Lover Issues Pt.1

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No one's POV
*in the mans nest*
Mika: *walks in laughing* it's just an echo
Bose: Tell that to my mom who calls me or my vice stepdad whenever she hears another voice saying the exact same thing as her
Mika: *laughing* I love ur mo-

They looked at the faces around that seemed very upset
Mika: Wats wrong?
Chapa: We've been waiting. For HOURS FOR U TWO!
Ray: Where. Have. U been?!
Bose: We were grabbing food for my mom
Mika: Yeah, and we havnt been gone for that long
Miles: *shows phone* u left at 1p.m
Bose and Mika: *looks. Shows 4p.m* yikes
Ray: Yikes is right. Uv missed very important training
Chapa: *scoffs* ha, no. U left us to suffer in Ray's boring lessons!
Miles: Yeah!
Chapa: *smiles evily* u two.....are gonna pay *heads towards door* class dismissed!
Ray: Only i get to say class dismissed!
...class dismissed!

Chapa had already left the room furious. Ray also left pouting coz he wants to be the only one to say "class dismissed"
Mika: Wats up with her?
Miles: She jealous, just like I said she'd be. Shes been complaining bout how bose loved her first and mika her bestie betrayed~ her. I think u shud tell her now
Mika: yikes. Isnt it too early tho?
Bose: Mikes is right. We shud tell her, mika
Mika: But we've only been fake dating for 2 weeks and 2 and a half days
Miles: Ur tracking the relationship?
Bose: I know but, we did this for chapa to get jealous and since she is...
Miles: U shud tell her. Shes up in the mans nest. U can tell her there
Bose: How do u know?

Miles walks towards the closet door and opens it. Chapa is screaming and blasting a bunch if things
Miles: Iv got sensitive ears *squinting*
Ray: *walking in* has anybody seen Schworz?.....SCHWORZ?!
Mika: I geuss we're telling her now *walking out*
Bose: Yup *followed behind*

*in the mans nest*
Chapa's POV


Zap! Bam!...

Ugh I cant believe them! Zap! How dare they?! Zap! Shes supposed to be my. Best. FRIEND!! Zap! BOOM!
Bose: Chapa?
Chapa: WHAT?! Oh sorry. Got a little, carried away
Bose: I can tell *looks around*

Bose and mika came in and found the place a mess...coz of me...but I dont care. I wasnt really in the mood to talk to them but, I cudnt do a thing but listen
Chapa: Wats up?
Bose: I wanted to talk to u *signals to mika to come*
Chapa: Oh great. Do u wanna brag in my face that ur a couple?
Bose: No, not at all. But we do wanna talk about that
Mika: He wants to talk
Chapa:...I cant say a thing without a lawyer, where's miles?
Bose: U have a lawyer? And its miles?
Mika: He went back home. He said he wants to leave before ray gets randomly upset about something
Bose: Which was right before ray got mad at Schworz for not showing up
Chapa: Where is he anyway?-
Mika: Not the topic!
Chapa: Ugh fine...wat is it?
Bose: So, u remember wen you woke up and I told you I was dating mika?
Chapa: How cud I forget?
Bose: was lie
Chapa: I'm sorry wat?
Bose: It was a lie
Chapa: Oh I heard u the first time. It's just...y?
Bose: To make u jealous, which we did
Chapa: Ok I was not jealous! And y wud u want me jealous?!
Mika: So that he can prove u like him
Chapa: Stay out of it mika!
Chapa: Bose, they're so many ways u can use to prove that someone likes u...but u chose to hurt me
Bose:....I didn't think-
Chapa: U didnt think- ofc u didnt think! That's ur problem bose, u DONT think! U only did this for ur own good and selfishness!

He looked sad but I didn't care! He hurt me and I dont like that!....although the plan kinda worked which is bad!
Bose: I'm not being selfish! I'm thinking about u arent I?
Chapa: Yes u are but-
Bose: I make u happy and u cant deny that
Chapa: Yeah so?
Bose: So~ I'm doing this for u. If you're with me, you'll be happy
Chapa: It doesnt matter! What matters is u hurt me and it was all PART OF UR STUPID DUMB PLAN!!
Bose: I-I...
Mika: He was only trying to...chapa?
Chapa: *looking sad and mad....sadmad* what?!
Mika: I thot u liked him, y are u shouting at him like this?
Chapa: BCOZ! I'm mad that he decided to mess with my emotions and play with my feelings like I'm some kinda toy and he should know that! And I'm done with this conversation!
Bose: But...fine I'm sorry okay! But u love me dont you?
Chapa: Yeah, sure *sarcastically*

Maybe I do but I'm mad at him! I cant make him feel happy about it! So I start to walk away from the conversation
Bose: This doesnt make sense! Tell me we weren't just friends!
Chapa: No!
Mika: U know chapa, u dont have to do this right. We know ur just hurt
Chapa: I'm not hurt anymore, I'm TENSE! Cause I'll be so~ fine without you...babe!
Bose: Chapa! CHAPA!
Chapa: U know, all of ur "friends" have been waiting for u to move on from me *looks at mika to prove a point, then back at bose*...i geuss this is ur chance
Bose: No, I'm not ready! *eyes heavy*
Mika: Oh c'mon chapa. You've got ur heart on ur sleeve like you've never been loved. U kept running in circles, now look wat you've done!
Chapa: I wish you'd let me say if I was ready, bose *walks away*
Bose: *pulls chapa's hand and kisses her lips for bout 6 seconds* tell me u wont miss that
Chapa: I...I cant. Coz then I'd be lieing *eyes heavy*
Bose: Plz just stay. I need u
Chapa: But u also want her! *points at mika* tell me I'm wrong *tears lingering in eyes*
Bose: I cant......coz then I'd be lieing
Chapa: *tears dripping* I knew it

I walk away for the last time. I'm done with this! Mika has finally gone she was supposed to 5 minutes ago. But bose tells me something
Bose: Chapa, I heard u say it...I heard u say u love me...*tears drip from eyes*
Chapa: *stops walking*
Bose: Wen I was in a comma, I heard everything...and I love you too
Chapa: *without looking back* goodbye *sobs* bose

Ugh! Y are my eyes leaking again?! I hate this! I cant be crying everyday because of....because of...because of my stupid love for bose! Mika caused this....she is so gonna pay for complicated things with me and bose. And that miles too *scoff* I'm coming miles

*hours later*
Miles' POV
Ahh life. Filled with twists and turns. Ups and downs. So...amuzing. I know I'm on my path to greatness but I never know wats gonna happen next. Thinking bout life is calming and-
Mika: MILES!
Mika: *barges into room* we have a problem
Miles: Other than me slightly going deaf, I'd like to know our problem *cleaning ears*
Mika: I saw chapa...cry
Miles: *freezes* ch-chapa...c-cried?
Mika: Yes and-
Miles: I missed it?!
Mika: Oh my god *touches temples* miles, THERE ARE OTHER ISSUES WE ARE TRYING TO FOCUS ON HERE!
Miles: SORRY! plz continue

She started to pase around my room as she talked suuuper fast
Mika: After bose and I went to her, bose started to confront her and wen he told her the truth, chapa got furious with bose cause he lied to her and that's wen things started to go south
Miles: Started?
Mika: Chapa called bose selfish and wen I tried to support bose, she told me to stay out of it and apparently chapa told bose she loves him wen he was in a comma and-
Miles: Slow down! Chapa said she loves bose?
Mika: Yes! Keep up! Where was I? Right! Also, before I forget the most important part chapa asked bose to say something and he failed because it turns out he actually wants me too *takes deep breath for air*
Miles:, wow
Mika: I know right! Wat do I do?
Miles: Wat did u do?
Mika: Ugh! *falls on bed*

Our convo went on for a while and I got tired and chased her from my room because if she didnt go sooner, I'd be sleeping while she talks. Which is rude and I dont wanna do that. So out my room she goes

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