Awkward Dinner

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"Something warm and easy to digest? Hmm, it's a quite challenging dish. I should ask other's opinion," Zhongli murmured. He went to the next floor and made a call while opening his door.

"Ganyu's here. What can I do for you, my Lord?"

"Ganyu, do you have any ideas what should I cook for warm and easy to digest?" Zhongli asked. He walked to the fridge and rummaged the inside.

"Well, we have a lot of options here. Stew, soup, baked salmon...are you sick, my Lord?"

"Nope. Just want to cook for some...event today. Thanks, Ganyu," he ended quickly before she bombarded him with a ton of questions. He took out several ingredients and tilted head.

"Where I put that cookbook?" he murmured as he moved to his mini library and checked the shelf to find an old book. He read it and smiled.

"This one will be a perfect dish for tonight."

Ajax laid himself on the sofa and stared at the ceilings. His hand slowly caressed his stomach and sighed. He remembered how hard to achieve Tsaritsa's trust in order to be the member of Fatui, yet he easily got pregnant because of his recklessness. He bit his lip.

"How can I face Her Majesty with this condition? She will disappointed and...and what?" he whispered.

"Baby, I don't know whether I should happy or sad for your existence. I didn't mean to hurt you, but...I guess it's not the time to deliver you into this world."

He got up and clenched his fist.

"But abortion is not a funny matter. I can't kill an innocent creature like you. If I... didn't ask his help, maybe...ngh," he stopped as he felt a small bump from his tummy.

"...guess you're upset, hm? Of course you are, I'm a bad parent for you," he said. He hugged his legs and cried.

"I don't want to hurt you."


Zhongli was surprised to see Ajax standing right on his door with puffy eyes.

"You okay? What happened with your eyes?" he asked.

"...mood swing," he replied. Zhongli blinked his eyes and let him in.

"Should I make a cup of tea for you?" he asked.

", wait. A cup of water would be fine," he replied. Zhongli grabbed a bottle of mineral water and offered him. The young man took it and drank it quietly. He was nervous facing the target and the father of his child.

"Childe, let's have dinner now before the food goes cold," Zhongli offered while extending his hand. Ajax nodded and got up without taking his hand. Zhongli pulled back his hand and led him to the dining room. Ajax was astonished to see a perfect dish right before his eyes.

"Where did you buy them?" he asked.

"I cooked them all, so please don't mock me," he replied as he helped him to sit. Ajax blinked his eyes.

"You can cook?"

"Yep," he smiled. Ajax stared at him, yet didn't utter anything and put his hand on the table.

"You look skinnier than before," Zhongli commented.

"Thanks to the nausea I couldn't eat properly," Ajax replied while placing a slice of grilled salmon and vegetables on his plate.

"Nausea?" Zhongli repeated. Ajax bit his lip and looked away.

"Well, umm...I caught a cold after finishing my job," he lied. Zhongli smiled.

"Is that so? Want me to make a cup of..."

"Thanks, but I want to quit drinking tea for a while," Ajax said. Zhongli confused.

"Alright. A glass of milk will do?"

"... perhaps. Listen, Zhongli. I don't know why you're acting like this but please, mind to stop this? It's uncomfortable for me," Ajax said. Zhongli nodded.

"It will be the last, then," Zhongli said. Ajax staring at the knife on his hand.

"Please refrain from doing something reckless, Childe."

"No, not now," he replied while eating slowly. Zhongli sighed and ate too, they enjoyed the quiet yet calm environment they made. After eating, Zhongli took out two small cups of osmanthus pudding.

"Sweet scent, what is it?" Ajax asked in curiosity.

"It's osmanthus pudding. It has sweet scent and helps to soothe your nausea," he replied while placing the pudding right in front of the ginger man. He bit it for a taste and his eyes glimmered.

"Sweet and soft! I like it!" he yelled. Zhongli only chuckled to see Ajax happily eating the dessert. After he done, Ajax wiped his edge of lips.

"I admit your dish is extraordinary, I'm really full now," he said.

"So you're satisfied with my dish?"

"Of course, also your..." he stopped his words and looked down.

"My what?" Zhongli asked.

"Nothing! It's nothing, okay?" Ajax said while facing Zhongli, but his gestures couldn't impress him. The amber man pinned him with serious expression.

"Tell me, Childe. What are you hiding from me?" he demanded. Ajax tried to shove him, but he didn't move at all.

"Zhongli, it's not funny."

"I'm serious, Childe. What else are you trying to do behind me? And where did you go that noon?"

"I went to the hospital for check up, okay? Satisfied?" he replied, half yelled. Zhongli growled and sunk his face on Ajax's neck to rub his glands.

"Only check up? Then what's the result for that check up?"

"You're acting weird! Stop it!" he yelled as he kicked his face and stepped back. His face flushed. Zhongli rubbed the blood on his lips without expression, then stared at his mate.

"Perhaps you're dating with one of the twins?" he asked. Ajax frowned.

"The hell with your rubbish?! They're...argh, forget it. Thanks for the dinner!" he screamed and walked toward the door, but Zhongli stopped him.

"You have to answer me," he begged. Ajax calmed a little, but his anger still lingering.

"What for?"

"So I won't misunderstood my omega is trying to cheat behind me," he replied while hugging him gently.

"How many times I have to tell you, Zhongli? I'm not your omega, your mate or whatever it is. I want to be free without any alphas around me."

"Then you give me no choices but to mark you," he said as he pulled him to the bedroom and ignored his screams.

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