DTM 🐊 : C. 25

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|| Chapter Twenty-Five ||

She went through the small console that had the option of being pulled back in line with the two seats beside it, forming a comfortable middle seat.

Nothing but stale gum was hidden in between the back of the seat and bottom. She faced the steering wheel as if she was the driver, flipping the small sunvisor down.

Unexpectedly, three keys on one chain fell onto her lap, forcing her attention downward. Before she could investigate further, the fairly cool metal was swiped from her lap.

"Keys!" Sketchy, who was last seen scanning the hood of such vehicle, shouted from the open door of the driver side.

Grinning like a mad man in a daze, Sketchy leaned his head in closer to (Y/N)'s to smack a kiss right on her forehead.

The action, in form of a praise, made her face redden, but not at the fact Sketchy kissed her. It was the fact that someone who wasn't her brother or 10K did such a thing.

'Do friends really do that?' She thought, questioning if that was in a friend-to-friend boundary.

"Our good luck charm!"

An Hour Later

"Are you sure we're heading in the right direction, and you know exactly where we're at?" (Y/N) questioned that of the driver, who seemed to be second guessing himself as well.

The young woman was not only annoyed at the fact she didn't have a clue where she was at or headed, but also from hearing a odd rumbling noise from somewhere in the machinery.

Their location couldn't be placed specifically, but that was because the stubborn navigator/driver refused to slow down during his time being everything but a good listener.

(Y/N) knew she wasn't crazy since 10K and Skeezy could make out the bumping too.

So, most of the time the woman could of sworn she was just making it up from the PTSD of living in the apocalypse.

"Of course I do! I know the Ole Miss like the b--."

"—back of your hand." (Y/N) repeated the same phrase Sketchy had sworn by through the entirety of this road trip, reassuring she was in good hands.

Which wasn't a lie. In the back of her uneasy mind she felt 10K and her were about to be part of one of their elaborate adventures.

The only hope she had was them bumping into the team somehow, some way. Reverting back into the small cab of the make shift dumpster, the four of the humans were mashed together like pancakes in a tupperware.

Sketchy and Skeezy were both positioned at each egress while 10K and (Y/N) were collided together at the hip and down the thighs.

In their sights, the view of a town was becoming more and more apparent at the gain of speed.

What was suppose to be a very ghosted town only showed to be a very busy bee hive as people began to crowd around the only road going straight towards them.

Their arrival was no secret to hide, the loud engining, spinning wheels and making haste. Good thing no Zs had been attracted at the time.

(Y/N)'s P.OV.

Patience was my virtue as I awaited for the shotguns to be brought into the air for our admiration, but that never came into our view.

Instead, I started to feel the sensation of uneasiness stiff into my bones and flow out to my chair. Their eyes shone a sense of familiarity from the sight of our vehicle.

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