Chapter 2: His room

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Gaege's heart was pounding in his chest uncontrollably when Eddie's contact name flashed over his screen. He picked up the phone wondering why Eddie could possibly be calling him.

"Uh, sure... I- Of course! I'll be there in about thirty minutes."

"Okay, great! See you then, Gaege!"

Eddie hung up the phone, leaving Gaege in stunned silence. He ran a hand through his messy hair, not entirely sure if Eddie had just invited him to his dorm or it was all a dream.

He suddenly realized Mully was staring at him with an amused expression on his face. "What?" Gaege asked with a raised eyebrow, pretending to act like nothing was wrong.

"So... you're going to someone else's dorm room, huh?" Mully back against the couch with a chuckle, "Who's the lucky guy?"

Gaege swallowed, praying that Mully wouldn't notice how flustered he was. "I'm not going for that, Mul. We're working on a class project."

"That screams friend-zoned big time, mate." Mully started scrolling through the channels on the television as Gaege frowned. "I say you should make a move while you're at it. I know you like him anyway."

"Nuh uh. No way." Gaege pressed his lips into a line as he shoved his phone in his pocket. "You know what happened to my last relationship. I don't want that happening again."

Gaege plopped down on the spot beside Mully with a groan, pinching the bridge of his nose as he recalled the memories of his last ex. "That son of a bitch made me believe he was perfect before taking advantage of me," He mumbled under his breath, "Used me because I was too naive to see he was toxic. Ugh, I was so stupid in high school."

"You are not stupid, Gaege. Hell, I'm stupid; I'm failing like three classes and still decide to drink the night before exams." Mully patted Gaege's back with a smile, "You only see the best in people. That's a good thing, alright? You were the one who saw the best in me after all."

Gaege rubbed the back of his neck with an airy chuckle, "Nah, we just happened to end up in the same dorm. Which I still regret not getting a single dorm after seeing your dumbass wreck up the place." Mully laughed, nudging Gaege playfully with his elbow before saying, "Ay, I wasn't the one who broke like half the glass cups in just one month. They were new too!" Gaege laughed along side him before saying, "Thanks Mully. You made me feel a whole lot better."

Gaege stood up from the couch, before hearing Mully say behind him, "Hey, don't do anything I would do!" Gaege rolled his eyes with a chuckle before shutting the door behind him. Man was his best friend crazy.

Gaege scrolled this his phone as he walked towards Eddie's dorm down the hall. It was a simple "just for fun" hangout in his dorm. Gaege had to remind himself that they were friends- acquaintances even- and he was making much more of the situation in his head. Curse Eddie's good looks and Gaege's own attachment issues.

He stood outside the wooden door that was identical to his, only this time, he wouldn't know what to expect. He hadn't been to someone else's dorm in a while- not ever since he got drunk and "accidentally"hooked up with one of Grant's friends, which Gaege still doesn't speak about- and hesitated before knocking.

His hand hovered over the door for a few moments. He had to control himself. It was a mere crush that would fade once he got to know Eddie, right? Who knows, they could be mortal enemies in the future, and Gaege would forget about him in a few months. He didn't even know if Eddie was merely interested in guys or not. Although the thought of them being together was tugging at the back of his mind, and Gaege shook his head before gently knocking on the door.

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