Chapter 6:Coffees☕️&Strawberries🍓

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11:02 am-
Senju is in the Cafe that her shopping bags carriers are supposed to stay and wait for her. She walks finding them with a strawberry basket🍓 on her right hand and a grocery bag on the left. (Inside the grocery bags are water,sugar, and
lemon juice.)

The cafe are quite spacious but senju notice them quickly because of the shopping bags and they(the shopping bags carriers) tend to order on big tables. It's a table for 4.

Benkei notice senju walking towards them. Oh senju you're finally back, what took you so long. He asked.

It's not that long it's only an hour. Wakasa stated.

It turns out the shopping bags carrier are benkei and Wakasa.

Yeah it's not that long beside I made a new friend. Senju announced to the the two of them. She's excited to tell them about the new friend she made(Takemichi).

You did?.Benkei heared senju loud and clear.he's happy for senju and also curious about their princess new friend. Of course the same goes for Wakasa its just not obvious because his eyes seems to be bored all the time.

Senju sat the opposite to Wakasa and benkei seat. the way where omi-ni(takeomi)?. Senju asked her brother friends(shopping bag carrier😀) .

He's ordering and paying for our meals for this lunch. Benkei answered.

I was paying for our order. We're having lunch in this cafe. I see senju walking towards our table. Ooh she's back what took her so long it's already an hour. I ask myself as I payed for our meal.

Table no. 7,table for 4 right sir. Your order will be coming out please wait in your table for a few minutes. The cashier said.i just nodded and headed to our table senju already seated . I heared them talked.

Yeah it's not that long beside I made a new sister said. That's good she made a new friend.

Really? Benkei asked. I mean who would dared to get close at my sister.

Yeah by the way wheres omi-ni. Senju asked. I'm here

He's ordering and paying for our meals for this lunch. Benkei answered.

I walk closely toward them and sat near beside my sister. So this friends of yours is it a boy or a girl. I asked my sister as she noticed me and answered-

Boy. My sister said in as a matter of fact tone. My face darkens it's already enough that she is swarmed by boys at school and then she made one outside.?!. Benkei doesn't seem to be too shock tho he hoped it's girl while Wakasa is still his usual self bored but asked senju what was he like.

What was he like?


Hhmmm. Pretty much normal. He has bright yellow hair and this dark blue eyes. He's one year older than me. Senju answered as she thinks more words to describe her new friend.

I also learned from him that mint chocolate is really a cool flavor. Senju added as she remembered how it taste.

So that made you buy this?. Takeomi asked as he shows everyone the ice cream mint chocolate flavor from the grocery bag.

Yep. You should taste it too. Senju said convincing them.

Sure if that's what the princess wants. Wakasa stated

Yes of course we'l definitely try it. Benkei corrected wakasas statement as he thinks his partner has a weird words sense.

And this? Takeomi wondered as he was about touch the basket senju slaps his hands away.

Hey that's mine. Senju scolded her older brother. (Possessive much?) It was in a cold voice.

Chill I was just checking it. Takeomi is calming senju down, who knows what she might do if she lost her temper.

Yeah senju calm down. Benkei helped takeomi calm senju down as he was also scared of senju's capabilities when she's mad.
Benkei's eyes traveled to Wakasa who was chilling in his side enjoying the lunch that takeomi ordered a while a go.

Oooh hey help us here. Benkei shouted to Wakasa in a low voice.

You heard her. What's hers is hers. What yours is your. What's mine is mine. Wakasa said calmly as he was sipping the coffee he ordered.

Hhhmp. Senju finally calmed. Next time don't touch what doesn't belong to you or else worst may happen. Trust me as I speak from experience. (Chapter 241 everyone).

We got it senju. Takeomi replied to his sister.

You could have said don't touch whats not yours no need to make it poety.benkei said to Wakasa, he is really having doubts to his partners choices of words.

Hmmm. Wakasa answered benkei.

Then thank you for the food. Senju prayed as the other 3(takeomi, benkei, Wakasa) followed her prayers.

The four enjoyed their lunch, they talk about their day especially senju's new friend and
senju's another stacks of clothes.
Soon each one of them headed to their own destination after a long day. Wakasa headed to his gym, benkei headed to his apartment after they escort takeomi and senju to their house more like only senju . Takeomi already a grown up.

Senju layed to her bed it was already night and time to sleep.her room was spacious it was a pink and white aesthetic with a himt of is weekend today so she's in their house(the house they live in when there mother was still alive)their father is living their to but mostly away for work. The Akashi sibling has their own apartment near their respective school, they go home when its weekend or their free day.

She thought today was a lucky day she made a new friend and takemichi says he's gonna introduce his best friend and girlfriend to her soon

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She thought today was a lucky day she made a new friend and takemichi says he's gonna introduce his best friend and girlfriend to her soon. Meaning she'll make friends with them. She really thought after all shopping sometimes make you good.and with that she falls to a slumber.

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