Chapter 14: Far away

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If chifuyu and takemichi was in roppongi senju and emma were having cakes with hina on Emma's favourite place.

Senju this is hina.emma introduced hina to senju.
Hina this is my childhood friend senju. Emma introduced senju to hina. Nice to meet you senju-chan you're really beautiful... Like a princess!!.hina greeted senju and praise her, it was the first time she sees a person like senju it's as if she came out of fairytale. Nice to meet you too.. You're michi's girlfriend. Right?. Senju greeted back politely as she recognized hina exactly the same as takemichi describe her to be.
Aah yes.. Michi?. Hina answer and asked confused,it rhyme in takemichi's name. Michi is takemichi's nickname that senju gave to takemichi.. Hina.emma explains to avoid an anger hina after all jealous girlfriends is the worse since she herself know that. Aaah really?. Hina asked, she did remember takemichi mentioning senju and how takemichi talked about that the two would get along well.
Yes.. Almost everyone had a nickname from senju.emma facepalmed as she remembers the nicknames like michi,future, ken-chan for dranken.Well at least senju's naming skills doesn't suck like her brother Mikey.Is that so?. Hina ask then senju starled the two. I got it!!. Senju exclaimed sparkles released on her head that came visible to hina and emma. Got what?. Emma asked,it could be a nickname for hina.
Starting now you're my friend hin-chan...Okay hin-chan?senju said patting hina's back the same way Mikey patted takemichi's back when they first met.
Aaah yes!.hina said it was her first time receiving a cute nickname so she was happy.

Never really thought they would come to Yokohama when I suggested it.emma told them. Ticket to Yokohama isn't that expensive?. Hina commented it's not like she's poor her family has enough money to afford it but she knows how hard it was to earn money because of his father who work as a police officer. For senju it's just a piece of paper.emma commented, she wasn't really lying senju's family is rich her father is a successful lawyer.
Senju-chan is really kind. Hina said.they said they will meet a friend there.senju said it was the reason why she give them the ticket. Matsuno-kun and takemichi are really good friends. Hina stated she was happy for her boyfriend to have such a loyal friend. Yeah sometimes being with your best friend all the time can make your girlfriend feel threatened.emma added as she said her experience all the time her boyfriend was with her brother. Right.. I do feel that sometime. hina admitted she herself know that she got jealous easily.I understand you.emma nodded at hina, some girls do share the same pain meanwhile senju was getting irritated that the two were talking about boyfriends relation which senju can't relate to the topic.Senju Don't you think your outfit is too revealing?.emma commented as she realized senju's outfit, it was indeed revealing but if you look at it senju really make any clothes shine.Not really..senju said she doesn't have a problem with it since she thinks it's easier to move and kick someone with the outfit. Takeomi-san will get bad about this.emma said as she remembered how strict he was to Haru and senju. He had no right since he was the one who keep saying I should be more "ladylike". Senju said.she wasn't the past senju who would tremble if she was scolded.right hin-chan?. She smiled at hina.
Senju-chan looks good on any clothes.hina said smiling while taking a bite of her macarons.
Of course she does.. She's a living princess after all.emma commented, the 3 we're enjoying their peaceful girl date eating their snacks.

Emma remembered her conversation with her brother the next day after her date with senju and the duo. How's senju?. Mikey asked emma. They already finished breakfast and grandpa sano was already in the dojo leaving the two alone in the house. The two were talking Mikey was sitting in the living room with a serious face while emma was sitting in the opposite couch with a very nervous face maybe he overdid teasing her brother. .. She's doing fine. Emma answered hesitating a bit it was hard to get caught up with your friend and brother's that so?..mikey asked also hesitating what if emma won't tell her about senju.Yeah!. Emma answered with full energy after all her brother will understand her if she hesitate about senju, who wouldn't be scared of losing your friend that's like your own sister.Is she happy?. Mikey asked if senju is happy then so he will for her. Well... I can't really tell.. Maybe if you met her you can.this question was like a maze to emma you never know her brother might act stupid but his smart especially if he wants to, he might take advantage of the answer. Oh?.. Them my caring little sister why don't you help this brother of yours meet her?.mikey did take advantage of the situation he would do anything to meet senju, well even if emma refuse he will find a way somehow.but!. As he expected emma did try to refuse. Ooh? Maybe I should hangout with ken-chin more.mikey said in a childish voice tho it was threatening to emma, imagine your boyfriend and brother spending time with each other more than you their own sister and boyfriend.Fine!!! Hmph. Emma pouted. Hehe. Thanks emma, you know I really really wanna see her and apologize.mikey said and smiled softly erasing the serious face and childish voice which made Emma think"love...Yeah it's love".
You should apologize to haruchiyo. emma told her brother Crossing her arms.
I did. Mikey said in a as a matter of fact tone.That's Sanzu.emma retorted. Their the same person. Mikey retorted back he would never back away without winning. Whatever.emma gave up easily and give her brother the winning on this discussion, indeed haruchiyo and Sanzu are the same person but different person the same time.

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