Chapter 8:LETTER

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Chifuyu was now heading to his apartment, he stop halfway when he was about to enter thinking of what exactly happen.

I was observing him(takemichi) for two days. From my observation he seems to have a big goal and waiting for someone. I attended school and meet up with baji-san, there's no schedule of toman meeting that the president announced so I decided to approach him.

I told him to have a seat next to me, he did follow what I say but he suddenly telled me to be his partner and for what. He says he's gonna be preventing a lot of events why me tho? How am I supposed to react and when I ask why,he answer you'll know when you read the letter. I'm starting to have the urge of reading it now.

But for some reason I feel like no matter what he says I will unconsciously believe it and take his side no matter what happen? Die for him?. Chifuyu was confused of his emotions. This is the first time I wanna help someone other than baji-san and toman.

Chifuyu sat down in his bed holding the letter. Should I read it? He asked himself and notice his cat pekej sleeping In his bed comfortably. He then patted pekej's fur and said

Your a lucky one are you, sleeping lazily like that and looking cute unknowingly. Hmmmmp well your more lucky to have a me. Hehe. He laughed and joked to erase his nervousness as he open the envelop.

Chifuyu,it has been a long time since I saw you I'm kinda know to meet you since all of the things that happen, I'm sorry like I said it's all my fault I was too careless. Hah I'm really writing this when you don't even remember anything but it's fine in this timeline that hasn't happen yet. What I dont understand did we know each other before? Did he do something bad to say sorry to me? Remember anything? Timeline? Like past and future?.Chifuyu was starting to ask alot of questions as he read the first contents of the letter.

I'm really working hard you know I always does since the start and your always by my side I'm great full for that. Chifuyu furried his eyebrows as he didn't get what takemichi meant in the letter. I don't get it we are not aquintance before meeting in the ramen shop. It's the first time I've seen him. Chifuyu tried to remember if they met before but nothing came to mind.

Since you don't have a memory of the future im gonna tell you the upcoming conflicts, incidents, and events that will change not only toman but the people's that revolve around it. I'm telling you this because I trust you and your my partner. What memory of the future? Is that even possible? Is toman in danger? I'm his partner? He did ask me to his be partner.

If your confuse I'm gonna tell you this the second time. I'm Hanagaki takemichi a timeleaper I came from the future to prevent a lot of happening especially deaths. I can't remember how many times I've timeleap but one thing for sure I came back to the past where I started preventing it all. I've decided to stop all those happening and solve conflicts in advance all at one for a better future and life. A time leaper!!!!? Deaths regarding toman? Is someone gonna die in toman?.
Chifuyu was stunned at the sudden impormation.although in a normal person point of view takemichis letter seems to be full of nonsense but chifuyu doesn't know it yet. He already believe takemichi and was prepared to read the reamaining contents.

The first one is the moebious incident pa-chin will stab osanai and get jailed. This will start a conflict Between Mikey kun and dranken kun.
The 3rd division Captain seat will be empty and Kisaki Tetta will be introduced as it's new captain. Pen Yan will side with moebious and dranken kun will get stab in the abandomen.what? Chifuyu was having a hard time processing the information.

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