Chapter 13: Dad

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"So, why did you take me all the way over here again?"

"I just wanted to spend time with you, Gaege. I feel like we haven't had time alone in such a long time."

Gaege's cheeks flushed a little, and he turned away shyly. However, no matter how hard he tried to hide it, Eddie could still see the bright smile forming on Gaege's face.

They continued walking down the stone bridge, but the only thing Eddie could hear was the sound of the rushing creek and his racing heart. His gaze shifted down to Gaege's hand, and his own twitched at his side, begging him to take the extra leap and grab it. He kept it at his side anyway, not wanting to make Gaege uncomfortable.

The sun was pouring through the tall tree leaves that glistened in the setting sun. The two men walked in casual silence, but Eddie was beginning to grow giddy with nervousness and excitement. He desperately wanted to feel Gaege's pink lips against his again as he pulled him closer, but he quickly came down to reality as Gaege asked, "Hey, you okay? You seem extra jittery today, Eddie."

"W-What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine." Eddie swallowed a lump in his throat as they finally reached the familiar wooden bridge. He forced a tight smile on his face as he answered, "Do you remember this place?"

The side of Gaege's mouth curved into a wide grin as his eyes trailed over the recognizable creek. "Of course I do! This is around the time we first met, right? Man, that felt like ages ago."

"Yeah, can't believe it's only been almost two months." Eddie leaned his arms against the ledge of the bridge, the cool stone calming his nerves a little. "I miss this, though. Even if I was very awkward when we first met haha."

Gaege's gaze lingered on Eddie's flushed face for a few seconds, but he averted his eyes back to the rushing water when Eddie turned to see him. The start of winter was beginning to blow away the crispy, orange leaves of the dancing trees around them, and Gaege could faintly recall how much had happened in such a short time. Maybe he was too focused on Eddie, or so he told himself.

"I feel like we've known each other for longer than that," Gaege replied calmly as he rested his chin on his hand, "Almost as if I've known you for years..."

Gaege quickly added, "I mean, in a not creepy way! Sorry that came off as really weird..." Eddie laughed as Gaege glanced away sheepishly, but Eddie merely answered, "It's okay, Gaege, really. I'm even weirder."

"That's not true," Gaege crossed his arms with a pouting frown, "You're just trying to make me feel better by saying that. I know you're not as weird or stupid as me." Eddie shook his head, "No, I'm being serious. I'm genuinely a weird guy."

Eddie hadn't realized how adorable Gaege looked when he was pouting and playfully upset, especially when a tiny grin pulled at the edges of his mouth. Eddie quickly bit back the unexpected thought however, realizing that he was getting off topic.

Gaege then shivered, rubbing his arms as he said after a few moments, "Fuck, I'm so cold. How are you not freezing?"

"First of all, like I said, I'm weird." Eddie began taking off his light pink hoodie as he continued, "And second, I was smart enough to bring a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie."

"W-What are you doing?" Gaege was about to step back before Eddie held out his hoodie with an outstretched hand. Gaege's heart started beating faster as he glanced down at the hoodie before protesting, "No, Eddie, I'm okay. I don't want you to be cold-"

Eddie frowned before throwing the hoodie over his head, causing Gaege to yelp as Eddie laughed. "Eddie! You're going to be cold!" Gaege's voice was muffled as he shouted this before his head popped out of the pink hoodie, causing Eddie to grin as he looked down at him.

"See, are you warmer now?"

Gaege pressed his lips into a line before muttering, "Kind of..." He outstretched his arms, only for the baggy sleeves to go way past his hands. "This fits me like a very large dress."

Eddie couldn't wipe the huge, beaming smile off his face. If only he could shower Gaege with kisses right there and then.

Eddie did, however, wrap his arm around Gaege's shoulders, even if he felt Gaege tense by the sudden contact. He didn't pull away, only leaned slightly into his embrace. Eddie could tell that Gaege was still slightly hesitant, but after a few seconds, Gaege rested his head on Eddie's chest.

"Gaege?" Eddie said quietly after a few seconds, not wanting to break the peaceful silence between them.


"Can... Can I ask you something?"

Gaege titled his head up to see Eddie's dark, brown eyes, and Eddie's cheeks flushed red as he realized how close his face was to his. "Sure. You can ask me anything."

Eddie once again found himself silently pleading that Gaege wouldn't feel how his heart quickened and thumped in his chest as Gaege's sparkling, hazel eyes stared innocently up at him. Eddie took his bottom lip between his teeth anxiously, suddenly unsure if Gaege would even agree to be his boyfriend or not.

"I've... I've really liked spending time with you, Gaege. Even if these past few months have been very hard on me..." Eddie's voice trailed off as he swallowed the urge to let tears flow from his eyes. "You've been one of the only people who managed to put a smile on my face even when I didn't want to smile. And I never felt this way towards anyone before but you... you changed my whole perception on life."

Gaege's eyes softened as Eddie spoke, his heart beat syncing with Eddie's pounding one. He was speechless as questions raced through his mind. Could this be it? Is the moment that he had been dreaming about all this time?

But just as Eddie was about to continue, Gaege's phone rang, causing the two of them to jolt. The sudden ringing tore through the awkward pause, and Gaege quickly apologized, "I'm so sorry! I-"

His voice was cut off as he glanced down at the caller ID, the bright screen in his hand lighting up his suddenly grim expression.

"Gaege? What happened?" Eddie lightly skimmed his fingers over his arm, but Gaege was too taken aback to return his gentle touch.

"Eddie..." Gaege finally locked eyes with Eddie in such an intense stare, Eddie had to swallow a lump forming in his throat. Gaege scowled, but Eddie couldn't understand why he was so upset.

"Gaege! What's wrong?" Eddie grabbed his shoulders before Gaege could pull away. Gaege avoided his sincere gaze, but Eddie said nevertheless, "You can talk to me. You know that, right?"

Gaege was silent for a few seconds before shutting off his phone, letting out a shaky breath as he hesitated.

"It... It was my dad. He wanted to talk."

A/N: Ik I've been gone for a bit, so I apologize for that. Recently went out of town and have been super busy but I managed to write this one for you all, hope you enjoyed :)

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