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A/n: I cudnt think of a better name for the fundraiser but if u do, let me know...I hate this one

Bose's POV
*Swellview Children's Hospital*
Mary: we're outside the Swellview Children's Hospital and are ready for the Ask-To-Help
Trent: that's right Mary. Danger force is hosting a fundraiser to help the kids suffering from dwarfism in Swellview
Mary: we have Swellview's own sweetheart, brainstorm here with us
Brainstorm: hi, brainstorm here. I just wanted to say that we r very happy to be doing this.......cause it's good
Shout out: that's right, do ur part!
AWOL: yeah, do u part, u should do ur part and u shud do ur part!
Mary: and how do we know you're telling the truth?
AWOL: we have special collars that let out a light when we answer
Trent: could I be the first to ask a question?
Volt: go ahead trent
Trent: okay, r u and brainstorm secretly dating?
Volt: no we're not *green light on collar*
Brainstorm: but we cud be *green light*
Volt: mhm but we're not *green*
Trent: so it's true?
Volt: no is isnt *green*
Brainstorm: but it cud be *green*
Volt: mhm but its not *green*

(Note: green light = truth and red light = lie)

We went into the hospital and took our seats. We put a sign on the door saying they cant ask us questions about our personal lives. Soon enough people were lined up outside
Guy: how did u get ur powers?
Shout out: I got sprayed with a gas that was supposed to take away captain man's powers
Girl: who are ur favourite bad guys
AWOL: definitely the fudge girls that's for sure

Chapa started to accuse her collar of being broken when it went red for the first time
Girl: have you ever thot of brainstorm as ur boyfriend?
Volt: oh my god, no...*red light*

She went quiet for a bit, I think she was thinking of a way to save herself. Honestly, it didnt bother me at all.....I felt gooood
Volt: BUT, he is my best friend *green*
Girl: ur not besties with shout out?
Volt: uhmm, shout out....nop *green*

I actually knew y it turned green on that one, its 'cause chapa and mika r best friends, not volt and shout out.  I feel so smart
Guy: have u ever kissed volt?
Brainstorm: not volt *green*...but I have kissed the girl behind her mask *green*
Guy: what?! For real?
Volt: Brainstorm!!
Brainstorm: wat. It said they cant ask about our personal lives, not that we cant talk about them
Volt: hey guys! Brainstorm and I r taking a time out
Awol: sure

Chapa's POV
I take him to a storage room and closed the door. I look him in the eye to show him I'm serious, but for some reason he smiled....well, I know the reason it's because he likes me but still it was unexpected. It made me nervous and I avoided eye contact
Volt: Dude! U know u cant say anything about our lives
Brainstorm: but brainstorm is part of my I shudnt answer any questions at all? *looks confused*
Volt: no! Just dont answer, OR TALK ABOUT things about Bose's life! Including.......the kiss
Brainstorm: ohhh okay. Noted
Volt: thank u!

I'm about to walk out the door and he holds me.
Brainstorm: but u gotta admit.....u liked it, didn't you?
Volt:......let's go
Brainstorm: *smirks and giggles* I wont stop~

When the fundraiser ended, we went outside to talk to the news
Shout out: so after collecting all the money...
Awol: and counting and transferring...
Brainstorm: we are happy to announce...
Volt: that we have made...
DangerForce: 15 000 000 dollars!
Captain man: and it was all 'cause of me *he interrupts*
Trent: there u have it, captain man and danger force once again, help Swellview
Mary: giving us another reason to love Brainstorm. Because it was his idea
Brainstorm: *giggles*
Shout out: it was my idea!
Volt: there there shouty, there there *patting her shoulder*

Mika's POV
When we were in the man's nest, bose offered us a sleepover at his house, for one night ofc. We all agreed and headed there.
*Bose's house *
Bose and chapa were in the kitchen getting snacks and drinks. Miles was picking a movie to watch and I was organising the games. Then chapa came in
Chapa: who's ready for some truth or dare!
Everyone except Chapa: woooooo
Miles: who wants to go first?
Mika: me! *spins the bottle. Lands on bose* Bose, truth or dare?
Bose: hmmm truth
Mika: have you kissed anyone in this room?

Chapa immediately choked on her water. Kinda sus if you ask me
Chapa: I'm sorry what?
Bose: *smiles* yes I have
Miles: oh really?
Bose: yup
Chapa: just spin the bottle bose!
Bose: *spins* okay chapa, truth or dare?
Chapa:....dare's too risky, but truth is for wimps...dare
Bose: I dare you to say you love me
Chapa: you love me
Bose: dang it!
Miles: *giggles*
Chapa: *spins* Miles, truth or dare?
Miles: dare
Chapa: I dare u to eat the whole bowl of my cheetos
Miles: NOOOO!! HOW DARE YOU!! I can't
Chapa: you *takes a handful cheetos* are going *puts in her mouth* to eat them *pushes the bowl to Miles*
Bose: I'll plan everything on ur funeral Miles *giggles*
Chapa: Ha! *chews them*

A/N: this has to be the worst chapter iv written. But it ain't that bad........I hope

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