Chapter 4:Precaution

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And here I am ......... Huh what should I do.....

Takemichi is in the door outside of his girlfriend's apartment. He came here because he wants to take precautions,he don't know who's the trigger of his recent timeleap.

The goal of saving Hinata, it's trigger is Naoto. The goal of saving Mikey, it's trigger is mikey himself. But now he dont know the trigger and it's goal moreover takemichi see this as a chance to start over and save everyone planned and carefully unlike before that he prevent events one by one not thinking of the next scenarios.

The door opens and revealed hinata, his girlfriend.

Oohhh takemichi kun what are you doing here. Hinata asks her boyfriend.

Aaah good evening Hina, is Naoto here?. Takemichi greeted and asked.

Naoto? He's still not home, he's in a classsmete house doing a project he'l be back maybe a little later.Hinata answered.

Aaah is that so? Then I'll just wait by the swing. Takemichi was walking away.

Wait. Hina stops takemichi from walking.

Hmm.?. He asked

I just want to thank you. Hina smiled

About what?. He asked again.

After Naoto meet you he change a lot one time he asked father to tell him about being a police and his work , before he hates it because it's one of the reason why fathers barely at home.hina explains.

Heh heh I think Naoto has a very bright carrier waiting for him in the future. He'l be a good policeman I'm sure of it.

You think so to?

Yes.....Wait to?

Aaah honestly I'm thinking the same from the start Naoto is so. Art he grasp of the situations quickly and make sulotion on his own. I didn't tell him that before because he seems to hate the idea of being a police that's why I'm very thankful because of you Naoto finally find the path he wants. Takemichi.hinata thanked her boyfriend again.

I just tell him what I think that time I didn't know it will impact him a lot

Even so thank you takemichi

It's nothing really Hina, I'll be leaving

Hmmm. See you at school. Hinata wave.

See you!. Takemichi also wave back smiling.

Takemichi sighed for the 15th time. This is irritating I don't know anything that happen after I was unconscious in the hospital. Aaaah. Takemichi was so mad that he kicked the swing nearby. Wait I'll just try hand shaking Naoto . Mikey isn't the trigger this time, it cannot also be Naoto since Hina is alive but t
Let's just try if it's not Naoto let's just tell him to list all the people that gonna. Takemichi thought with courage but just as he was to walk away the swing that he kicked a moment ago swayed back to him and kicked him.

Ettttt aayyyy. That's hurt

Nee-sans boyfriend? Takemichisan?.naoto suddenly appeared.

Naoto!!!!?. Takemichi was a bit startled but remain composure since he was waiting for naoto.


Remember what I told you before?. Takemichi stand up and head straight to the point.

About what?....Aaah that nee-san is gonna die 7 years in the future?.

Yes that!!okay listen Hina is saved.

Really!!!? Then is nee-san -naoto was happy but then was cut of by takemichi.



A friend of mine jump of the building . We jumped together and died he told me to save him and therefore he became my new trigger because you became a trigger for a reason and that reason is solved.

Well that's? Good?. Naoto was getting Confuse.

No. You see i got back 5 years ago which mean in this timeline 2 years in the future I got caught up in a gang war and there dranken died. Takemichi started explaining.

The tokyo manji gang vice president?. Naoto identify.

Yes. And my friend that jumped of a building and told me to save him went berserk and kill one of the dietes that participate in the war. I was knock out trying to stop him my bones are broken and I got a scar at the face. The dark take over him okay but while I was unconscious in the hospital and trying to open my eyes someone shake my hands and send me here way back.

Okay............naoto tried to process the information first.


So your telling me there a 3rd trigger, Naoto asked while takemichi nodded gasping air because he talked to much without breathing.
Then she or he must be someone related to the war that happened and wants to change that timeline timeline.

That makes sense Naoto. Takemichi exclaimed to naoto.

No it's obvious. Naoto look at takemichi with the look"are you stupid? ".

Hheehheheh. Takemichi laughed out silently.

So what do you want me to do?. Naoto asked his big sister's boyfriend.

All right since I don't know the trigger and might shakes hand with him or him unknowingly and got back to the future. By that time your already a police so I want you to list down any information regarding toman while I'm still here in the past record every death okay 👌. Takemichi ordered naoto.

Naoto just nodded

Okay I'm going it's getting late you to you better hurrry up Hina is gonna get worried if you go home late. Bbbyye. Takemichi telled naoto and taked his leave.

Bye. Takemichi-san. Naoto then headed to the opposite direction takemichi went. He went home.

I better sleep early mom is gonna check my apartment tommorow. Takemichi thought as he shuts his eyes and fall to sleep.

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A Future In Mind

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