Chapter 13:Territory

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We're doomed. Takemichi and Chifuyu both thought as they both lower their head after they remembered their objectives to visit yokohama but it was already night time and they still hadn't found out clues about Izana.the whole interaction between South and the duo was witnessed by 4 figure watching them from above.

aah~aah~aah~,when I thought it was about to get violent.. Right brother?. A blond haired with blue stripes haired wearing glasses figure said standing in the top of the rooftop. Indeed I thought so rin-rin, I should teach them a lesson to use those batons perfectly. A blond haired with black stripes haired figure said putting his hand on his waist. Aaah stop calling me that!!!. Haitani Rindou shouted at his older brother. eh? Why?. Haitani Ran asked his little brother.aaah!!!. Rindou shouted frustrated while Ran was furrowing his eyebrow as to why his little brother was suddenly frustrating.see izana-sama, brother is at it again!!. Rindou reported to their leader who was sitting in the building rooftop, crossed leg.the leader sighed. Don't mind it rindou, as long as it's not insulting. Izana-sama said. But- rin-rin is... not. Rindou mumbled and looked at kakucho asking for help. Izana is right, rindou. Kakucho said averting his gaze from rindou's pleading eye. See rin-rin, hahahaha. Ran patted his little brother's back as rindou gave up erasing the nickname. lets go. Izana-sama ordered them walking elegantly his earrings flowing with the wind while the brothers follow him. I'll follow. Kakucho told them that made the 3 stops their steps but their leader:izana didn't give any response. I have some questions for them. Kakucho added. Do as you like. Izana responded and continued walking followed by ran and rindou. Careful kakucho, well I guess you don't need that. Ran joked waving his hand. Hmmph. Rindou is still upset at kakucho for not taking his side. A aaah rin-rin is so cute!!!. Ran exclaimed admiring his little brother's cuteness. Stop that!. Rindou complained. Don't be childish for such irrelevant matters, you two. Izana scolded the two calmly. Kakucho facepalmed even though their known for brutally and being cruel tenjiku is their kingdom and izana Who is their king was spoiling them like an older brother, letting them do whatever they want.

Takemichi and Chifuyu was walking out of the alleyway still frustrated that they haven't found any clues about izana. Chifuyu noticed a figure approaching them who was wearing a grey shoes, black pants and a black sweater with a design chifuyu doesn't recognize. When the figure revealed himself in the light chifuyu described the boy around their age, he
Has a black eye and grey eye and a scar. It's been a long time.. The boy said. Who?. Chifuyu thought. Takemichi also notice the boy and his eyes widened. Ka! Kaku-chan!!!.He shouted recognizing the man, it was his childhood friend. You know him aibo?. Chifuyu asked takemichi and takemichi came closer to chifuyu and whispered:"it's kakucho and his izana's right hand man, his also a childhood friend".thats good maybe we can get him to help us meet izana. Chifuyu whispered back. Meanwhile kakucho was irritated he clearly can't stay longer cause the haitani brothers and izana are waiting for him and yet when he approaches them the first thing they did was yelled his childhood nickname and whispered behind his back. So you still recognize me hero. Kakucho said.of course. Takemichi said proudly, in the last timeline kakucho appeared he had to get beaten by smiley to get takemichi recognize him.

What's with everyone calling partner hero?. Chifuyu said. It's just how it was. And you are?.kakucho asked chifuyu. Chifuyu was a little bit mad at this. Isn't it more polite to tell your name first before, you ask others? . Chifuyu said calming himself although he already know kakucho because of the letter. Kakucho.. Just kakucho. Kakucho said. Matsuno Chifuyu. Chifuyu introduced himself as the both handshake. In normal perspective it was a friendly meeting but if you look closely you can clearly see the irritating smile of the two clearly showing their dislike at each other. Meanwhile takemichi was having a deep thought;judging by the logo in kaku-chan's sweater it's the simplypied version of tenjiku's sign which later became bontens tattoo. Does this mean tenjiku is already created... Did kisaki already contacted izana?. Kakucho and chifuyu also noticed this. Aahhaha, don't mind that partner tend to over think. Chifuyu said he was already used to this side of takemichi, they need to be more cautious and prepared for the events they are starting to prevent. Partner?. Kakucho can't help but ask. Right it's what I call partner since were partners.chifuyu told kakucho who was looking at takemichi who was still deep in thought. Right!? Partner!!!. Chifuyu called out takemichi on a loud voice which made kakucho starled and takemichi out of his thoughts. Aaah yeah. Takemichi nodded. It has been a long time kaku-chan, how have you been. Takemichi said while chifuyu was holding back his laughter because of the"honorifics:chan"
Which is usually used by girls and this made kakucho embarrassed. Cut that out!. Kakucho said to takemichi holding his embarrassment.i don't see no problem at it.. Takemichi exclaimed. Right? Chifuyu?. Takemichi asked chifuyu, kakucho also looked at chifuyu asking for help. Yeah, partner is right. Chifuyu said he was definitely loving kakucho's weird embarrassed face. With chifuyu's response kakucho sulked and for the first time felt rindou's pain:he was having a deja vu instead it was him who was told. He sighed and answered takemichi's earlier question. I'm fine,I definitely don't need your help anymore.. I can defend myself alone. He said although it was a normal tone to chifuyu it was a mocking tone. Don't you know that the one we chased away a while a go was the one who was supposed to beat you up. Chifuyu said to his mind.well,that's good for you.
Takemichi said.yeah.kakucho responded, they are in a brief silence not knowing what to say next until chifuyu broke the silence. So your in a gang. He said it wasn't a question asking for an answer but more like a statement that was obvious. Tenjiku's heavenly king:kakucho hitto...thats my position in tenjiku.kakucho informed them. Heavenly king?. You sure their a gang?. Chifuyu whispered to takemichi. Yeah you fight with one of them in the future. Takemichi whispered back. No one ask... Chifuyu said boredly to kakucho which made him angry. You seehere in Yokohama without knowing it's situation.. Kakucho said containing his anger since it's a reunion with a childhood friend, he usually is calm but if it's about tenjiku that's another story. That's why we're here. Chifuyu mumbled but still get heared by kakucho. So. Your in A gang too? Kakucho asked unlike chifuyu who said this in a statement kakucho is interested to know if his childhood friend really did choose the path of delinquent world. Tokyo Manji gang 1st division vice captain Matsuno Chifuyu. Chifuyu says, he is proud of his position. Wow... That's longer than my title. Kakucho thought.2nd division member. Takemichi says normally, now that he looked back he clearly remembered that the 1st division captain has a heavy responsibility next to the president and vice president.toman is really the best. Chifuyu who noticed and clearly read takemichi's thought said.nah... Tenjiku is the best. Kakucho said against Chifuyu's words. See simple. Chifuyu thought as kakucho said those words, he was proud that kakucho caught the bait he said. Now all that's left is to trick him into letting them meet izana.tenjiku dominates Yokohama and half of Roppongi. Kakucho added. Well were not from here. Chifuyu said immediately. you are standing in tenjiku's territory.kakucho said, the two were having a patience battle but takemichi decided to end it. Either way his actions benefit s chifurests side. Man... I'm hungry. Takemichi says. Yeah.. Me too. Chifuyu said rubbing his stomach. We were supposed to find a restaurant after looking around. Chifuyu continues his words averting his eyes as if looking Around and stopped at kakucho. Aaah.. Since you're aibo's friend! How about you introduce us to a good restaurant. Chifuyu exclaimed holding kakucho's hand. But-. Kakucho wants to refuse since the haitani brothers and izana are waiting for him. Yes please!!. Think of it as a favor! I'm really hungry!. Takemichi interrupted kakuco.he didn't really lie since they travelled from Tokyo to Yokohama and looked around all day plus they bumped into south but he clearly understood chifuyu's plan, it was actually a surprise since chifuyu's plan in the past always include dorayaki and hope.Kakucho think for a bit, haitani brothers and izana are waiting ina restaurant they won't mind it if he bring aquintance right?. Kakucho was hesitating. Were not here as toman members anyway were simply rewarding ourselves by visiting YOKOHAMA. Chifuyu added. Yeah!luckily our parents give us permission, I had a lot of reminders given by mother before she finally let me go.takemichi also said remembering her mother's words it was more like scolding than reminders. Chifuyu nodded at takemichi's words her mom only let him go was because takemichi was coming with him but before that he was told by his mother a lot of things that he already forgot. Fine. Kakucho said letting out a sight, he guess it wouldn't hurt to bring more people right? After all the more the merrier.

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