Chapter 6: Adventurer Guild

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After several minutes of walking, I found a three-story wooden building with a sign that had two swords crossing each other, Guess I found the adventurer guild. I went inside and it was quite empty. There was a bulletin board with papers, on my left there was a stair leading to the second floor and in the far back was a counter occupied by a man in his mid-30s, and next to it was a door. The man had black kinky hair, and baby blue color eyes he had a scar on his right eye and looked like he has been to many wars before he wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and light brown shoes. When he saw me he smiled breaking the silence in the room.

???: Welcome to the adventure guild my friend

Me: Hello!

I walked up to the counter and as usual, I started asking questions

Me: Ok, I got a few questions

???: Sure, what are they?

Me: First, what exactly is the adventurer guild?

He looked at me in confusion which isn't surprising at this point

???: Do you live in the caverns?

Me: I am new here and I come from deep in the woods.

???: Then let me explain, guilds were built to help the country, kingdom, or village with any sort of problem for example the mining guild was created to help the gather ores. The problem was that since each guild only resolved one type of problem they were building too many guilds. So the solution of the people was to combine some of the guilds so that it would solve the problem of other guilds.

Me: Can anyone do the missions here?

???: first, you need to become an adventurer

Me: How do I become one?

???: There would be a test, it would be directed by any veteran adventurer from the guild, if she/he says you are strong enough to defend yourself against any kind of danger then you will become an adventurer. The missions are posted on the bulletin board over there.

Me: where can I start?

???: Sadly our veteran isn't here yet

Just then I heard the door behind me slam open.

???: you are late again

Kate: I know, I know

Me: Hey I know you, you are Kate

Kate: Oh! hi Nick

???: Kate, I need you to conduct the exam for our friend Nick

Me: Wait, you work here?!

Kate: Hell yea!, I am the best warrior in this place second to Max of course.

Max: Follow me Nick and Kate prepare yourself.

I followed Max to the door that was next to him which lead to an arena. To my right, there was a rack of weapons.

Max: Please choose any battling gear and prepare yourself.

The "battling" gear he was talking about was wooden swords, bows with some arrows that had flat tips, and some wands of sparking as well with wooden armor.  I looked at Max and I sneakily pulled out my wulfrum bow from my back, hoping that he didn't see it magically appear into existence.

Me: can I use this?

Max looked at the bow for a while before nodding, he told me to use the arrows in the racks specifically. I walked out to the arena where Kate was waiting for me she was wearing wooden armor and had a wooden sword in her hand.

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