Lovers and Dates Pt. 2

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Author's POV
Chapa had sprinkled her shirt with water and dried it with a cloth. She figured she didnt have to change it I mean its just soap right? She went to sit on a couch in a closed patio with glass doors to the outside. She grabbed a huge blanket and stared outside as the rain poured and the blared stars shined on the glass door. Bose later arrived and made a fire with the logs in the chimney
Bose: Hey
Chapa: Ur done?
Bose: Yup. Do u mind?
Chapa: No, not at all
Bose: *sits with her*

Bose and his family used this room to feel the camping vibes usually when his dad feels lazy to go actual camping
Bose: My mom called. She said they're stuck at the office
Chapa: How come?
Bose: My mom is afraid of being in a car while it rains
Chapa: And you're afraid of the noises u hear while it rains
Bose: No I'm not
Thundle bangs and lighting crackles

He buries his head in chapa's chest and she looks down at him and smiles
Chapa: *dreamily* You're cute when ur scared
Bose: *tries to act cool* I was so not scared
Chapa: Sure~

Chapa's POV
I think I'm ready to talk to bose. Like to tell him what's actually wrong
Chapa: *deep breath* B-Bose Theres something you need to know
Bose:.....I'm listening
Chapa: I like you, like, really really like you...
Bose: But
Chapa: But, I just
Bose: Off? Off about what?

His face turned from worried and confused to sad and scared. I cud tell he wanted me to continue
Chapa: I dont know I just...are you sure that...I'm the right one for you?
Bose: 100% sure! Heck, 1 000!....Now I wanna know. Are you sure?
Chapa: I just...this whole dating thing, its...its new to me
Bose: Ofc it is. And we're gonna go through it together. Which is why you've told me right?.......right?

I didn't say a thing. I dont know what to say. Then he snapped. He got up and stood behind the couch next to my face
Bose: Oh my god!
Chapa: Bose, its not what you think. Please just hear me out
Bose: Okay chapa! Tell me what's going on!
Chapa: I DONT KNOW! Thats the thing, I dont know whats going on, I dont know if...I can ever love you, the way you love me
Bose: So that's why you're--? *sighs* Chapa, it doesnt matter whether you love me less or, love me more or, you've been forced to be with me...I love you too much to care
Chapa: But it's wrong...if I loved someone and I didnt know if they loved me less or loved me more or were forced to be with me...I'd be broken
Bose: But I'm not. Chapa, u gotta stop putting pressure on yourself...

Author's POV
She felt so bad, she didnt know what to say except...
Chapa: I'm sorry *covers her face *
Bose: Chapa, chapa wait!

She left the room and into the cold and rainy night. Bose ran after her and she ran faster. He lost her after she got passed the gates and bose stopped and stared in dismay. Chapa ran so fast, there was barely water on her from the rain. She had reached a certain point, on the middle of the road when she decided to look back and saw no one. So she walked the rest of the way to an alley nearby. The road was quiet, only noise was the pitter patter of  the rain, the rattles of the trees and the swooshing of the wind. No cars daremed to pass by. 'Probably a road block. Or maybe they're enjoying the warmth and hot chocolate in the comfort of their homes,' she thought as she sat in the shadey alley under the starlight. She looked down and couldn't even recognize her tears from the rain drops
Chapa: What have I done?....what am I gonna do?....*sobs* does he still want me?

Not long after, she hears noises from the trash cans behind her. She cudnt careless about what or who was there. She was drowning in her own problems at the moment

Chapa's POV
I saw a shadow next to mine on the floor. Oh great. I'm being abducted. Then suddenly, I feel...warm? I look to my shoulders and find a jersey properly hooked onto me. Then as I look down to my folded arms, I see hands pulling the jersey to cover them up. They look manly but soft. I dont know who the person is and feel lazy to look behind. This person is wearing a short sleeved shirt, I can see the goosebumps all over their arm. This person cares so much for me that, they came out into the rain, just to give me a jersey.
I get snapped out of thought when I look down and find the hands zipping up the jersey, covering my entire upper body. I said it! This person has a delicate touch, so smooth, I didnt even realise wat they did. The hands wrap around me and I feel even warmer. And even if it's dark, I can still see how bright their skin is glowing, this person is light skinned. I think I know who it is. Caring heart, manly yet tender hands, snow white skin...this person
Chapa: Wont you get a cold?
Bose: So we shud head back now, shudnt we?
Chapa: I geuss it's alright

We walked in silence for a while and then bose said something odd...
Bose: He used to abuse me and my mom...
Chapa: *confused look* vice mayor willard?
Bose: dad

Hes never talked to me about his dad before. As in...hes real biological dad...or anyone else for that matter. Is he really going to just...spill it on me? Hes actually willing to share hes story? With me only? Aww
Bose: I was young at the time but I remember it like it was yesterday. My dad would come late at night, fully drunk on weekdays. And on weekends, it was worse. He wudnt even come home at all. And if he was home, he wud be sleeping the whole day due to a terrible hangover. He would call me names when he was drunk. He shouted at my..."stupidity". He blamed my mom for it, and it hurt me everytime. He hit her too. She kept insisting it was just my age but he said I was a full on moron...a small headed, tiny brained idiot with no sense at all *looks down* those words have never left my mind since
Chapa: *moves and starts to walk closer to him*
Bose:...But he was nice...
Chapa: Nice? He insulted you bose
Bose: I know but, only cause he was drunk. He was a pretty cool dad when he was undrunk...
Chapa: Its sober but go on
Bose: He played with me, taught me, he actually NOTICED me...unlike some other dads *rolls eyes*
Chapa: Now you're talking about your stepdad?
Bose: Now I'm talking about my stepdad...I dont know how but, my mom found herself dating the vice mayor of Swellview. I thought he was cool, little did I know he would bring hell in my life...
Chapa: Hell? You get all the freedom u want, he buys u anything u desire and even gives u money

I looked up at his face and he was looking down with his hair stocking wet and clothes dripping with water
Bose: Yeah I do get all those stuff. Mostly as a sorry gift for not making it to one of our father son days-- I dont even know why I try anymore! Hes never wanted to spend time me with right from the beginning...its like he came for my mom and I'm just the side package that nobody wants
Chapa: Hey, dont say that...y cant u tell ur mom? Maybe she can put him in his place
Bose: I cant
Chapa: Y not?...has he bribed you? Threatened you? Hurt u? *sparks*
Bose: No *sighs* he makes my mom happy for sure. Shes never been like that ever since.....yeah. And I know my mom and how much she loves I know if I tell her, she might...end things with him and end up sad again
Chapa: You think so?
Bose:...not entirely, really. I mean, I love her and all but, I dont think she cares as much
Chapa: Must be cause vicey *sparks*
Bose: Probably *looks down*
Chapa: You know u have me right? I will ALYWAYS be there for you *smiles softly* they're acting like total jerks, neglecting u and all...adding some dabs of fake love-- I swear!
Bose: *flinches*
Chapa: I'll make sure to, make u happy again. And maybe pay a visit to someone late at night *smiles evily, pumps fists together and sparks* but, u gotta promise me to...feel free ayt. Dont hesitate to tell me...please? You gotta know, I'll never stop loving u matter what happens
Bose: *tears up* I...I dont know wat I'd do without you
Chapa: *smiles* probably nothing *shruges*

He comes in to give me a bug but I cant hug him back cause well, my hands are still wrapped inside the jersey so...
Chapa: I'm really sorry...including wat I said when we were in your house
Bose: *pulls back* its alright
Chapa: Do u want the jersey now?
Bose: No...I want u to keep warm
Chapa: Keep warm when you're freezing?!
Bose: We're almost there so dont fuss about it
Chapa:...u are one mystery, child
Bose: *smiles*
Chapa: Dont even *closes eyes*

I opened my eyes only to find he was still looking at me, not even watching were he was going. I got lost in his eyes...his smile...his dimples...He bit his bottom lip and lucky for him, if I hadn't warned him about the light post, he would've hit his head. But he didnt care, the stare went on. It gave me...a tingling feeling in my stomach. As he held my hand, which he had forcefully pulled out of the jersey by the way, I smiled and he blushed and looked away
Chapa: Bose?
Bose: Hm?

He quickly turned his head to face me and his wet hair had slapped his face
Both: *giggles*
Bose: *runs fingers through his hair and smiles at chapa*
Chapa: *stops walking* We're here
Bose: Do u...want me to call miles to--

Author's POV
Chapa smashed her lips against his and it took a while for bose to kiss back but he did. He was shoked but soon relaxed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her waist closer to him and rubbed his hands all around chapa's body. She runs her fingers through hes hair and he strokes her cheek and leaves it by her ear, all still while kissing. The rain made the moment so heavenly as it had made the stars' light blurry on the clouds and a little crescent moon was peaking from behind the clouds. They eventually had to stop 'cause they were running out of breath
Chapa: *pulls back* yes. Please call him to come get me

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