Chapter 8: Gobling Camp

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I thought that there would be about 50 to 100 goblins but no I was wrong once again, there were about 300 hundred goddam goblins in that camp. I took a deep breath, realizing in what mess I got myself into, and started to analyze the camp there were only two ways to enter the camp the front gate or jumping the five-meter wood wall, there were four watchtowers one on each side of the camp with one blue goblin on each tower. I took out my bow and shot one of the goblins luckily no other goblin saw the death of his friend. I took out my pickaxe and sword and started climbing the tower. Once I reached the top I was able to see clearly the camp there was a bonfire in the middle, there were some huts made out of thatch and some weapon racks next to the bonfire. What caught my attention was the four explosive barrels near one of the houses, if I am able to light that on fire then I practically won the battle. I created a small fireball on my fingertips and was going to blow up the camp.

[A/N: Keyword was]

But one of the blue goblins' must have seen me cause I got shot with an arrow and heard an alarm buzz.


I shot the goblin in the head which was not the smartest decision because now all the goblins heard the gunshot and armed themselves, oh well I guess I have to drop the sneaking. I shot the two remaining archers and jumped down, killing 5 goblins with blazing fall and another 5 with the boomstick the goblins had all sorts of weapons some had daggers others had swords and were wearing iron armor, others could cast magic and others had bows. The archers prepared to fire as one of the goblins with the dagger jumped at me but I grabbed him and used him as a human shield and all of the arrows hit him. I threw the dead goblin corps towards the line of archers making them fall, 3 warriors tried to hit me but all of them missed and their heads were cut off by my fire saw. I then enhanced my sword with fire and started killing all the assassins that came toward me, I then kicked a warrior that came rushing at me and a purple ball pierced through the chest of the goblin, I turned around to see mages behind me casting purple balls of, well, magic. The three mages were charging up another attack, I tried to stop them but I got stabbed in the arm by an assassin. 


I killed the assassin and realized that I was surrounded by goblins. I drank a lesser healing potion and created three fire saws around me and made them spin around like a tornado, killing all of the goblins surrounding me and one of the saws must have hit the explosive cause I saw a massive explosion that sent everything tumbling towards the walls and all the mages fell of their post. My vision was blurry and I only heard a high-pitch sound for a couple of seconds. When my vision was clear again I saw a hole in the wall, some of the thatch huts were on fire and there were corpses of goblins on the ground. I checked my health and holy god I have 1 percent of it left. I quickly drank a lesser healing potion and realized something, there were still a lot of goblins left but one of them stood out. He is wearing gold armor and has two waraxe, he also has a scar that goes diagonally across his whole face.

Goblin with scar: Who was the one that blew up the explosives!!!

The goblins' voice was very deep and I guess that he is the leader because all of the goblins look terrified of him.

Goblin: It was him

The goblin pointed at me as I stood up.

Goblin with scar: what is your name human?

Me: Nick, yours, also why are you asking me?

Lord Grog: My name is Lord Grog and I ask because I like to know the names of my victims before I kill them.

He raised one of his waraxe and tried to slash me but I blocked it with my wulfrum blade, with the other waraxe he swung it horizontally but I took out my zombie arm and blocked it, what I couldn't block was the headbutt which made me stumble back. I took out my boomstick and shot him but the armor protected him from the bullets I then created a fireball and Grog made the impossible he split in half the fireball with one of his waraxes. I stood there shocked, there is no way that he slashed my fireball but Grog just laughed at me.

Lord Grog: Foolish human, my waraxes are enchanted so they are able to cut straight thru your magic.

I took out my wulfrum blade and zombie arm and proceeded to enhance them with fire. I dashed towards Grog and slashed him horizontally but he blocked the hit, he then made a vertical slash but I blocked and kicked him in the stomach but he resisted the kick and proceeded to kick me which staggered me. Grog threw one of his waraxes at me which I dodged when I looked back at Grog, he was not there, instead, he was behind me already swinging at me.


I quickly recovered from the hit, kicked Grog in the face, and cut his arm off. Grog screamed in pain and all the goblins looked shocked. Grog looked back at me furiously and threw his waraxe away, clench his fist which then was engulfed by purple flames, and screamed. I decided to play fair and put away my swords. I rushed at Grog and punched him in the chest, Grog did not even flinch, so I punched him repeatedly in the chest but he just stood there not being affected by the hits. I decided to punch him using both of my fists which actually made him stagger back. I tried to kick him, but he grabbed my leg and hulk-slam me, and threw me against the wall. Grog was about to hit me but the slow time skill kicked in and I was able to uppercut and dropkick him. When Grog stood up he dug his hand into the ground and lifted a giant rock which he threw at me. I evaded the giant rock and decided that playtime is over. I tried to create a fire buzzsaw but it would not let me and then a blue bar appeared showing that I have zero mana, but my question is, why I am still alive? I shook off the question and took out my revolver and when Grog was two whole hands away from me I shot him in the head. His body then disappeared, only leaving the two waraxes behind. I picked up one of the waraxes.

Enchanted Waraxe
Knockback: 5.25
85% axe power
Tooltip: Critical hits cleave enemy armor, reducing their defense by 15 and protection by 25%
Enchanted: Able to slice magic attacks

I looked around to see all of the goblins have disappeared, did I scare them off? I looted all the coins the goblins had and made my way back to the human kingdom. While walking toward the human kingdom I saw a small water puddle and decided to wash my face. When I finish washing my face I saw that the water started vibrating. I took out my wulfrum blade and boomstick, I then saw the cause of the vibration, it was...

Nick is finally defeating his first boss!!! how exciting!!! anyways I am sorry I did not keep my promise but the thing is my sister was born a few weeks back and also one of my cousins won a football tournament and he is now going to Spain but I will try to make the chapters ASAP. Have a wonderful day and goodbye.

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