Chapter 6: Best Friends

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Eddie had been hanging out a lot more with Ashley lately. It made Gaege's stomach churn as he remembered he would be alone for lunch yet again.

It had been a few months since Gaege had eaten alone. He always travelled to the school's corridor where he would stroll through the fast-food places and decide what to eat that day. Gaege hadn't done it alone, especially since he met Eddie, since the beginning of his freshman year in college.

Gaege shoved his hands in his pockets, ignored by the rest of the buzzing, loud college kids around him. It brought back memories of when he used to walk alone every day before his math classes. It left a tired, lonely drag throughout the rest of his day. But hey, it wasn't anything he wasn't used to be now.

A small ache formed in his heart when he thought of Eddie again. He liked him. He truly did. But how can he keeping liking him when he loves girls? He cursed under his breath, hating himself for wanting something that just wasn't possible.

"It will never happen, Gaege," He told himself, scowling when he felt his eyes tear up, "Stop telling yourself it will. You're just lonely and depressed and-"

He stopped, his breath catching in his throat as he choked back a sob. Gaege couldn't dare cry in front of the other college kids. He took off to the secluded corner behind the engineering building where the chaotic stream of college students was far away.

His mind was clouded with frustration with himself. He didn't need Eddie to be happy. He didn't need Eddie to keep him company when he was down. He didn't need Eddie. He didn't need Eddie.

Yet, no matter how many times he repeated this to himself, the stronger his emotions towards Eddie grew.

The thought of telling Eddie how he truly felt then crossed his mind. It was a stupid idea- horrible even- for him to even consider that Eddie would feel the same way. If Eddie truly did love him, he would be here sharing lunch with Gaege and telling him about his day. If Eddie felt the same way, he would be with Gaege ranting about how he hates English class and how he stayed up all night binge-watching his favorite anime. He wouldn't have left Gaege alone.

Gaege stood up, however, regardless of his pounding heart. He was going to tell Eddie how he feels even if he didn't like him back. Besides, Mully always told him to make the first move... so why not now?

He called Eddie to meet him in his apartment, still not entirely processing exactly what he wanted or how he expected Eddie to react. It was a reckless move, but the ache in his chest caused him to care less what Eddie thought after this.

Only a few minutes had passed since Gaege last checked the time. It seemed to take ages for Eddie to arrive. He paced anxiously back and forth in the apartment before deciding to drink some water. His patience was running thin, and he felt as if he was going to puke on the spot if Eddie didn't rush.

His phone suddenly went off, instantly making Gaege leap for it. His heart soared in his chest before realizing that the contact across the screen wasn't Eddie's but... Ashley's. What the hell did she want right now?

Hey, Gaege. Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could ask you a question.

Gaege had to reread the question over in his head. All he could do was stare at his cellphone, unable to come up with an answer as to why she was texting him now.

What's up? Is everything okay?

I was actually texting you to ask if Eddie is interested in me.

Well, that sure did take a sharp twist. Gaege froze in place, almost as if an invisible hand slapped him hard in the face. Ashley was into Eddie too? Fuck, things just got ten times more difficult for Gaege.

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