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(Laurence's POV)
The rest of the weekend went pretty slow, my parents found out about the whole "park" incident, and they weren't that pleased about it. Ever since, they kept encouraging me to stop hanging round with Kier, but they can't stop me, can they? I couldn't bear not having my Kier by my side, I don't know how I could ever cope.

I met Kier by the school gate and we did our usual routine of meeting up, Kier complaining about school, walking in, and up to our first lesson.

"What's with you?" Kier asked, noticing an annoyed expression on my face.

"We have a test today and I didn't even get chance to revise properly thanks to someone."

Kier simply chuckled and patted me lightly on the shoulder. "They won't even mark it properly

anyway, Laur. C'mon, Saturday was pretty fun!"

"No, it wasn't Kier! I got into so much trouble that day!" Kier kept on laughing without saying a word, and this started to piss me off slightly.

"Kier, what's so funny?" I asked, a slight whine in my voice.
"You, taking everything so serious all the time! You need to lighten up!"
I huffed at his reply and rolled my eyes. He was laughing at me for caring?
"Look, Laur," he started, after (finally) calming down. "Its nothing personal but what I'm saying is true."
"I don't need to "lighten up", Kier. I just want to do something well in my life."
Kier looked around at a few other students who looked so happy (note the sarcasm) to be there, then looked back at me and smiled. "You seem to be the only one who actually cares, Laurence! Congratulations!"
"Well at least I won't be the one working in McDonalds or whatever!" I snapped, feeling quite annoyed with the boy now.
"You know what your problem is, Laurence?" Kier asked, his face suddenly snapping into a frown. "You care too much."
"And this is a bad thing because...?"
Kier chuckled, slightly shaking his head. "Why did I end up with such a friend like you, Laurence?"
This comment stung me a little, whether he was joking or not.
"Because I was the only one who could get you back on track. I care so much because I worry about you, Kier."
Kier cocked his head to the side before giving a small chuckle. He shook his head before speaking.
"Why would you care about a sad, pathetic boy like me? Huh? Answer me that, Laurence..."
I simply couldn't function why Kier had suddenly turned on me like this. Why had he turned all sarcastic? It didn't make sense...
"Wow, you don't actually have an answer for once!"
"Kier why are you-"
"I don't even understand how I put up with your...unlivelyness for so long."

Unlivelyness isn't a word, Kier...

"Well you don't have to anymore if this is what you've really felt about me all this time!" I suddenly shouted. A few people turned round to stare at the both of us, but I was too angry to even care. I couldn't understand why Kier would just turn on me like this!
"Looks like you're on you're own then..." Kier muttered.

(Kier's POV)
All the words I'd wanted to say. All the times I got mad at Laurence for being too quiet. I'd said them all, every single thing. After our argument, I realised that I was unsure if I meant them or not. But now Laurence knew.

I walked confidently to my seat and threw my bag down, Laurence sitting timidly next to me. There had been an agreement from the school that Laurence would sit with me in every lesson we were together in, so he could hopefully "steer" me in the right direction. It never worked, I always copied him anyway!

Damn, how was I going to copy him now? He probably hates me.

Laurence didn't say a word to me all lesson, except the several "shush" and "do your own work". It was going to be hard not having a smart friend to copy, but I had other friends I suppose. I had Drew, Luke, Shane. Everyone around me said I shouldn't hang out with these guys, they were just as bad as me (well, maybe not so much for Shane). Who did Laurence have? Who could he turn to? Nobody. I tried to make myself feel less guilty by having these thoughts, at least I had friends. At least these friends might be more fun and daring than Laurence.

I started tapping on the table, trying to distract myself from the boring sound of the teacher droning on about rocks. Rocks, how exciting...
"Kier, stop it!" Laurence hissed.
"What are you gonna do about it? Tell the teacher?" I replied, smirking as I carried on tapping. Laurence simply rolled his eyes and sighed. I continued tapping on the desk, until I was greeted with a yell from the teacher.
"Kier, stop tapping and get on with your work!"
I stopped immediately and sighed loudly. "I don't understand!" I whined.
"Were you even listening?"
I shook my head and smirked. "Laurence refused to help me!"
Laurence gasped and looked at me, his mouth wide open in shock.
"Laurence doesn't have to help you all the time, Kier, you need to be more independent."
"I keep telling him to do his own work." Laurence said. I groaned in annoyance, he was such a teachers pet!
"Kier, I think you need to leave. Go stand outside, I'll have a word with you in a minute..."
I groaned loudly again before standing up. Before I left, I leaned over to Laurence and whispered, "This isn't over...teachers pet..."

Influenced (A Keveridge fanfiction) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now