hips and down to her thighs and she slightly smiled under that kiss. They broke off for air. With they're foreheads leaning against each other, bose smiled and chapa blushed, which he found adorable
Chapa: Well I didnt lie when I said that
Bose: I can tell

He held her hand and walked her to her room. Miles and mika shockingly watched as they passed by. Waiting for a statement from either of the two, they gasped in mezmiration. After a while, bose came back alone
Mika: Wheres chapa?
Bose: Oh u mean my girlfriend? She said shes tired and need some sleep
Miles: *smiling* girlfriend?
Bose: Shes mine again dude
Miles: Sweet
Mika: That's great [phone dings] moms asking if we're on our way, let's bounce Miles
Bose: Bye guys
Miles: *teleports with mika*


*at the macklin house*
A while after mika and miles arrived home, a visitor mika's window
Mika: What the--? Bose? Wat r u doing here?
Bose: Hey uh, got a spare?
Mika: Give me a minute gotta finish reading this paragraph
Bose: It's kinda important
Mika: Oh okay. Wats up?
Bose: First I wanna start off by saying I'm sorry
Mika: For wat?
Bose: For everything I've put u through
Mika: What do u mean? *closes her book*
Bose: Remember when u told me u liked me
Mika: Like, it was yesterday
Bose: Well, I shouldn't have played with ur feelings like that. I passed u through pain, and trauma, I left you heartbroken...
Mika: *tears up*
Bose: I know how terrible that feels. And I  am truly, deeply sorry mika. Ur an amazing girl, pretty, smart, very very trustworthy and ur always there for us friends. I just hope that u can find it in ur heart to forgive me
Mika: Aww bose thank you...and ofcourse I forgive you
Bose: *smiles* thank you
[They hug]
Bose: Wipe ur tears mika cause I found u a guy
Mika: *let's go* are you, for real?
Bose: Yup. My distant cousin twice removed. From my dads side. He's name's Yasha. He has an eight year old sister named Mickie
MIka: Okay. How old is he?
Bose: Fourteen
Mika: I guess I could get to know him
Bose: That's ausome! [Phone dings] that's my mom, gotta go
Mika: Bye

Bose left proud of himself. He finally found a way to get back chapa...and not hurt mika, as much as it did before and soon enough, wont hurt her at all. He felt super smart as he walked back home with a bounce in his step, all happy like

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