Chapter 18:The First Move

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Seeing Senju cry and Mikey can't keep calm. He shouldn't have brought up the incident but base on Senju's action, it's seems that there's misunderstanding going on ever since. Mikey dont know what misunderstanding it was but he was certain, that misunderstanding had cause Senju to back away from him.

Senju starting now let's rewrite everything okay... Mikey smiled a little, it was a hopeful one. If everything can't be fixed.. Why not rewrite it?. Senju have always belong to him and him only.. Nothing can keep them apart, if there is he'll make sure to eliminate it because senju was the one who is meant for him.


Will you give me a chance?. Mikey asked.


Come on I'll take you to your apartment..mikey said which make senju give him a questioning look while still crying. Seeing Senju's reaction Mikey can't help but smirked.
I had my ways... Mikey holds Senju's other hand and said smirking.

Mikey holds senju's hand while going out of the meeting while senju obediently followed him with her other hand trying to wash her face and lowered her head from embarrassment out of crying. The gang members were stunned to see their president holding hands with the beautiful girl earlier with a stunning winning smirk, never would thought their president to be that kind of person. The group also noticed Mikey and senju walking away from the meeting. The two hives off a romantic aura together and was pretty obvious to the group,some were realized nothing bad happened to senju. Emma was happy for her brother Mikey meanwhile draken was completely pissed off by Mikey, even if mikey is strong he can't do everything he wants just like that and what did he do to senju that made her cry.

Oi! Mikey! What do you think your doing?!..draken angrily shouted but Mikey didn't respond.

President.. Haruchiyo called out . If draken was pissed at Mikey's action well he was feeling worse, he doesn't want anything related to gang things be involved to his sister.

What about the meeting?.. Haruchiyo stated seriously to prevent Mikey from taking her sister away.

You guys continue first... Mikey answered back.

But-.. Draken was about to retort and agree to what haruchiyo said but Mikey and senju Disappeared in an instant leaving a engine of a motor leaving sound.

Mikey is driving his motor. He glances at Senju who was peacefully sleeping on his back. Maybe she was tired from all those crying. Mikey sighed and driver to her apartment. How did Mikey know you ask?... Well Emma has a purpose you know... He entered Senju's apartment carrying senju princess style.. Senju's apartment can fit in a while family and the aesthetic was simple and calming with white, black, and sky blue theme. When you enter there's a lot of space for your shoes and bags. If you see to the left there's a big white couch and a fluffy sky blue rag, a wide glass table with to see plants in the middle and a tv at the side. Thinking about where the plants came from Mikey's face darken, Emma had told him about senju's fanclub full of boys. {Actually with some girls too but Mikey seem to forget about tht and focus his anger on the boys}.
At the right there's a wide kitchen Isle and a small dining table fit for 4 . In the middle there's stairs and at the back of the stairs there's a back door connecting to a small garden and pond. Mikey got to the second floor, it was a spacious one....when you got to the second floor first thing you will see was a big window and a pink rag below with books and pillows scattered. There's two additional rooms one for the guests and it was a big room with other doors connecting for other bedrooms which aesthetic where all white and grey. {When you enter the room you can see a doors 3 doors exactly one has bunk beds, the second one has dual bed and the last one has a single bed}.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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