Young Immature Omega

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"Ajax! Come back here, you little rascal!"

"Then come and get me, old man! Ahahaha!" the young boy ran toward the snowy forest. A white wolf waited under the tree and wagged his tail when he saw him. Ajax smiled widely and hugged him.

"Yuri! There you are! Come on, let's hunt some rabbits today," he said while nuzzling on his thick fur. The wolf barked happily. They walked deeper to the forest and hunted.

"Ah, we should!" he suddenly collapsed and breathed heavily. His body felt burning, his face flustered. Suddenly he felt so horny. Yuri sniffed around him and howled.

"Kh...Yu..ri?" he called. A few minutes passed, his parents came with other wolves.


"!" he stepped back as his father tried to touch him.

"I can't get closer, Hun. You better go," he said. His mother slowly offered her hand so his eldest son could sniff it.

"Hah...hah...m-mom," he called.

"Yes, boy. It's me, you'll be fine. Here, it's your father," she assured him while handing a scarf of his father. He slowly inhaled the scent of his father and whined a little. She patted his head gently.

"Let's go home, Ajax. It's not safe here for you."


"Congratulations, he developed into a fine omega," the doctor said as he prescribed the suppressants. The parents delighted, not like Ajax who shocked and yelled.

"What?! Me?! Omega?!"

"Yes, you are an omega," he said. "Learn from your mother how to control your heat."

Ajax growled and hugged Yuri, while his parents only sighed watching his act. He poking his paws and realized his siblings watching him.


"Ah, my babies~" he said while hugging them. They cuddling each other and laughing.

"And to prevent some bad things, he needs to stay at home for about a month," the doctor said. Ajax whined again. "I'm serious here, young man."

"Alright, alright," Ajax replied. They walked out from his room, letting the big one having fun with his small siblings.

"Nyii-chan otay?" Teucer asked. He smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Yes, Teucer. Don't worry, nii-chan is the strong one," he smiled. After a quite time passed, Ajax walked out and met his mom.

"Teach me how to survive in heat, Mom. I won't let the alphas underestimate me."

"... Ajax, you're not trying to do something funny right?"

"Mom, do I look like a real rascal for you?" he asked, a bit hurt after heard that. She patted his head gently.

"I know you're a good boy, but looking at you unstable like this makes me worry."

He didn't utter any words. He reached her hand and kissed it.

"I'll do my best."


Two months later

Ajax walked under the cold thin air in the city of Snezhnaya. He fixed his scarf to keep him warm in the eternal snow. His face flustered a little.

"Woah, looks different from my hometown," he murmured. He checked his wallet to make sure he had enough money.

"...I should get a job to survive," he said. He let his legs led the way to the square and looked at the announcement board.

"Recruiting new member of Fatui?" he tilted head. He heard some people chattering around.

"Dude, gonna join that organization?"

"Gah, that's impossible. The test itself is hard, no one even survive in the test."

"But if we pass it, we will be acknowledged by Tsaritsa."

Ajax fell into deep thinking and smirked. He hurriedly ran to the big building not far from the square and met the receptionist.

"I want to join Fatui."

The receptionist gave a weird vibe and snorted.

"What can you do, a young omega?" he mocked. Ajax felt offended, yet he kept smiling while pulling out a small knife from his pocket.

"Well, what do you expect from me?" he asked sweetly. He laughed hard.

"You? I imagining you lay down there, spread your legs like a slut and..." he stopped talking as the knife sticking on his neck. Ajax smirked with dead eyes.

"Say again? My ears are bit off today," he begged. The receptionist shut his mouth, cold sweat slowly falling. "Come on, I didn't hear it clearly."

"Boy, you better stop that. Please?" asked someone. Childe glanced and found a shard ice sword ready to cut his neck. A lady with platinum wavy hair and half face mask smiled while patting his shoulder.

"An omega?" she shocked.

"Is there any problems with my secondary sex?" he glared. Unexpectedly, she shook head.

"You look strong, come with me," she said, drew back her sword and walked to the lift. Childe put back the knife and followed her. After they got in, she pressed the 7.

"What's your motivation?" she voiced.

"I need money, also I want to show the alphas I'm the strongest one even if I'm an omega."

"Nice motivation, boy. So, are you ready to sell your soul to the demon?"

"I am," he replied calmly. She smiled.

"Oh, right I haven't introduce myself, am I? Call me La Signora, how about you?"

"... Tartaglia," Ajax said. She smirked.

"Good name. I hope you pass the test, Tartaglia," she replied. They reached the seventh floor and walked out of the lift. A man with almost full face mask greeted them with several underlings around him.

"Signora! Fancy to meet you in my humble laboratory. Hm? Who's that boy? My new toy?" he greeted. Ajax growled, but Signora ignored it.

"Our soon-to-be the member of Fatui. Lend me your ID," she asked.

"Why my ID?"


"Hahahaha! You gonna send this boy to the hell? Amazing, Signora! Another rat lab for me!" he laughed madly, then handed the ID with a big creepy grin.

"Boy, I pray for your safety. Or not, hahahahaha!"

"What a madman," he commented after they left him.

"It's his trait, don't mind him," she replied while walking toward a tight secured door. She scanned the ID and the door opened.

"...when is your last heat?"

"Eh? Umm a week ago?"

"Okay, good luck," she said after pushing him to get into the space full of monsters. "I'll pick you up next morning."

Ajax shocked and turned back, but the door already closed. He looked up to witness the monsters lurking around.

"...this is gonna be fun!"

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