The king finished and gave the guards a hand signal… to let the dragon go. Let's see if I can survive this quest...
They let the dragon go, it let out a furious roar and started to charge at me. I took a deep breath. I haven't done this in a while…
“Hush now, you will be safe with me..” I spoke, my voice becoming lighter, but no one knew what I was singing because I was speaking in the only other language I knew… Dragonbark. The dragon looked like it was bewildered. I took another deep breath. “You're okay with me… Because I will take you where nobody knows. I will fight till death for you. But you gotta come to me… I will let you free.” I was starting to be unsure about this.
The dragon looked me straight in the eye. It slowly walked up to me. This is where I die… I thought. I was wrong.
He lowered his head, tilting his head slightly. He wanted me to take off his chains. I did as asked. He spread his wings out. I took a breath although very little air came in. I climbed onto the back of the dragon… Bassel is now his name. “I am Alyvia! The Dragon Tamer! Adopted daughter of Elrond! Shapeshifter and speaker of Dragonbark! And I will not die for this kingdom!” I yelled out to everyone. I lowered myself on his back and he flew up twirling around in the air.
I whistled and Twilight started running toward home. I lowered down more, Bassel lowered down. I jumped on a house and grabbed a long rope. I jumped back on Bassel, I had just made it on him because I landed on his tail. I run up his back and tie the rope quickly around one of his scales and jump across his face and back to where I had jumped. It catches his mouth and pulls to the back of his mouth. I steer him towards The Dragon Cavern. Yes, The Dragon Cavern. We fly, staying on track, well, as best as we can. I hear hoofbeats below us. It isn't Twilight… I jump down and grab onto a tree branch. I look down, an elk with someone on it is what I see. I jump from branch to branch. They are following us, well the dragon. They didn’t see me. I see a man on a pure white horse, he seems to have pointed ears and battle armor..? Well, this is different. I whistle, and Bassel flows downwards. The elf looks to where I am. I jump out of the branch and onto the ground. Bassel lands on the big pasture clearing. I run, with the horse and elf close behind me. I jump up and land on top of Bassel’s wing. But just as I jump I feel a hand on my ankle. It has a stronghold, I'm pulled back as Bassel still fly’s, but away from me. I whistle and he seems to understand as he heads to the Dragon Cavern.
Before I know it I'm on a rope and being dragged behind the elf on his elk. Walking is my last resort. Shall I survive this horrid fate? Or shall I concur it with power and fear?
The Dragon Tamer
FanfictionWitcher × Middle Earth Crossover Geralt × Thranduil × OC