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*three days later*
*at Bose's house*

Bose's POV
I wake up and go to the bathroom to wash my face so that I actually wake up. I check my phone, its am I up at! I got a text from chapa at was she doing up at!
Chapa: hey bose...wake up
Chapa: I'm so bored. I cant sleep
Chapa: I think it's my insomnia...plz wake up. I need you here bose🥺
Chapa: Boseeeyyyy😩😩
Chapa:.....I'm going out, night I you?😕😔

I smiled and my mom called me
Bose: Yes mom
B.M:*enters room*oh ur up. Bose, why r u up so early?
Bose: Why'd u call my name?
B.M: I heard noises so, I came to check it out
Bose: Must be vice stepda-- must~ be dad...Yeah, him
B.M: Well, your father's still sleeping
Bose: What are you doing up this time?
B.M: Oh, I woke up to take my usual morning jog
Bose: *confused look* Mom, you don't jog
B.M: Exactly. Amd I realised that. Which is why I didnt go
Bose: O-kay?
B.M: Bye bosey, get some rest okay? *leaves room*
Bose: Sure thing

Wait....something just loaded in my brain. Chapa said, "I'm going out" what does she mean? Where did she go at like 2 in the morning? And why?...right, she said she was bored--But STILL! So I tried calling her on FaceTime but she didnt pick up. I called mika to ask her since they're best friends
Mika: *sleepy voice* bose, its--
Bose: Early in the morning? I know. I'm checking to ask about chapa
Mika: Chapa? What about her?
Bose: Has she texted u or anything?
Mika: No, she--
Bose: Doesnt have a phone? I know. I mean like on FaceTime or something
Mika: Uhm....

It went quiet as she opened her laptop and searched for messages
Mika: Nop nothing. Why?
Bose: She texted me at 2.a.m saying shes going out. And now shes not picking my calls
Mika: Bose, relax. Shes probably sleeping

Chapa? Sleeping? Okay sure
Mika: Just get some sleep, which is wat I'm supposed to be doing but anyway-- you'll see her at swag later today
Bose: U sure?
Mika: Yeah. Go to bed, u need energy right?
Bose: I geuss you're right *cuts the line*

I cant go to bed until I'm certain chapa is alright. So I "borrowed" one of the many cars from the garage and drove to the mans nest. When I got there, I knocked at the door to chapas room. There was no answer so I slowly walked in. Her bed was made, her laptop was on her bed surrounded by a bunch of papers with doodles on them and her window was open. I peeped out the window and saw her ladder
Bose: Damn it!

I climb down and head back home
Bose: *sigh* what am I gonna do?

...the only thing I can at the moment. Wait for time to fly so that i possibly see her later. I opened my bedroom door and shrieked 'cause I saw my blankets move...MOVE!!
Bose: What the heck?!
Chapa: Shhhh! Your parents will hear you! *trying to whisper*
Bose: Chapa? What are you doing here?!
Chapa: I told u I was going out, didnt I?
Bose: Yeah but--
Chapa: I came here But how did I not--?
Chapa: When I arrived, I climbed through ur window and entered ur blankets
Bose: *blushing* so u failed to sleep. And the first person u thot of going to was me?
Chapa: *blushes a little then shruges it off* yeah. Then when you walked to the bathroom to wash ur face, I fell
Bose: the bed?
Chapa: Not my proudest moment but yeah. I started to doze and the sound of u waking scared me so
Bose: I get it. Oh so u were on the floor when I came back into the room, and that's why I didnt see you
Chapa: Exactly! When ur mom came, I hid under the bed and I slept there. Next thing I know, I crawled back onto ur bed somehow but u weren't there
Bose: I actually went, looking for u *slicks hair back*
Chapa: Why?
Bose: I thot u were missing!
Chapa: Aww, the poor thing
Bose: *blushes* u came here to try sleep right? So can we just get started?
Chapa: *giggles* sure, bosey

We climbed onto my bed and I had to talk to her to get her to atleast try feel tired. And she did....after a long while. She fell asleep on my shoulder, then I tucked her in and went to bed myself. Sadly, not so long after, my alarm went off. I got ready and all but let chapa sleep, she needs it
B.D: Bose, where are u going with that breakfast filled plate?, room?
B.D: Why?
Bose: I...wanna have my seconds, while my homework?
B.M: Okay. Dont make a mess
Bose: Sur--
B.M: Who am I kidding? I dont care. I dont clean this house *chuckles*
Bose: *nervously smiles*

Bose: Hey chapa. Breakfast
Chapa: *muffled voice* I'm not hungry
Bose: Chapa, u gotta eat
Chapa: Ur supposed to encourage me to sleep not get out of bed
Bose: Chapa r u serious right now?
Chapa: As serious as ray when it comes to promises

She covers her head with the blanket and curls up her body inside

Chapa's POV
Bose: Chapa. Out. Now

I gotta admit, I like it when bose goes all soldier voice on me. Its hot and adorable how he gets this serious tone outta nowhere. It surprises me how he has it in him but it takes so much courage and strength to let it out. I got up and walked towards a bean bag next to a chair he sat on, dragging the blanket that's hanging over my head and wrapped around me
Bose: Thank you
Chapa: *rolls eyes*
Bose: Here, eat wat u can

*time skip*
Ray: So in conclusion, man is better with superpowers. Any questions?
Chapa: *raises hand*
Ray: Yes
Chapa: Why does it have to be "man"?! I mean, women are also involved in the situation, "PROFESSOR"!

Honestly, I didnt hear a thing. I kept dozing in the middle of the lesson and waking up at awkward moments. I just wanna start a conversational fire, mwahaha
Mika: Yeah!
Miles: Sounds like discrimination if u ask me
Chapa: Dang right it does!
Bose: Well that's not being fair. How come--
*indistinct chatter*
Ray: Okay! Okay. Man AND women, are better with superpowers
Mika: *raises hand*
Ray: Yes
Mika: So ur saying that people without powers are useless?
Ray: In short, yes
Miles: *raises hand*
Ray: Oh my god what?
Miles: U do realise we were once without powers right?
Ray: Yeah so?
Miles: So does that mean we were useless?
Ray: Yes very much
Bose: Savage. Wait, but before you got densitized, you didnt have superpowers. So you were useless too? *sly smirk*
Ray: I.....was never and will never be useless

He whispered that last part. Then we all started to indistinctly chatter as ray tried to shut us up but the crime alert beat him to it
Ray: Crime alert! Something's going down at EvilScience.Corp
Chapa: Yes! A crime
Bose: So much better than Ray's lesson *smiles*
Miles: Right?
Ray: Hey! Who ever gets excited about this mission *pointing at all each teen* is doing all the chores wen we get back!

We start to talk, smile and even move awkwardly as we got our gums and all that
Chapa: Oh no, a crime
Bose: Why did it have to disturb Ray's lesson?
Miles: Right? It was so good
Mika: So much knowledge and morals
Ray: Great! Lets go s'go s'go s'go s'go

When we arrived at Evil.Science.Corp, we barged into the building and went straight to Bill Evil himself
Bill: D-damger force? H-How can I be of assistance?
Volt: Get out of the way *zaps him*
Bill: OW!
AWOL: Well that was unnecessary
ShoutOut: Shudnt he have said his plans first?
Volt: Ugh! Fine
Brainstorm: Hey sparky, u okay?
Volt: Yeah yeah dont worry about it

Mika's POV
Ever since we walked in, chapa here has been wanting to rush things...I wonder why?
Brainstorm: *helps him up* u were saying?
Bill: Uhm...well, I created an inter dimensional portal that--
Cap and ShoutOut: Another one?!
Bill:....well...yes. And this time it--
Chapa: *sigh* Yawn

She zapped him unconscious this time and walked towards the machine
Ray: Why did u do that?! He was right in the middle of hes plan! Now were never gonna know what he did
Brainstorm: We cud ask those guys
Ray: No, they're just assistants. They don't know the real deal
Girl: Actually we--
Ray: Well it's no use now, round 'em danger force
Guy: We know every--
Ray: I said round 'em up!

Miles teleported to were they were so that they dont run, then bose levitated the door shut and I was about to super scream them into next week 'till chapa lit 'em all and they went unconscious too
ShoutOut: They were mine! U already got Bill
Volt: Oops my bad

She showed no single emotion when she said that. She could have atleast tried to sound apologetic
Cap: Okay wats gotten into u all of a sudden, volt?
Volt: I just wanna go back and sleep alright? Anybody got a problem with that?

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