Chapter 11:Sweet Punch

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Takemichi and Chifuyu was now handing over the shopping bags and boxes that belong to Emma and Senju to the delivery agent. Partner?. Chifuyu called takemichi. Yes...?. Takemichi says shuttering. Both of them has barely energy from carrying shopping bags and boxes. This can prevent deaths right?.(he's talking about being goffers). Chifuyu asked his partner. Chifuyu was happy to meet a person who relate to his liking of manga's and he was happy to make new friend and is a girl his mom would be happy to hear this. He enjoyed the movie and they will eat dinner later how now is that?. But he wasn't really expecting to carry such numbers of shopping bags and boxes,before he knew it his partner has dragged him to a situation boys refer to as hell(carrying shopping bags and boxes). He was speechless normally when he go shopping with his mom he usually carry 3 to 5 bags but this time it was more than 10. If you ask chifuyu if he would carry those again he would answer "I'd rather get surrounded by 50+ members of an enemy gang than carry those again".

Let-Lets think of it that way. Takemichi answered avoiding chifuyu's helpless eyes.chifuyu had a sudden energy burst at what takemichi said. He shakes takemichi's shoulder and shouted "how could you!? Your my partner! ".takemichi also shakes chifuyu's shoulder and shouted back " well!! Partners are supposed to help each other out!! ".they are both shaking each other's shoulder endlessly while Cross into the road and people are looking at them weirdly. Emma and Senju. Takemichi muttered as he let how of chifuyu's shoulder and chifuyu did the same. What about them?. Chifuyu asked. Both of them finally got their energy back and composed themselves. Emma and Senju are gonna die. Takemichi said. Chifuyu seemed to be shock a little but didn't overreact the moment he believes takemichi's letter he already brace himself for all the upcoming surprises although everytime takemichi tells him one he always have a hard time processing it. The day of black dragons 1st gen. Founding Anniversary emma-chan will die. Takemichi explains. But I thought only president's older brother died?. Chifuyu says as he remembered that the letter didn't mention anything about Emma's death. Aaah actually I was... Aah you know not really sure if I should tell you all that time.... Hehe. Takemichi says scratching the back of his head. Chifuyu facepalmed and said" you know what? I'm not surprise anymore ". President's future emo self really have it hard, losing your older brother and younger sister the same day. Chifuyu added. And Senju will die protecting me 2 years later, I don't know how she died in the original timeline but one thing is for sure if everything happens the same as it was in the past they will die. Takemichi said seriously. Well we gotta work hard to prevent that right partner?. Chifuyu encourage takemichi and patted his back. Um, chifuyu. Takemichi nodded and chifuyu smiled. Call me aibo.chifutu says. Um chifuyu. Takemichi answered smiling. Aaahhhhhh why!!!!?. Chifuyu shouted frustratingly.

Senju and Emma was passing store and more stores. There were heavy silence as Senju recently stopped her tears from flowing flowing. She don't know why but she felt connection to the movie but she only think of it as a pity for Sierra or maybe Michael too?. She don't know the main characters of the movie have a despair as an ending. She was depth in thought as to why she herself would cry. She promises herself not to cry on irrelevant matters and if her brother Haruchiyo takes loyalty seriously, Senju takes promises seriously. Meanwhile Emma was feeling bothered by the silence but soon brush it out and observed Senju. Senju. Emma blurted out, Emma herself ask herself why she called Senju all of a sudden. With that Senju stopped her tracks and turned around to focus her attention to Emma instead of her thoughts. Is there a problem?. Senju asked. Nothing. Emma answered immediately. They stopped walking near a tree and decided a to take a break, it was quite tiring to find a restaurant that suits the 4 of them because they did not know what chifuyu and takemichi's want for dinner but thinking of the two their taste were probably the same considering the to were partners(Senju actually thought that takemichi and chifuyu were siblings at first). Because of the brief silence Emma used this aportunity to know what has happened to senju's life for the past have you been for the past year Senju?....

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