Chapter 8: Birthday Wishes

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Eddie was going to make it up to his best friend. How? He had no idea. He didn't even know if Gaege could forgive him for what he had done.

The shock of Gaege having feelings for him flipped his entire world upside down. He suddenly couldn't look at himself the same way in the mirror despite trying to convince himself that it was a dream over and over again.

Eddie didn't even know Gaege was into guys until then. Eddie, on the other hand, had no idea why he had kissed Gaege in that moment. Why was his heart racing and his cheeks flush as he pressed his lips to Gaege? Why was he obsessed with the thought of having Gaege to himself when just last week, he swore he was into women? Because he does like women still... right?

He pressed his lips into a line as he stared at himself again in the restroom mirror. It had only been a few days since he kissed Gaege, and Eddie already dearly missed him. He sucked in a sharp breath before exiting, only to be met with Josh in the living room.

"Oh, Eddie, you're collar is crooked," Josh told him as he began fixing the collar of Eddie's black, buttoned up shirt. Eddie had also been wearing his contacts and let his hair loose. It was different from his usual style, but he seemed to prefer the look more.

"How are you and Gaege by the way?" Josh asked with a concerned frown, "You seemed really upset a few days ago." Eddie didn't answer for a few seconds as he rolled up the sleeves with a sigh. "I'm okay."

Josh took a step back and crossed his arms, but Eddie was already beginning to reach for his wallet and ignore his unconvinced expression. "I don't want to pressure you into anything but... You seem to care a lot about Gaege, and I know he cares about you too. You seem more like yourself around him."

Eddie looked at the ground for a few seconds, hesitating as he thought about Josh's words for a few moments. He truly was happy with Gaege. Happier than he ever was with anyone, even if he couldn't bring himself to admit it. "I say you make it up to him," Josh patted Eddie's shoulder with a small shrug of his shoulder. "Or at least try." Eddie nodded, pressing his lips into a line as he left.

After about an hour of racking his head of what Gaege could possible like, frantically searching the closest supermarket, and almost crashing into a light pole on the way back to campus, Eddie finally had an apology gift for Gaege.

With a box of chocolates in one hand and a plushie tucked under his arm, Eddie took a deep breath before walking to their dorms. His heart was pounding in his chest as the doubtful fear of Gaege rejecting him began to sink in. What if Gaege hated him? What if he chose to never speak to Eddie again? Eddie was starting to feel devastated at the mere thought of Gaege despising him.

He then passed the café that him and Ashley planned on meeting at, and he glanced at his watch, only to see he was going to be late if he didn't hurry. Even if he couldn't make it to Gaege's party, he wanted to make it up to him no matter what without having to cancel plans with Ashley either. He desperately hoped he would be able to please both of them even if the pressure was beginning to weigh him down with every step. Eddie cursed himself under his breath for caring so much.

He suddenly noticed a familiar girl crying on one of the school benches, and he stood frozen in place. The corridor was beginning to come alive with students, but Eddie walked over to the sobbing girl nonetheless.

"A-Ashley?" The words escaped his mouth before he had the chance to stop himself. The brunette looked up with a shocked expression, realizing that Eddie had been watching her. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed with the mixture of tears and embarrassment. "Eddie! Oh shit I- I'm sorry you have to see me like this," Ashley quickly wiped the tears falling from her face with the back of her white crop-top sleeve, embarrassed about crying right in front of her attractive date.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Eddie sat beside her on the bench, his sudden concern causing her to avoid his eyes. "I'm..." Ashley began to say before swallowing, "It's about my grandma. My mom just called me and told me she passed away last night."

Eddie blinked for a second before furrowing his eyebrows in concern. "I'm so sorry." He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, hesitating before pulling her into a friendly hug. "I really am. Is there anything I can do to help you feel better?"

Ashley shook her head, covering her mouth with her arm before Eddie could see her bottom lip trembling. Eddie simply held her until she pulled away with a soft sigh. "I miss her so much already, Eddie. And I never bothered to try and call or- or see how she was doing or-" She stopped before she could go on, choking back a sob that erupted from her throat. "I'm sorry. I'm just a giant mess right now."

Eddie glanced down at the gifts in his hands, turning over the box of chocolates and the plushie with a frown. He really wanted to speak to Gaege and make things up with him. He desperately wanted to tell him how much of an asshole he was to treat him like that, but the soft sobs of his friend made him hesitate and bite the inside of his cheek anxiously.

"Here, I was going to give this to someone else, but I think you'd like these more." Eddie handed Ashley the box of chocolates and the soft plushie with a small smile, "I think he would want you to have them anyway."

Ashley let out a tiny gasp before shaking her head. "No, no I'm not going to take your things, especially when they're for someone else." Eddie gently took her hand and pushed the chocolates into her palm before she could protest. Her eyes widened at the sudden contact that Eddie made with her, but for some reason, Eddie's heart didn't pound like he thought it would. He didn't see the same sparkle in her eyes as when he looked at Gaege. He didn't have the unexpected rush of adrenaline and the urge to press his lips to hers. He felt... nothing. Almost as if his feelings vanished into thin air.

"Thank you," Ashley said nevertheless, sniffing before saying quietly, "It means a lot to me."

Eddie smiled before offering to start their date early, hoping he could cheer her up. Even if he didn't want to date her as much anymore, he didn't want to cause more grief to her.

Although he didn't notice the teary, hazel eyes staring in shock from across the corridor. Gaege stood in the middle of the corridor, but the sea of buzzing students seemed to disappear, and the only thing his eyes could focus on was his lover grab the hand of another girl and head into the cafe without him.

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