Chapter 17: 241

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Senju walks around the toman meeting carefully so no one will notice her. But as expected the members attention was drown in to her the moment she entered. Normally the toman members would prevent anyone from entering their sacred ground but they didn't as they were to awe at senju. Senju walks gracefully even tho she's lowering her head to avoid anyone noticing her. The  plastic full of dorayaki that she hasn't eat yet on her right hand, the box chifuyu's mom gave her on the left, and her bag at her back.

She's beautiful

A goddess

Do any of us know her?

Let's not act yet.. President will get mad at us if it turns out to be one of the captains guest like before.

Who do you think she came here for..

I should ask her out later..

Nahh... Someone that pretty might already have a boyfriend..


The members commented. Luckily none of the captains noticed her yet. Senju hide behind a tree and scan the area finding chifuyu's shadows. The members who were looking at her the whole time found her actions cute but senju glared at them and silenced them. She just need to hand this over to chifuyu and Dissapear without making any fuss or attracting anyones attention which is hard considering her visuals.

Senju spotted chifuyu and move on to another tree branch and hide.

Pssst!.. Senju shouted in a low voice.

Fuyu!. She called.

Hmmm?.. Chifuyu looked around. He headed someone calling him but sees no one.

What's the matter?.. Baji asked chifuyu.

Nothing baji-san... Chifuyu shrugged. Maybe it's just his hacculations.

Fuyu! Fuyu! Fuyu!. Senju Called him again.

Excuse me for a minute baji-san..chifuyu says. It can't be his imagination. That nickname was given to him by senju which mean senju is near. Chifuyu scan the area and he find senju hiding in a tree branch.

Senju?... He said.

Fuyu... Senju called chifuyu shoving the leaves behind.

What are you doing here?.. Chifuyu asked as he helps senju get the leaves out of her hair.



I came to give you this...senju said as she hand chifuyu the box.

You met mom?.. Chifuyu asked shocked because the box belongs to his mother. It's the box that her mother put his dinner when his mom is going somewhere.

Yeah at the supermarket earlier... She said she can't come home and cook dinner for..... Senju explains in a low voice. She's being really careful to not attract any attention but unknown to her members were already eyeing her the moment she steps in.

I got it.. Chifuyu understands.

Vice captain's girlfriend?... A member of chifuyu's division asked. The members were thinking the same thing. Senju is really a guest, their glad they didn't make any mistakes. Unlike last time they scared the hell out of takemichi. Maybe... Another one commented. If so it's weird to see your captain who's single to suddenly have a girlfriend so they thought senju must be someone relates to their captain not in a romantic way.

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