Chapter 10: Dorm Parties

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A/N: Slight mentions of alcohol and anxiety attacks. Please do not read if this makes you uncomfortable. Reminder, everyone is over 18 in this book :) Enjoy

The alcohol was really starting to get to Gaege. He barely even remembered what had happened just hours before.

His head was spinning while his stomach churned and groaned with the amount of drinks he had. He hadn't even drank any water or eaten anything since the party had started. How long had he been mindlessly wandering and letting random strings of slurred words escape his mouth?

He collapsed on one of the couches before realizing that all his friends were no longer with him. He took a another sip out of the glass bottle in his hand. Grant was probably hooking up with that cute girl from earlier and who knows what Mully and Josh were doing. Probably playing beer bong or taking shots with the rest of the crowd.

"Hey, what you doing out here all by yourself?" The soft, silky voice made Gaege groggily glance up. The party music was blasting in his ears, and he had to yell over the loud music to say, "I'm sorry?"

A woman with long, flowing red hair and blue eyes slipped into the empty seat besides Gaege, causing him to raise an eyebrow at her. "Do I know you?"

"No, but you're pretty attractive for someone who is all alone," The woman slowly ran a finger down Gaege's arm, and her lush, red lips curving up into a mischievous smile. "Why don't we get out of here? Find somewhere more... quieter, perhaps?"

Gaege wasn't entirely sure how to react. He had always been into men, and the thought of hooking up with a woman kind of freaked him out. He hadn't even kissed a girl since middle school, and that was merely a game of spin the bottle.

The memory of Eddie suddenly smacked into him, and he stopped himself from remembering the rush of heartbreak as he walked into the cafe with the other girl. The way he stared at her... and didn't even acknowledge Gaege even existed. It was as if Eddie kissed him and left him even more heart broken than he already was. Gaege had warned Mully it would be the same as his previous relationship, where the other guy always left Gaege in the overwhelming ocean of his own heartbreak.

"I- I'm sorry," Gaege stood rather too quickly, stumbling as he tried to regain his balance. "I have to go." His pounding headache criticized him for moving too quickly, but he didn't care. He left the unknown woman before he had the sudden urge to run to restroom and puke. He luckily found the strength to stomach his drinks before he caused a scene, and he found himself stumbling into another part of the dorm.

He was just about to reach the exit until his startled, hazel eyes landed on the very person he had been avoiding this whole day.

Eddie. That son of a bitch.

Gaege would've ran out if he hadn't been so idiotic and drank so much. What was Eddie doing here? How did he always end up being in the same places as Gaege was? What was Gaege supposed to do now?

He didn't have time to answer the questions racing through his drunken mind when he suddenly saw Ashley. "She came too??" Gaege cursed under his breath with a scowl, "This was supposed to be a good birthday for once..."

He couldn't help but watch Eddie glance around, and he quickly hid behind a group of students who were drinking and laughing. Eddie hadn't seemed to notice him there. It wasn't like he cared anyway, Gaege reminded himself. He could be looking for the restroom or for drinks, not for the dizzy and drunk Gaege.

Ashley slipped her hand into Eddie's before pulling him towards her. Gaege couldn't help but notice Eddie was nervous, maybe even uncomfortable. Gaege sighed before convincing himself it was all in his head, just a simple way of coping with the envious emotions he had towards Ashley.

Yet he couldn't pry his eyes away from the scene before realizing that Ashley was pulling Eddie a little too close for comfort. She swayed her hips back and forth with the slow music before placing her hands behind Eddie's head. Eddie stiffened before his shoulders slightly relaxed, but he didn't place his hands on her waist. He didn't have the same lustful look in his eyes that Gaege had recognized oh so well.

It was until Eddie's eyes found his that made Gaege's whole body freeze on the spot. Eddie's lips parted in shock as he noticed Gaege over Ashley's shoulders, and the loud buzzing of the party vanished in a blink of an eye. The only thing Eddie could see was Gaege in that moment.

Gaege's face became a hot mess as he tried to pretend as if he hadn't noticed Eddie, but Eddie was already making a break for Gaege.

Gaege hurried to the door before Eddie could catch up, too afraid and upset to confront him. He burst into the hallway before slamming the door shut behind him. The muffled sound of party music throughout the hallway was the only thing Gaege could hear beside his ragged breaths.

His heart was pounding furiously in his ears, and Gaege leaned against the wall for support. "Oh no," Gaege clutched at his chest, feeling his shallow breaths quicken intensely as he muttered, "No, no, no, please. Please don't be an anxiety attack. No, please, please..."

Tears filled his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away with his trembling hands. He was about to stand properly before the door swung open again, revealing a messy and shocked Eddie. Gaege's eyes widened again as he struggled to run, desperate to avoid Eddie even if he knew he wouldn't make it far.

A firm hand on his shoulder stopped him, however, and the warm, strong touch made Gaege hesitate.
"Wait, Gaege!" Eddie said a little too loudly, "I need to talk to you, please!"

"Don't touch me!" Gaege snapped, shoving Eddie's hand away from him. "You know what you did!" His sudden burst of anger left Eddie in stunned silence before Gaege shoved him away. "You're a terrible friend! You didn't even bother to wish me a good birthday! Yet you gave the chocolates and plushie to her anyway." Gaege glared at Eddie, his bitter jealousy beginning to overtake him as tears rushed from his glossy eyes.

"Gaege, those gifts..." Eddie's eyes were tearing up as he tried to take a gentle step towards Gaege, but Gaege merely crossed his arms. Eddie visibly swallowed before his shoulders slumped. "Those gifts were for you. I gave them to her because her grandmother passed away." Gaege slowly looked up at him, realizing he had never seen Eddie cry before. "I wanted to make it up to you. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry for being such an idiot-"

Gaege suddenly couldn't stand properly as the tornado of emotions finally caught up to him. He instantly became lightheaded and stumbled unexpectedly into Eddie, who quickly caught him before he could fall. His legs gave out as he silently begged himself that he wouldn't puke.

"I got you," Eddie said to him as Gaege gripped at his strong arms, "Don't worry. I won't drop you, I promise." Gaege tried to refuse his help but could only managed to spit out a slur of words that even he had trouble understanding.

"I don't give a fuck if you hate me," Eddie suddenly swooped Gaege off his feet, "I'm taking you to my dorm." Gaege couldn't refuse, however, and passed out in Eddie's warm chest in a matter of seconds.

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