Chapter 12: Perfection

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Me: So how can I help?

Woodbark: Ask Gallius, he is the one giving out the jobs.

Me: Sure thing.

I walked over towards Gallius who was scolding a group of guards.

Gallius: How did you lose it?!

Guard: We told you, the necklace was there 10 minutes ago then it was gone.

Gallius: who was the last one to enter the room?

Guard: The last guard that entered the room was..... was..... I don't think he ever told us his name.

Gallius: Find that guard at any cost, NOW!!!

The guards immediately left to find the nameless guard. 

Gallius: What do you want?

Me: Well, I was going to ask you if you guys need help gathering wood, but it seems you need more help finding this Necklace.

Gallius: What do you know about the necklace, for all I know, you could be the one who stole the shard.

Me: If I had the necklace I would not come making you for help.

Gallius: yeah, you are right, you look too dumb to be the one who stole it.

Me: WHA-

Gallius: Follow me.

Gallius lead me towards a room with lots of jewelry and in the middle of the room was an empty round marble pedestal.

Gallius: This is where the necklace was before somebody stole it.

Me: why is that necklace so important anyway? you clearly have a lot more jewelry here.

Gallius: That necklace belongs to Alice, and it contains one of the mana crystal shards.

Me: it contains one of the mana shards?!

Gallius: yes, 100 hundred years ago woodbark found the mana shard, later that day Elizabeth found out she was pregnant, and woodbark ask me to turn the crystal into the necklace for Alice. 

Me: Wait, how old is Woodbark?

Gallius: about 2134 years old.

Me: 2134 YEARS OLD?! 

Gallius: I am surprised you didn't know that Elves live 2500 years.

Me: Wait, are you telling me that everyone in this kingdom is over  2000 years old?

Gallius: No, only royalty can live for that long, elves have the same live spam as humans 

Suddenly a group of people burst into the room, the people were wearing robes one-half of the robes were white and the other half of the robes were grey. They have spears that are enchanted with electric magic. Suddenly a man with silver hair, wearing a tuxedo and holding a golden cane came into the room, I am going to guess he is the leader. 

???: Well, well, well if it isn't the royal guard Gallius and the roaming stranger Nick.

Gallius: Who are you, and what do you want?

East: My name is East, general of the perfection cult and for what we want, well, we already have what we want.

One of the perfection cultists pulls a necklace out of his robes.

Gallius: That is Alices' necklace?! so you are the one who stole it!

East: Actually, one of my servants stole it.

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