Chapter 11: Closets (Smut)

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A/N: So I've been super busy with basketball at my school and recently just got into a relationship so I've been very busy and sry about that! But I managed to write so enjoy :)

Gaege snapped his eyes open after realizing he was in the wrong bed, and a small groan escaped his lips before he glanced around the familiar room. The anime posters, the saxophone lying in the corner, and the familiar light grey bedsheets and pillows. Yep, they even smelled like Eddie. Gaege felt strange for thinking it, but he couldn't help but feel butterflies form in his stomach as he realized Eddie's blankets and hoodie were draped over him. It was still night outside, and Gaege assumed only a few hours had passed since the party.

"Are you okay?" A small chuckle made Gaege realize it was Eddie before his vision came into focus. "Here take this. It should help with the dizziness and the headache."

Gaege popped the white pill in his mouth that Eddie had handed him, not caring whether it helped or not. He sat up with a small groan as he rubbed his temples for a few seconds. He fidgeted with his hands for a moment before muttering, "Thanks by the way. I thought I was going to die back there."

He glanced up at Eddie, who was pressing his lips into a line as he sat beside Gaege. Gaege hadn't realized his heart was pounding furiously until Eddie breathed out a sigh. "Gaege, you know you should be watching how much you drink. You could've done something you regret or worse..." The concern in his voice was almost enough to make Gaege turn red, but he wasn't exactly sure why Eddie was acting this way.

"Eddie... Look, I appreciate the help but I have to go," Gaege began to stand before Eddie grabbed his arm tightly. Gaege was startled by his sincerity as Eddie answered, "I'm not letting you leave. You need to rest, and I'm not going to leave you alone again."

Eddie's serious, demanding tone was almost enough to make Gaege melt on the spot, but Gaege refused to let Eddie see how flustered he was. "And? What are you going to do about it? Pin me to the damn bed?"

"Maybe I fucking will!" Eddie suddenly pulled him down, causing Gaege to let out a shocked gasp. Eddie grasped Gaege's forearm easily as their eyes met for a few awkward moments. The smirk on Eddie's face suddenly flashed into embarrassed surprise, and Eddie quickly moved away before saying, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean... I don't know why... I-"

"Shut up! You're-You're making it worse!" Gaege shoved Eddie off him before crossing his arms, "Look, what happened before- because I know me and you are both thinking about it- just forget it. That kiss meant nothing. I was just reckless and..." Gaege's voice trailed off, unsure if he was reassuring himself or Eddie. He swallowed a lump in his throat before looking away so Eddie couldn't see the small tears forming in his glossy eyes.

"Gaege," Eddie cupped Gaege's cheeks after a few moments, and Gaege's big hazel eyes widened. "I'm not going to forget that kiss. Never." Gaege wanted to pull away before his cheeks flushed a dark shade of red, but he was glued to Eddie's intense stare. Eddie gulped before continuing, "I was scared. Terrified, even. I had never kissed a man before, let alone... fall in love with one."

Gaege felt the world come to a shuddering stop, and the only thing he could hear was the sound of his racing heart. Their faces were only a few inches apart, just like they were the night before. Although this time, Gaege was the one who hesitated, not Eddie. The anger and jealousy Gaege had buried in his chest seemed to fly straight out the window, and the only thing he could focus on was Eddie's sparkling, brown eyes. How long ago was it since the last time he had gotten lost in the sea of dark brown and intense gaze? It seemed like ages ago and not merely a few hours before.

"And how do I know you're not like the last guy that said that to me?" Gaege whispered, his voice shaking uncontrollably as he added, "How do I know you won't break my heart like he did?"

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