Nightmares and Visions

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Chapa: WHAT?!
Mika: Look

I see bose and he's crying, confused
Mika: He needs a comfort place and ur not there. So he comes to me!
Chapa: Bose. Is. MINE!

I zap her and chock her on the wall then it went dark. And when the lights came on, I was choking Bose
Bose: Ch-Chapa.....p-please, stop
Chapa: Bose? *lets go* I am so sorry *helps him up*
Bose: your not sorry, u hate me
Chapa: I dont hate you
Bose: you dont want I'll leave
Chapa: Bose? *he falls in a black hole* Chapa: Bose, No!

I'm on the floor about to cry for bose then Mika comes along
Mika: Aww I wish I cud record this. Oh wait, I can *pulls out my fone*
Chapa: I-Is that, my phone? H-How do u have, my phone?
Mika: who do u think sent the boy to steal it from u?
Chapa: *sparks*
Mika: *drops phone* oops
Chapa: nooo
Mika: *Lifts leg over fone*
Chapa: you wudnt
Mika: watch me *steps on it*

*out of dream*
Mika: Chapa! Wake up!
Chapa: Get away from me! *zaps mika*
Mika: OW! What's that for? *rubbing her arm*
Chapa:......sorry, it's just.....reflexes

We went to the living room and we stayed there for a while. Miles came from the bathroom
Miles: oh hey Chapa
Chapa: oh hey chapa
Miles: r u.....copying wat I say?
Chapa: r u.....copying wat I say
Mika: she's been doing that ever since she woke up. Get used to it
Miles: o-kay wheres bose?
Mika: kitchen
Bose: morning chapa
Chapa: morning chapa
Bose: are, you, imitating me?
Chapa: are, you, imitating me
Mika: shes copying anything u say to her. It's kinda getting annoying
Bose: so....r u gonna stop?
Chapa: so....r u gonna stop
Bose:....I love you
Chapa: Not gonna happen
Bose: dang it!
Miles: Ha! He just broke u!
Chapa: yeah, I'm done
Mika: Bose, our hero

Bose's POV
I go back in the kitchen and make my breakfast
Miles: bose, u put the inside of the egg in the pan, not the shell
Bose: I like mine crunchy
Mika: honey, dont
Chapa: just leave him

Chapa comes in and I hand her some cornflakes I made for her
Chapa: thanx bose
Mika: chapa, cud u make for me too?
Chapa: uhhh sure
       * * * * *
Chapa: here u go
Mika: thank u
Miles: I sense something wrong
Mika: ur just jealous u dont have *takes a spoonful* wow, this tastes....different, wat kind of milk did u use?
Chapa: expired
Mika: *spits the food* eww, why?!
Miles: I told u!

Miles and I laughed

Time skip
*mans nest*
Mika's POV
I was with my brother at the patio.
Miles: I just got a vision
Mika: what about?
Miles: I saw a series of moments when bose would try to make chapa his girlfriend, some that have happened before even, and chapa denied him SOO many times but at the end, theres this shadowy figure I just cant see
Mika: wow okay

Meanwhile, inside the man's nest
Chapa: yo Bose, cud I borrow ur phone?
Bose: sure *tosses the fone*
Chapa: what's ur password?
Bose: Spongebob Squarepants, Squidward Tentacles, Sandy Cheeks and Patrick Star's initials...with spaces between them (S.S S.T S.C P.S)
Chapa:......why is that ur password?
Bose: Because, it said it had to be atleast 4 characters
Chapa:.....okay, so password making, added to the list of things I have teach you
Bose: so I get to spend time with u?
Chapa: *smirks*

Miles and I walked in before chapa could answer and the topic changed completely
Mika: Tomorrow is Valentine's, everyone!
Chapa: oh my god! *groans*
Bose: yay!
Mika: y r u acting like that? Valentines is the day of love~
Chapa: *groans* well love is gross
Miles: ofc it is *rolls eyes*
Mika: oh c'mon. It can be love for family....
Chapa: yckk
Mika: love for friends....
Chapa: ugh
Mika: and love for lovers~
Chapa: grooooss *goes over to the couch* valentines is a stupid holiday. Ya'll r lucky that I dont get to go to school or work on valentine's because I would've payed a visit to someone a long time ago to make valentine's illegal! *sparks*
Mika:.....must you always demolish my positivity?
Chapa: uhh, must u always-
Bose: Mika, it's just chapa being typical chapa, relax
Chapa: thank you!
Mika: well I geuss I'll be mika being typical mika
Miles: uh man
Chapa: girl, wat r u talking about?
Mika: *moves to chapa* u know, valentine's is all about love....and romance... and kissies

Chapa shrugged and I cud sense that she puked slightly in her mouth. That's exactly wat I wanted!!
Mika: it wud be a shame if, u didnt have a date, for valentine's. But I wud understand. I mean, it's not like, you'd wanna have a date
Miles: ur just saying that cause you dont have one
Mika: oh, u do?
Miles: heck yeah. Thanx to a superhero friend of mine, I'm able to release one of the fudge girls for one night
Chapa: I thot their sentence ended like 3 weeks ago
Miles: yeah but uh, they stole the vice mayor's fudge last week
Bose: so that's y vice dad was grumpy
Mika: quick question chapa, how was ur first kiss like?
Chapa: it was meaningless
Bose: ouch!
Chapa: not with u silly, with my mom...wen I was a baby ofc
Mika: ur first kiss was with ur mom?
Miles: everyone's first kiss was with their mom
Bose: yeah that's true
Mika: ok fine, wat about ur second kiss?
Chapa: *unhesitantly amswered* never had
Bose: I am standing right here
Miles: u and bose kissed just yesterday, wasnt that ur second kiss?
Chapa: well-

Ray came barging in the room just cause he heard wat miles said and chapa looked pissed coz she hates being interrupted
Ray: bose and chapa kissed?
Chapa: no
Everyone else: yes
Chapa: ugh
Ray: *gasp*wen? were? how?....and y wasnt I told?!
Chapa: *sighed* it was yesterday at Bose's house. We were playing truth or dare wen miles dared me to...kiss bose
Ray: nice one miles *high-fives him*

Chapa's POV
Chapa: it wasnt nice, that was-
Schworz: happy valentine's day eve everyone!
Chapa: I swear if anyone interrupts me one more time YOU WONT WAKE UP TO SEE TOMORROW!!
Schworz: jeez so-rry. I just have one question.....who's ready for the valentine buffle shuffle
Bose: what's a valentine baffle shuffle?

We all face palmed and I smiled and shook my head
Miles: we do this every year man
Chapa: and every year, he asks the same question
Mika: and every year chapa says...

I explained to bose how Schworz puts our names in a shuffle machine and we each get turns to pick a name. And the name we get, is who we buy presents for
Bose: oh right~
We watched as schworz shuffled our names and mika decided to go first
Mika: I got.....Schworz!
Schworz: *shuffles*I have...Ray *rolls eyes*
Ray: hey! U roll those eyes back in Schworz!
Schworz: *shuffles* just pick a paper ray
Ray: Miles, I got ur name
Miles: ayt cool
Schworz: *shuffles* next
Miles: Looks like I'm getting a prez for my bro bose
Bose: sweet *fist bumps*
Schworz: *shuffles* next
Bose: *smiles at his paper* I'll make sure that u receive the best gift....chapa

I blushed a little and looked down then I realised that the only person left was Mika
Chapa: so I geuss that leaves me with mika....yay *sarcastically*
Mika: plz dont give me a creepy talking frezno girl doll again
Chapa: *rolls eyes and smiles* yeah, we'll see about that

A/n: this is my longest chapter yet. I've just ended here cause, I got nothing else to write

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